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dc.contributor.authorTidière, Morgane
dc.contributor.authorGaillard, Jean Michel
dc.contributor.authorGarel, Mathieu
dc.contributor.authorLeMaitre, Jean Francois
dc.contributor.authorToïgo, Carole
dc.contributor.authorPelabon, Christophe
dc.identifier.citationEcology and Evolution. 2020, 10 4104-4114.en_US
dc.description.abstractAllometric relationships describe the proportional covariation between morphological, physiological, or life-history traits and the size of the organisms. Evolutionary allometries estimated among species are expected to result from species differences in ontogenetic allometry, but it remains uncertain whether ontogenetic allometric parameters and particularly the ontogenetic slope can evolve. In bovids, the nonlinear evolutionary allometry between horn length and body mass in males suggests systematic changes in ontogenetic allometry with increasing species body mass. To test this hypothesis, we estimated ontogenetic allometry between horn length and body mass in males and females of 19 bovid species ranging from ca. 5 to 700 kg. Ontogenetic allometry changed systematically with species body mass from steep ontogenetic allometries over a short period of horn growth in small species to shallow allometry with the growth period of horns matching the period of body mass increase in the largest species. Intermediate species displayed steep allometry over long period of horn growth. Females tended to display shallower ontogenetic allometry with longer horn growth compared to males, but these differences were weak and highly variable. These findings show that ontogenetic allometric slope evolved across species possibly as a response to size-related changes in the selection pressures acting on horn length and body mass.en_US
dc.publisherWiley Open Accessen_US
dc.rightsNavngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.titleVariation in the ontogenetic allometry of horn length in bovids along a body mass continuumen_US
dc.title.alternativeVariation in the ontogenetic allometry of horn length in bovids along a body mass continuumen_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.source.journalEcology and Evolutionen_US
dc.identifier.doi10.1002/ ece3.6181
dc.relation.projectNorges forskningsråd: 223257en_US

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