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dc.contributor.advisorUstad, Astrid
dc.contributor.authorSamuelsen, Nora Marie
dc.contributor.authorSanne, Amanda
dc.description.abstractBakgrunn: COVID-19-pandemien påla samfunnet en rekke begrensninger som førte til at vi måtte endre de daglige vanene våre. Dette kan ha hatt konsekvenser for barn og unges helse, og spesielt deres mulighet til å være fysisk aktive. Formålet med denne litteraturstudien var å undersøke COVID-19s innvirkning på barn og unges fysiske aktivitet, og relaterte endringer i søvn, stillesittende atferd og skjermtid under nedstengningen. Metoder: Litteratursøket ble utført i databasene PubMed og Web of Science. Søkekriteriene var observasjonsstudier med friske deltakere, publisert innen de tre siste årene, med minst to målinger av fysisk aktivitet, i tillegg til minst to av variablene skjermtid, stillesittende atferd og søvn. Resultater: Ti artikler ble inkludert i denne litteraturstudien, hvor åtte fant at nivåene av fysisk aktivitet ble redusert under pandemien. I tillegg viste studiene en økning i skjermtid og stillesittende atferd, samt en nedgang i søvn under nedstengningen. Konklusjon: COVID-19-pandemien har hatt en generell negativ innvirkning på barns og unges fysiske aktivitet sammen med skjermtid, stillesittende atferd og søvn.
dc.description.abstractBackground: COVID-19 and the following restrictions forced us to stay at home and changed our daily behaviors completely. This could have had a great impact on children and adolescent´s health, moreover their opportunities to perform physical activity. The aim of this literature study is to investigate COVID-19’s impact on children and adolescents' physical activity during lockdown and its correlation with changes in sleep, sedentary behavior, and screen time. Methods: The literature search was performed in the databases PubMed and Web of Science. The search criteria required that the studies had an observational study design, were conducted in the past three years, and focused on healthy individuals with at least two measurements of physical activity, and at least two of the behaviors screen time, sedentary behavior, and sleep had to be measured. Results: Ten articles were included in this literature study, whereas eight of the studies found that PA decreased during the pandemic. In addition, an overall increase in screen time and sedentary behavior, and a decrease in sleep was found during lockdown. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic has had an overall negative impact on children’s and adolescents’ physical activity together with screen time, sedentary behavior, and sleep.
dc.titleCOVID-19 lockdown´s impact on children and adolescents' physical activity
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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