Design of a novel hybrid process for membrane assisted clean hydrogen production with CO2 capture through liquefaction
Kim, Donghoi; Liu, Zhongxuan; Anantharaman, Rahul; Riboldi, Luca; Odsæter, Lars Hov; Berstad, David Olsson; Peters, Thijs; Polfus, Jonathan; Malerød-Fjeld, Harald; Gundersen, Truls
Original version
Computer-aided chemical engineering. 2022, 49 127-132. 10.1016/B978-0-323-85159-6.50021-XAbstract
This work introduces a novel hybrid concept to produce H2 from natural gas by using the protonic membrane reformer (PMR) with liquefaction based CO2 capture system. For process intensification, recycling of the off-gas from the capture process and a water gas shift reactor for the retentate gas from the PMR are applied to the hybrid configuration. The suggested concept achieves around 99 % of system H2 and CO2 recovery rates even when the PMR is operated at relatively low hydrogen recovery, resulting in energy efficient H2 production with a low carbon intensity.