Now showing items 63994-64013 of 105673

    • MONK - Monitoring Data Extraction Kiosk System 

      Azam, Aliaan; Espeland, Sondre; Folland, Jonathan (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      MONK (Monitoring Data Extraction Kiosk)-systemet har som mål å forbedre effektiviteten og nøyaktigheten av databehandling ved Oslo Universitetssykehus (OUH). Dette prosjektet fokuserer på utvikling av en løsning for å ...
    • Mono- and combinational drug therapies for global viral pandemic preparedness 

      Ianevski, Aleksandr; Yao, Rouan; Simonsen, Ronja Meyer; Myhre, Vegard; Ravlo, Erlend; Kaynova, Gerda D.; Zusinaite, Eva; White, Judith M.; Polyak, Stephen J.; Oksenych, Valentyn; Windisch, Marc P.; Pan, Qiuwei; Lastauskienė, Eglė; Vitkauskienė, Astra; Matukevičius, Algimantas; Tenson, Tanel; Bjørås, Magnar; Kainov, Denis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Broadly effective antiviral therapies must be developed to be ready for clinical trials, which should begin soon after the emergence of new life-threatening viruses. Here, we pave the way towards this goal by reviewing ...
    • Mono- and multimodal green transport use on university trips during winter and summer: hybrid choice models on the norm-activation theory 

      Mehdizadeh, Milad; Zavareh, Mohsen; Nordfjærn, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The current study investigated the effects of environmental norms and beliefs as well as socioeconomic and situational characteristics on multimodal and monomodal green transport and car use on university trips during ...
    • Monocoque Optimization of the DNV GL Fuel Fighter Car 

      Sydnes, Kristoffer Tallhaug; Swensen, David Forrestad (Master thesis, 2019)
      I denne masteren har generativt design blitt brukt til å redusere vekten til DNV GL Fuel Fighter sin fullelektriske bil. Denne vektreduksjonen ble oppnådd ved å optimalisere komposittstrukturen til bilens monocoque. ...
    • Monocoque Optimization of the DNV GL Fuel Fighter Car 

      Swensen, David Forrestad; Sydnes, Kristoffer Tallhaug (Master thesis, 2019)
      I denne masteren oppgaven har generativt design blitt brukt til å redusere vekten til DNV GL Fuel Fighter sin fullelektriske bil. Denne vektreduksjonen ble oppnådd ved å optimalisere komposittstrukturen til bilens monocoque. ...
    • Monocoque-chassis til Formel 1-replika 

      Thomassen, Mads Daniel; Steen, Torgeir Omlid (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      NTNU Gjøvik har fått låne en mockup av en Ferrari F399 Formel-1 bil som skal danne grunnlaget for flere bacheloroppgaver. Målet er å lage en kjørbar replika av bilen. Våren 2020 har fire grupper jobbet med forskjellige ...
    • Monocular 3D Object Detection for Volumetric Identification in the Tolling Industry 

      Fornes, Mia (Master thesis, 2023)
      Forståelse av volumetriske egenskaper er avgjørende for nøyaktig identifikasjon og korrekt beslatning av kjøretøy som passerer gjennom en bomstasjon. Presise målinger av disse egenskapene kan oppnås med forskjellige sensorer, ...
    • Monocular Action Classification 

      Birkeland, Vetle Gustav (Master thesis, 2022)
      Treningsspill er spill som bruker aspekter som belønninger eller utfordringer fra videospill for å få folk til å trene. Bruk av treningsspill har vist potensiale innenfor fysisk rehabilitering ved å hjelpe pasienter med å ...
    • Monocular vision-based gripping of objects 

      Haugaløkken, Bent Oddvar Arnesen; Skaldebø, Martin Breivik; Schjølberg, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Optics-based systems may provide high spatial and temporal resolution for close range object detection in underwater environments. By using a monocular camera on a low cost underwater vehicle manipulator system, objects ...
    • Monocular Visual Odometry for a Mini ROV 

      Kvalberg, Johan Theodor Loe (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne oppgaven presenterer en estimering av bevegelsen til en liten fjernstyrt undervannsfarkost (ROV) i sanntid, ved bruk at et enkelt kamera og en trykksensor. Dette, for å øke nivået av automasjon, og for å forenkle ...
    • Monocular Visual Odometry for Underwater Navigation 

      Eriksen, Erlend Nodeland (Master thesis, 2020)
      I denne masteroppgaven foreslår vi en visuell odometri algorime for undervannsnavigasjon ved hjelp av et monokulært kamera. Vi dekker de matematiske konseptene som trengs for å estimere kamerabevegelse fra påafølgende ...
    • Monocyte/macrophage and T cell activation markers are not independently associated with MI risk in healthy individuals - results from the HUNT Study 

      Ueland, Thor; Laugsand, Lars Erik; Vatten, Lars Johan; Janszky, Imre; Platou, Carl Geoffrey Parrinder; Michelsen, Annika; Damås, Jan Kristian; Aukrust, Pål; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background We hypothesized that circulating markers reflecting monocyte/macrophage and T cell activation are associated with increased risk of myocardial infarction (MI) in apparently healthy individuals. Methods Serum ...
    • Monodisperse Hollow Silica Nanospheres for Nano Insulation Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Life Cycle Assessment 

      Gao, Tao; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Sandberg, Linn Ingunn Christie; Gustavsen, Arild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The application of manufactured nanomaterials provides not only advantages resulting from their unique properties but also disadvantages derived from the high energy use and CO2 burden related to their manufacture, operation, ...
    • Monoethanolamine Degradation Rates in Post-combustion CO2 Capture Plants with the Capture of 100% of the Added CO2 

      Mullen, Daniel; Braakhuis, Lucas; Knuutila, Hanna Katariina; Gibbins, Jon; Lucquiaud, Mathieu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Residual emissions from post-combustion CO2 capture plants must be reduced to zero or recaptured from the atmosphere to be compatible with long-term climate change goals. For amine-based CO2 capture, increasing CO2 capture ...
    • Monogenean parasites of sardines in Lake Tanganyika: diversity, origin and intraspecific variability 

      Kmentová, Nikol; Van Steenberge, Maarten; Raeymaekers, Joost A. M.; Koblmüller, Stephan; Hablützel, Pascal I.; Muterezi Bukinga, Fidel; N'sibula, Theophile Mulimbwa; Masilya Mulungula, Pascal; Nzigidahera, Benoît; Ntakimazi, Gaspard; Gelnar, Milan; Vanhove, Maarten P. M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Whereas Lake Tanganyika’s littoral and benthic zones are famous for their diverse fish communities, its pelagic zone is dominated by few species, of which two representatives of Clupeidae (Limnothrissa miodon and Stolothrissa ...
    • Monolithic and laminated glass under extreme loading conditions: Experiments, modelling and simulations 

      Osnes, Karoline (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:304, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
      Design of glass components has become more challenging over the past few decades, owing to the increased use of glass as a structural material. When a structure is required to withstand extreme loading, such as blast or ...
    • Monolithic, microchannel and carbon nanofibers/carbon felt reactors for syngas conversion by Fischer-Tropsch syntehesis 

      Holmen, Anders; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen; Myrstad, Rune; Zhu, Jun; Chen, De (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The present contribution summarizes work carried out on different microstructured reactors in the Catalysis Group at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology during the last years. The work has involved co-operation ...
    • Mononuclear but Not Polymorphonuclear Phagocyte Depletion Increases Circulation Times and Improves Mammary Tumor-Homing Efficiency of Donor Bone Marrow-Derived Monocytes 

      Combes, Francis; Sofias, Alexandros Marios; Mc Cafferty, Séan; Huysmans, Hanne; De Temmerman, Joyca; Hak, Sjoerd; Meyer, Evelyne; Sanders, Niek N (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Tumor associated macrophages are an essential part of the tumor microenvironment. Consequently, bone marrow-derived monocytes (BMDMs) are continuously recruited to tumors and are therefore seen as ideal delivery vehicles ...
    • Monopile Foundation Models for Dynamic Structural Analyses of Offshore Wind Turbines 

      Risueño, Ana María Page (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:363, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      Offshore wind energy plays an important role in sustainability-focused international policies and experiences one of the fastest growth rates of all renewable energy sources. Although the cost of offshore wind energy has ...
    • Monopile foundations - Effect of scour protection on eigenfrequency of offshore wind turbines 

      Sævdal, Kjell Inge (Master thesis, 2017)
      Monopile foundations is the most popular foundation type for offshore wind turbines, with over 80 % of the substructures being monopile foundations. When placed in a marine environment monopiles is prone to scour around ...