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dc.contributor.advisorKoren, Aleksander.
dc.contributor.authorEngen, Torgeir.
dc.description.abstractI denne oppgaven har jeg sett på filmene Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Soldier og Captain America: Civil War, sammens med en håndful andre relevante MCU prosjekter med bruk av interseksjonell uevne fokusert lense, i et forsøk på definere sammenhengen mellom karakteren Bucky Barnes og Steve Rogers og handicap trekkene de begge deler og viser. Sentrale teorier i denne teksten er Chivers og Markotic for deres "problem kropp" uttrykk, McsWeeney for hans oppsummering av superhelt sjangeren, og Fraser for å vise avkoblingen mellom handicap i bilde/form og i narrativ/fortelling.
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, I’ve used film looked at the movies Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War, along with a handful of other relevant MCU projects using a intersectional disability focused lens, in an attempt to determine the connection between the character of Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers and the traits of disability they both share and display. Core theoreticians for this text are Chivers and Markotic for their “problem body” term, McSweeney for his summary and application of the superhero genre, and Fraser to show the disconnect between disability in image and in narrative.
dc.titleIdentifying Disabled Super Bodies: Finding the disabled in the Captain America trilogy
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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