• Designing for Wellbeing with Health Data Tracking – Maintaining the User Perspective in Objective Data 

      Togstad, Thea Marcelie Andersen; Alsos, Ole Andreas (Chapter, 2018)
      With integrated sensors that become smaller, cheaper and more accurate every year, our personal devices can help predict disease and give health care professionals valuable data about each individual’s health. However, ...
    • Designing User Interface Elements for Remotely Operated Rubber-tired Gantry Cranes 

      Sitompul, Taufik Akbar; Park, Jooyoung; Alsos, Ole Andreas (Chapter, 2023)
      The graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for operating heavy machinery, such as cranes, vary significantly even for the same type of machines depending on machine manufacturers or third-party suppliers who develop the GUIs. ...
    • Designing User Interface Elements for Remotely Operated Ship-to-shore Cranes 

      Sitompul, Taufik Akbar; Park, Jooyoung; Alsos, Ole Andreas (Chapter, 2023)
      The graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for operating cranes differ greatly even among the same type of cranes because the various crane manufacturers and their third-party suppliers offer distinct GUIs. This situation requires ...
    • Developing a video game for research and prototyping of unmanned maritime vessels 

      Hanssen, Mikael Røsbak (Master thesis, 2022)
      I følge av nylig utvikling innen autonomy og kunstig intelligens, har det vært en betydelig framgang innen forsking for autonome kjøretøy, særlig innen passasjertransport. Selv om det er selvkjørende biler som har fått ...
    • Drones in Healthcare Systems: Insights from a Multi-Level Perspective 

      Comtet, Hans Erich (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:350, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      English summary Drones in Healthcare Systems: Insights from a Multi-Level Perspective This thesis consists of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods and investigates the use of drones for transporting laboratory ...
    • The Effectiveness of Adaptive Automation in Human-Technology Interaction 

      Saghafian, Mina; Thordarson Moltubakk, Stine; Bertheussen, Lene Elisabeth; Vatn, Dorthea Mathilde Kristin; Johnsen, Stig Ole; Alsos, Ole Andreas (Chapter, 2023)
      This paper focuses on the design and effectiveness of adaptive automation in Safety-critical systems. Our perspective is to focus on the human agent in the system as part of the Meaningful Human Control (MAS) project, ...
    • The effects of learning environments on student active learning 

      Aalto, Pasi Olav; Alsos, Ole Andreas; Haneberg, Dag Håkon Andre Åsmundhavn; Steinert, Martin; Ege, Daniel Nygård; Sivertsen Berg, Ingrid (Chapter, 2023)
      Student active learning has been shown to have a significant positive effect on learning outcomes as experienced by students. The learning environments where these activities take place are often simplified to describe the ...
    • Explaining a deep reinforcement learning docking agent using linear model trees with user adapted visualization 

      Gjærum, Vilde Benoni; Strumke, Inga; Alsos, Ole Andreas; Lekkas, Anastasios M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Deep neural networks (DNNs) can be useful within the marine robotics field, but their utility value is restricted by their black-box nature. Explainable artificial intelligence methods attempt to understand how such ...
    • Exploring interface metaphors for using handhelds and PCs together 

      Alsos, Ole Andreas (Master thesis, 2005)
      By distributing the user interface between devices like a PDA and a PC, one can utilize the best characteristic from each device. This thesis has investigated what conceptual models and interface metaphors one should use ...
    • Forebyggingsverktøy for barn med skolevegring - Veien mot en tryggere skolehverdag 

      Skogsfjord, Ingeborg Bakke (Master thesis, 2018)
      Denne masteroppgaven skal presentere et forebyggingsverktøy for barn som lider av skolevegring. Skolevegring representerer en alvorlig trussel for både læring og sosial utvikling, og det er derfor viktig å ta tak i problemet ...
    • Fremtidens akvarium 

      Knudsen, Maren Sjåholm; Elboth, Elisabeth Ancher (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne masteroppgaven er et mulighetsstudie, gjort i samarbeid med Akvariet i Bergen. I en tid hvor havets helse er under økende press, kan akvarier spille en sentral rolle i å bidra til kunnskap og engasjement for havrommet. ...
    • Fremtidens akvarium 

      Elboth, Elisabeth Ancher; Knudsen, Maren Sjåholm (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne masteroppgaven er et mulighetsstudie, gjort i samarbeid med Akvariet i Bergen. I en tid hvor havets helse er under økende press, kan akvarier spille en sentral rolle i å bidra til kunnskap og engasjement for havrommet. ...
    • From captain to button-presser: operators’ perspectives on navigating highly automated ferries 

      Veitch, Erik Aleksander; Christensen, Kim Alexander; Log, Markus Metallinos; Valestrand, Erik Thule; Lundheim, Sigurd Hilmo; Nesse, Martin; Alsos, Ole Andreas; Steinert, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Teaming with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way seafarers work. We show that a new kind of seafaring is emerging, characterized by cooperation with AI systems. In this format of seafaring, navigation tasks ...
    • Gamifying an Oil-Gas-Water Separation Process in a Process Control System to Improve Operators' Motivation, Skills, and Process Understanding 

      Ludvigsen, Marius; Wallervand, Christian (Master thesis, 2012)
      Serious games and its related fields have lately received a lot of interest due to their potential for training and education. Serious games can be defined as (digital) games that are used for reasons other than entertainment. ...

      Wilhelmsen, Åshild; Haneberg, Dag Håkon Andre Åsmundhavn; Sivertsen, Ingrid Berg; Alsos, Ole Andreas; Solvoll, Sølvi (Chapter, 2024)
      Higher education institutions (HEI) are facing fundamental questions regarding students’ use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the form of large language model (LLM) based chatbots. Students are already using AI ...
    • Gesture-Based Ιnteraction: Visual Gesture Mapping 

      Rise, Kasper; Alsos, Ole Andreas (Chapter, 2020)
      Gesture-based interaction allows for interacting with computers, machines and robots in an intuitive way without direct physical contact. The challenge is that there are no agreed-upon interaction patterns for gesture-based ...
    • Gorillas on a boat: Inattentional blindness during supervisory control of autonomous vessels 

      Veitch, Erik Aleksander; Alsos, Ole Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      When focused on a task, unexpected visual stimuli can go by unnoticed. Inattentional blindness may be problematic for supervisory controllers of autonomous vessels, because this role specifically relies on identifying ...
    • Holistic design approach to playful installation experiences 

      Bjørnå, Sofie Margrethe (Master thesis, 2020)
      I denne oppgaven undersøker jeg motiverende og demotiverende faktorer som påvirker brukere av offentlige, lekne installasjoner, for å skape en bedre forståelse av brukerreisen. Dette ble gjort ved å ha en holistisk tilnærming ...
    • Human factor influences on supervisory control of remotely operated and autonomous vessels 

      Veitch, Erik Aleksander; Alsos, Ole Andreas; Cheng, Tingting; Senderud, Kristine; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Autonomous ships require remote supervision from a human operator to ensure safety. However, there are knowledge gaps concerning human factor influences on remote supervisory control. We investigate the influence of five ...
    • Human-Centered Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Marine Autonomous Surface Vehicles 

      Veitch, Erik Aleksander; Alsos, Ole Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) addresses developers’ needs for model interpretation, understandability, and trust. As ASVs approach wide-scale deployment, these needs are ...