Now showing items 99936-99955 of 100943

    • WindBarge - Initial Design and Preliminary Assessment of Fatigue Damage 

      Nybø, Synne Hoggen (Master thesis, 2017)
      Offshore wind is an increasing sector within renewable energy, and WindBarge aims to fill a gap in the offshore development, with a simple and cost efficient design targeted towards intermediate water depths between 40-60 ...
    • Winding and Testing of Superconducting Coils 

      Eliassen, Jan Christian (Master thesis, 2015)
      Superconducting rotor windings are considered for future large offshore wind turbines for their low weight, volume and their possibility to reduce costs. In a joint European project, INNWIND.EU, a superconducting small ...
    • Windjammer: Finding Purpose and Meaning on a Tall Ship Adventure 

      Dyrdal, Gunvor Marie; Løvoll, Helga Synnevåg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The Windjammer project started in 2018 as a social entrepreneurship program in Norway for adolescents at risk of social drop-out and societal exclusion. While the effects on society of such programs are difficult to measure, ...
    • Window design optimization in terms of daylight and thermal comfort for a typical Norwegian residential building 

      Arntsen, Tony-Andreas (Master thesis, 2021)
      Vindusdesign påvirker dagslystilgjengeligheten, termisk komfort i tillegg til energibehovet til bygningen. Et uheldig vindusdesign kan medføre at et bygg går fra god til dårlig ytelse. I denne masteroppgaven er norske ...
    • Window Size Effects on Subjective Impressions of Daylit Spaces: Indoor Studies at High Latitudes Using Virtual Reality 

      Moscoso Paredes, Claudia Trinidad; Chamilothori, Kynthia; Wienold, Jan; Andersen, Marilyne; Matusiak, Barbara Szybinska (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Daylight provision to the indoor space is affected by different building elements that cannot be fully controlled by the users, such as the window size of a space. The dimensions of the fenestration not only affect the ...
    • Window spacers and edge seals in insulating glass units: A state-of-the-art review and future perspectives 

      Van den Bergh, Sofie M G; Hart, Robert; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Gustavsen, Arild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Insulating glass (IG) units typically consist of multiple glass panes that are sealed and held together structurally along their perimeters. This report describes a study of edge seals in IG units. First, we summarize the ...
    • Window view of nature after brief exercise improves choice reaction time and heart rate restoration 

      Engell, Thomas; Lorås, Håvard; Sigmundsson, Hermundur (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Research indicates that natural environments induce restorative effects on cognitive capacity and autonomic arousal. The present study investigates differences in choice reaction time (CRT) and heart rate responses in ...
    • Windows 10 Memory Compression in Digital Forensics - Uncovering Digital Evidence in Compressed Swap 

      Østerud, Aleksander (Master thesis, 2018)
      Digital investigators and incident responders often rely on evidence residing in computer memory and page files on hard drives. Artifacts such as browsing history, image thumbnails and shell commands can answer important ...
    • Windows in the Buildings of Tomorrow; Energy Losers or Energy Gainers? 

      Grynning, Steinar; Gustavsen, Arild; Time, Berit; Jelle, Bjørn Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      One of the most effective actions for reduction of energy loss through the building envelope is to optimize the thermal performance, area and localization of the transparent components in the façade in order to obtain ...
    • Windows Security Baselines 

      Mads Reneflot Moe; Mats Nerhagen (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      I cyber-sikkerhet i dag er ondsinnede aktører og angrepsmetodene de bruker under konstant utvikling for å finne nye og kreative måter på å tilegne seg uautorisert tilgang til IT systemer. Ettersom disse trusslene utvikler ...
    • Windows Server 2019/2022 and Azure Cloud security systems - A general recommendation 

      Rise, Helleik Rabba; Engen, Stian (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Organisasjoner i dag har mange cybertrusler som de bør være oppmerksomme på og som de bør aktivt beskyttes imot. Det er mange sikkerhetsfunksjoner som er viktige å bruke for å aktivt beskytte seg imot disse sikkerhetstru ...
    • Windows Virtual Desktop 

      Halldorsdottir, Eir Maria; Maalø, Joachim (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Denne oppgaven viser oppsett av Windows Virtual Desktop, en ny Desktop-As-A-Service fra Microsoft, basert på en casebeskrivelse for en fiksjonell bedrift. Målet vårt var å gi et helhetlig bilde av hvordan man kan ta i bruk ...
    • Winds and tides in the mid-latitude southern hemisphere upper mesosphere recorded with the Falkland Islands SuperDARN radar 

      Hibbins, Robert; Freeman, Mervyn P.; Milan, Steve E.; Ruohoniemi, J. M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Meteor wind data from the first year of operation of the Falkland Islands SuperDARN radar (52 S, 59 W) are used to characterize the atmospheric tides and background winds in the upper mesosphere above the South Atlantic. ...
    • Wing impactor for testing of aviation masts 

      Johnsen, Jørgen (Master thesis, 2016)
      Operations at airfields require the use of certain visual and nonvisual aids in order to operate at nearly any weather condition. Some of these, such as the approach lighting system are positioned in such a way as to present ...
    • Wing-Augmented Articulated Intervention Autonomous Underwater Vehicle 

      Martin, Madsen (Master thesis, 2020)
      Økende temperaturer og forurensing av havet har ført til et økt ønske om å kartlegge havets klima og bærekraftighet. To klasser av undervannsroboter som særlig har utmerket seg for dette formålet i nyere tid er den artikulerte ...
    • Winglet optimization for a model-scale wind turbine 

      Hansen, Thomas Henrik Hertzfelder; Mühle, Franz Volker (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      A winglet optimization method is developed and tested for a model-scale wind turbine. The best-performing winglet shape is obtained by constructing a Kriging surrogate model, which is refined using an infill criterion based ...
    • WingTech Dashboard 

      Vasshaug, Torbjørn; Weisser, Dan Isak; Wingan, Erlend Haugen (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Denne oppgaven er gitt etter ønske fra WingTech AS om å utvikle et system som kan effektivisere rapportering og visualisering av data ut til deres kunder, og samtidig kunne brukes som et internt verktøy for å optimalisere ...
    • Winter gardening at 78° North: measuring extreme warm spell impacts on above- and below-ground biomass of vascular plant communities 

      Røssum, Halvor (Master thesis, 2022)
      Global oppvarming gjer dei arktiske vintrane varmare og våtare, noko som fører til ei auke i ekstreme vêrfenomen på vinteren. Døme på slike vêr-hendingar er regn som frys på og dannar eit islag som «kapslar inn» tundraen ...
    • “Winter is coming”: Psychological and situational factors affecting transportation mode use among university students 

      Nordfjærn, Trond; Egset, Kaja Solland; Mehdizadeh, Milad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The aim of this study was to investigate the relative roles of the norm activation model (NAM), transport priorities and situational constraints (car ownership, distances, gender and age) while considering spatial heterogeneity ...
    • Winter Modelling of Green Roofs in Cold Climates Using SWMM 

      Overrein, Elin (Master thesis, 2020)
      Grønne tak har blitt identifisert som et mulig tiltak for å redusere og forsinke avrenningen av overvann i tett utbygde byområder. Selv om det er utført omfattende arbeid for å forutsi og forbedre grønne tak sine funksjoner, ...