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dc.contributor.advisorFinocchiaro, Luca
dc.contributor.advisorMishra, Anshuman Abhisek
dc.contributor.authorSzabelewska, Marta Anna
dc.description.abstractDigitale simuleringsverktøy brukes ofte i bioklimatisk design for å analysere miljøprestasjonen av bygninger. Derimot, noe forskninger foreslår at analoge verktøy kan bedre støtte holistisk design. Derfor, målet er å svare hvordan man kan balansere bruken av digitale og analoge verktøy. I masteroppgaven, en eksperimentell bioklimatisk designprosess med digitale og analoge verktøy ble foreslo og fulgt, mens reflekterer om hvordan begge typer av verktøy kan støtte arkitektonisk design. Hoved metoden i oppgaven er forskning gjennom design. En bolig og kommersiell bygning ble designet, med fokus på både miljøprestasjon og harmoni med urban kontekst. I masteroppgaven erfaringslæring teori brukes for å organisere forskningen.
dc.description.abstractDigital simulation tools are commonly used in bioclimatic design to analyze the environmental performance of buildings. However, several studies suggest that involving analog tools in the process might better facilitate holistic approaches to architectural projects. The question is therefore how to balance the use of analog and digital tools. Within the thesis, an experimental bioclimatic design process involving both analog and digital tools for environmental design is proposed and then followed, while reflecting upon how particular tools support the complexity of architectural design. The main method adopted in the thesis is research through design, as a concrete design case is used to create space for broader reflections. A residential and commercial building is designed, with the focus on both environmental performance and fitting into the urban context. The thesis moreover implements Kolb’s cycle of experiential learning to ensure space for conceptualization and reflection on developed activities. keywords: digital, analog, tool, design process, bioclimatic design, experiential learning
dc.titleBridging digital and analog tools in bioclimatic design. Development of an experimental setting for bioclimatic design processes.
dc.typeMaster thesis

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