Now showing items 82528-82547 of 104580

    • Secure and Efficient Transmission of Vision-Based Feedback Control Signals 

      Volden, Øystein; Solnør, Petter; Petrovic, Slobodan; Fossen, Thor I. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      An ever-increasing number of autonomous vehicles use bandwidth-greedy sensors such as cameras and LiDARs to sense and act to the world around us. Unfortunately, signal transmission in vehicles is vulnerable to passive and ...
    • Secure and User-Friendly Commissioning and Bootstrapping of Constrained Devices 

      Coppa, Alessandro (Master thesis, 2015)
      The spread of Internet of Things (IoT) systems, based on the introduction of constrained devices into physical objects, has required particular efforts to improve security, privacy and simplicity of such systems. The goal ...
    • Secure and Verifiable Electronic Elections at NTNU 

      Onshus, Bent Kristoffer Rosvold (Master thesis, 2006)
      This thesis describes an electronic voting system based on Damg\aa rd, Jurik and Nielsen's generalization of Paillier's probabilistic public key system. A threshold variant of this homomorphic cryptosystem is used to provide ...
    • Secure and Verifiable Electronic Elections at NTNU 

      Onshus, Bent Kristoffer Rosvold (Master thesis, 2006)
      This thesis describes an electronic voting system based on Damgaa rd, Jurik and Nielsen's generalization of Paillier's probabilistic public key system. A threshold variant of this homomorphic cryptosystem is used to provide ...
    • Secure Automatic Identification System (SecAIS): Proof-of-Concept Implementation 

      Goudosis, Athanasios; Katsikas, Sokratis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • Secure Benchmarking using Electronic Voting 

      Agrawal, Vivek; Snekkenes, Einar Arthur (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      It is a common practice in the industry to organize benchmark processes to establish information security performance evaluation standards. A benchmarking system collects information security-related data from the organization ...
    • Secure channels and termination: The last word on TLS 

      Boyd, Colin Alexander; Hale, Britta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Secure channels are one of the most pivotal building blocks of cryptography today. Internet connections, secure messaging, protected IoT data, etc., all rely upon the security of the underlying channel. In this work we ...
    • Secure Communication with WireGuard – VPN-as-a-Service in Beyond 5G 

      Kielland, Sondre Sørensen (Master thesis, 2022)
      Innføring av skivedeling i 5G nettverk åpner for at vertikale virksomheter kan utvikle og benytte sine tjenester ved siden av hverandre i telenett. Sammenliknet med tidligere generasjons mobilnettverk, søker 5G å kunne ...
    • Secure Context-Aware Mobile SIP User Agent 

      Merha, Bemnet Tesfaye (Master thesis, 2009)
      Context awareness is an important aspect of pervasive and ubiquitous computing. By utilizing contextual information gathered from the environment, applications can adapt to the user s specific situation. In this thesis, ...
    • Secure data aggregation for wireless sensor network 

      Tran-Thi-Thuy, Trang (Master thesis, 2010)
      Like conventional networks, security is also a big concern in wireless sensor networks. However, security in this type of networks faces not only typical but also new challenges. Constrained devices, changing topology or ...
    • Secure data sharing in the cloud 

      Gran, Eivind Nordal (Master thesis, 2019)
      Sikkerhet innen skydeling er et viktig tema i verden i dag. Sikker- hetssystemet i de vanligste løsningene for skydeling krever at brukeren stoler på leverandøren av skytjenesten for å beskytte den opplastede dataen. En ...
    • Secure deployment of applications in Kubernetes on Google Cloud 

      Furnes, Jostein; Røsvik, Cato Findalen (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Sikkerhet, effektivitet og tilgjengelighet går ikke alltid hånd i hånd, men kan det?Kubernetes er en usikker platform, og vil kanskje ikke sees som en riktig løsningfor spørsmålet, men gjennom kombinasjoner av eksisterende ...
    • Secure E-Passport Access Methods 

      Karanjit, Prajwalan (Master thesis, 2009)
      The main goal of upgrading passports to an electronic version is making it hard for criminals or anybody to counterfeit or illegally duplicate them. A practical way of doing so is through the use of digital signatures ...
    • Secure Electricity Supply in a Single European Market in 2030 

      Lebahn, Lena Janine (Master thesis, 2014)
      The purpose of this master thesis study is to investigate how electricity can be securely supplied in the European Union in 2030. Fitting the identified future state of the electricity supply system in the European Union ...
    • Secure Implementation of a RISC-V AES Accelerator 

      Waage, Aleksander (Master thesis, 2022)
      Teknologi har blitt en viktig del av hverdagen, og det forventes at det er sikkert å bruke det. Sikkerhet er dermed en kritisk faktor i hvert steg under utviklingen. Konfidensiell informasjon blir ofte skjult ved bruk av ...
    • Secure information sharing in Integrated Operations 

      Nyre, Åsmund Ahlmann (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:358, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      The oil and gas industry in Norway is moving towards Integrated Operations (IO) to provide better, safer and more cost-effective operations. IO, as it is envisioned, will rely on extensive sharing of information and resources ...
    • Secure Infrastructure for Cyber-Physical Ranges 

      Kampourakis, Vyron (Chapter, 2023)
      Industrial systems (IS), including critical ones, swiftly move towards integrating elements of modern Information Technology (IT) into their formerly air-gapped Operational Technology (OT) architectures. And, naturally, ...
    • Secure Instant Messaging End-to-End - Analysis of Security Protocols 

      Rikardsen, Charlotte Skog (Master thesis, 2017)
      Secure instant messaging aims to protect private communication messages against surveillance. Organisations, individuals, and vendors have released instant messaging applications claiming to be secure from surveillance. ...
    • Secure Messaging with Crypho 

      Fredheim, Malene Kulild (Master thesis, 2020)
      I denne oppgaven gir vi et overblikk over meldingsapplikasjonene, Crypho og Signal, som bruker ende-til-ende-kryptering med symmetrisk kryptering. Vi bruker en spill-basert metode til å undersøke sikkerheten til kanaler ...
    • Secure Mobile Authentication for Linux Workstation log on 

      Habib, Usman (Master thesis, 2010)
      Password based logon schemes have many security weaknesses. For secure environments smart card and biometric based authentication solutions are available as replacement for standard password based systems. Nevertheless, ...