• Distributed Energy Systems with Wind Power and Energy Storage 

      Korpås, Magnus (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:39, Doctoral thesis, 2004)
      The topic of this thesis is the study of energy storage systems operating with wind power plants. The motivation for applying energy storage in this context is that wind power generation is intermittent and generally ...
    • Distributed Equipment Tracking in Unreliable Network Environments 

      Möckel, Johannes; Ruud, Ole Martin Ødevald; Strangstadstuen, Roald (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Sambandsseksjonen, G6, i Opplanske Heimevernsdistrikt skal til en hver tid ha kontroll over materiell og utstyr. De ønsker å anskaffe et digitalt system for å spore utstyret deres. Hovedutfordring er at systemet må settes ...
    • Distributed Experiments in Design Sciences, A Next Step in Design Observation Studies? 

      Kriesi, Carlo; Steinert, Martin; Aalto-Setälä, Laura; Anvik, Anders; Balters, Stephanie; Baracchi, Alessia; Jensen, Matilde Bisballe; Bjørkli, Leif-Erik; Buzzaccaro, Nicolo; Cortesi, Dario; D'Onghia, Francesco; Dosi, Clio; Franchini, Giulia; Fuchs, Matt; Gerstenberg, Achim; Hansen, Erik; Hiekkanen, Karri Matias; Hyde, David; Ituarte, Iñigo; Kalasniemi, Jani; Kurikka, Joona; Lanza, Irene; Laurila, Anssi; Lee, Tik-Ho; Lønvik, Siri; Mansikka-Aho, Anniina; Nordberg, Markus; Oinonen, Päivi; Pedrelli, Luca; Pekuri, Anna; Rane, Enna; Reime, Thov; Repokari, Lauri; Rønningen, Martin; Rowlands, Stephanie; Sjöman, Heikki; Slåttsveen, Kristoffer B; Strachan, Andy; Strømstad, Kirsti; Suren, Stian; Tapio, Peter; Utriainen, Tuuli; Vignoli, Matteo; Vijaykumar, Saurabh; Welo, Torgeir; Wulvik, Andreas (Chapter, 2015)
    • A distributed feedback-based online process optimization framework for optimal resource sharing 

      Krishnamoorthy, Dinesh (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Distributed real-time optimization (RTO) enables optimal operation of large-scale process systems with common resources shared across several clusters. Typically in distributed RTO, the different subsystems are optimized ...
    • Distributed Feedback-Optimizing Control Strategies: an Experimental Validation 

      Aas, Vegard (Master thesis, 2023)
      I industrielle settinger består prosesser ofte av flere undersystemer som deler en felles begrensning, for eksempel en delt ressurs. Denne oppgaven fokuserer på steady-state sanntidsoptimalisering (RTO) problemet i et ...
    • Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing for monitoring stabilized clay 

      Solum, Eivind Rørvik (Master thesis, 2023)
      Grunnforsterkning ved innblanding av tørt bindemiddel i jorda er en mye brukt metode for å øke styrke og stivhet av bløt jord. Forskjellig kjemisk sammensatte materialer brukes som bindemidler for å øke ytelsen av utsatt ...
    • Distributed Fine-Grained Traffic Speed Prediction for Large-Scale Transportation Networks based on Automatic LSTM Customization and Sharing 

      Lee, Ming-Chang; Lin, Jia-Chun; Gran, Ernst Gunnar (Chapter, 2020)
      Short-term traffic speed prediction has been an important research topic in the past decade, and many approaches have been introduced. However, providing fine-grained, accurate, and efficient traffic-speed prediction for ...
    • Distributed Generation - Power Electronic Converters, Communication and Control 

      Hoff, Erik Stjernholm (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:89, Doctoral thesis, 2007)
      This thesis tries to explain the changes in the control of power electronic converters that are possible by the use of communication. Many of the renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic panels are geographically ...
    • Distributed generation in future distribution systems: Dynamic aspects 

      Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu (Master thesis, 2010)
      The objective of this thesis work was to study the stability of a distribution network with several distributed generators (DGs) considering different types of regulators in the DGs and loading conditions. The distribution ...
    • Distributed home energy management system with electric vehicles 

      Bao, Zhixian (Master thesis, 2015)
      Due to the increasing concerning within protecting environment by reducing CO2 emissions from vehicles, the adoption of electric vehicles in the world has increased dramatically. Since the loads of electric vehicles are ...
    • Distributed Hosting of Systems using donated Computer Resources 

      Hansen, André Skoglund (Master thesis, 2013)
      To host a value-added internet service, like a web page with a large user base, an organization either has to rely on cash donations or it has to monetize the service. The monetization of the service often means degrading ...
    • Distributed Hydrological Modelling of Lærdal Catchment to Investage Changes in Flow Pattern 

      Yancy, Tamba C'Diem (Master thesis, 2022)
      ABSTRAKT Estimering av strømning til uregulerte sideelver er svært viktig i regulerte bassenger. Bruken av distribuerte hydrologiske modeller er betydelig i de fleste tilfeller når man prøver å hente ut tilsig før regulering ...
    • Distributed Instrument Cluster 

      Nilssen, Mikael; Helland, Andrè (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Målet med dette prosjektet var å undersøke og utvikle en prototype av ett web brukergrensesnitt som kan fjernstyre maritime instrumenter for å skaffe realistiske data for lærere som underviser kurs om disse instrumentene. ...
    • Distributed interference and data buffer management for cognitive radio 

      Bayo Moya, Alberto (Master thesis, 2010)
      Future wireless communications are focused on develop new paradigms of spectrum reuse, i.e. cognitive radio, where radio frequencies can be taken into used if no other use is detected. In this way, these systems need ...
    • Distributed Kalman filtering and control through embedded average consensus information fusion 

      Talebi, Sayed Pouria; Werner, Stefan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper presents a unified framework for distributed filtering and control of state-space processes. To this end, a distributed Kalman filtering algorithm is developed via decomposition of the optimal centralized Kalman ...
    • Distributed Kalman filtering in presence of unknown outer network actuations 

      Talebi, Sayed Pouria; Werner, Stefan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This letter presents a fully distributed approach for tracking state vector sequences over sensor networks in presence of unknown actuations. The problem arises in large-scale systems where modeling the full dynamics becomes ...
    • Distributed Kalman Filtering with Privacy against Honest-but-Curious Adversaries 

      Moradi, Ashkan; Dasanadoddi Venkategowda, Naveen Kumar; Talebi, Sayedpouria; Werner, Stefan (Chapter, 2021)
      This paper proposes a privacy-preserving distributed Kalman filter (PP-DKF) to protect the private information of individual network agents from being acquired by honest-but-curious (HBC) adversaries. The proposed approach ...
    • Distributed Kalman filtering: Consensus, diffusion, and mixed 

      Talebi, Sayed Pouria; Werner, Stefan (Chapter, 2018)
      A distributed Kalman filtering technique is developed for tracking state-space processes via sensor networks. Considering the optimal solution to multi-agent sequential filtering of linear Gaussian state-space processes, ...
    • Distributed Knowledge in Case-Based Reasoning: Knowledge Sharing and Reuse within the Semantic Web 

      Fidjeland, Mikael Kirkeby (Master thesis, 2006)
      The Semantic Web is an emerging framework for data reuse and sharing. By giving data clear semantics it allows for machine processing of this information. The Semantic Web technologies range from simple meta data to domain ...
    • Distributed Learning and Estimation with Enhanced Privacy and Security 

      Moradi, Ashkan (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:59, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      This thesis focuses on threat analysis and management in distributed learning scenarios intending to develop algorithms to mitigate the impact of adversaries in the network. The thesis begins with a threat analysis that ...