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dc.contributor.advisorFimland, Marius Steiro
dc.contributor.advisorSandmæl, Jon Arne
dc.contributor.advisorEngan, Harald
dc.contributor.authorBrendløkken, Sigurd Maurstad
dc.description.abstractHensikt: Studiets mål var å validere den submaksimale Ekblom-Bak testen for pasienter på rehabilitering etter overlevd kreft. Dette ble gjort ved å sammenligne det estimerte maksimale oksygenopptaket (VO2maks) fra Ekblom-Bak testen med det faktisk målte maksimale oksygenopptaket fra en maksimal kardiopulmonal belastningstest (CPET). Metode: De to testene ble utført på pasienter under rehabilitering etter kreft. De to testene ble gjennomført i samme rekkefølge i løpet av pasientenes tre uker lange opphold. I analysene ble en paired sample t-test utført for å sammenligne forskjell i gjennomsnittet fra de to testene, og Pearsons korrelasjonsanalyse ble gjennomført for å se på korrelasjonen mellom testene. Bland Altman plottene ble gjennomført med limits of agreement (LoA) for å se på skjevheten og likheten mellom testene. Resultat: 11 deltakere ble inkludert i analysen. De estimerte verdiene fra Ekblom-Bak testen overestimerte VO2maks med 2.56% (absolutt) og 2.52% (relativ) i sammenligningen med den faktisk målte VO2maks (CPET). Korrelasjonen mellom de to testene var r = 0.963 (p<0.001, absolutt) og r = 0.926 (p<0.001, relativ). I likheten mellom de to testene, var skjevheten for den absolutte verdien: 0.07 L/min (LoA: -0.34 - 0.48 L/min) og for den relative: 0.9 mL/kg/min (LoA: -5.08 - 6.88 mL/kg/min). Konklusjon: Resultatet fra dette studiet tilsier at Ekblom-Bak testen potensielt kan gjennomføre en valid estimering av VO2maks sammenlignet med gullstandardtesten for VO2maks i kreftoverlevende på rehabilitering. Nøkkelord: Kreft, Rehabilitering, Kondisjon, Ekblom-Bak Test, Valideringsstudie
dc.description.abstractObjective: To assess the validity of the Ekblom-Bak Ergometer Cycle test in cancer survivors undergoing rehabilitation after having survived cancer illness. The validation was done by comparing the estimated VO2max from the Ekblom-Bak test with the directly measured VO2max from a maximal treadmill cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET). Method: The two exercise tests were performed on patients undergoing rehabilitation for cancer. They were performed in the same order during their three-week extended stay. In the analysis, the paired sample t-test was performed to compare the mean between the two tests, and the Pearson correlation analysis was performed to establish the correlation. The Bland Altman plots were performed, with limits of agreement (LoA), to determine the bias and agreement between the two tests. Results: In the final analysis, 11 participants were included. The estimated values from the Ekblom-Bak ergometer cycle test overestimated VO2max by 2.56% (absolute) and 2.52% (relative) compared to the CPET. The correlation between the two tests was r = 0.963 (p<0.001, absolute) and r = 0.926 (p<0.001, relative). For the agreement between the two tests, the absolute VO2max was: bias: 0.07 L/min (LoA: -0.34 - 0.48 L/min), and the relative was: bias: 0.9 mL/kg/min (LoA: -5.08 - 6.88 mL/kg/min). Conclusion: The findings in the present study suggest that the Ekblom-Bak test has the potential to accurately estimate VO2max compared to the gold standard VO2max in cancer survivors admitted to rehabilitation. Keywords: Cancer, Rehabilitation, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Ekblom-Bak Test, Validation Study
dc.titleValidity of the Ekblom-Bak Ergometer Cycle Test in Adult Cancer Survivors Undergoing Rehabilitation
dc.typeMaster thesis

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