Maintenance is defined as all activities including technical and administrative actions which are performed with the intention to retain or restore an entity to a state in which it can perform its required function. The role of maintenance is essential in order to deliver the company’s goal and protect its stakeholders. With the proper selection of the suitable maintenance strategy, the goals and objectives of an organization is impendent.
Oil and natural gas are major industries in the energy market and play an influential role in the global economy as the world's primary fuel sources. It is a fact that the world is still heavily dependent on oil energy and companies are investing in their maintenance program in order to achieve reliable and sustainable processes. It is considered as the lifeblood of the industrialized nations not just because of the hundreds of things produced from oil and gas but also the tens and thousands of jobs it creates.
This master thesis is focused on Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) applied in the oil and gas industry. RCM is a maintenance technique initially used in the aviation industry and eventually adapted by the manufacturing and processing industries because it is proven to be cost effective and with its successful implementation it enhances reliability, equipment uptime and company savings. A detailed step by step procedure of RCM is described in this project as well as the benefits and drawbacks of the RCM method. In addition to this, case study is presented in one of the chapters of this paper implementing RCM to a separator system which is one of the most important parts of the oil and gas processing.
Finally, this project will discuss the contributions of RCM to sustainability. Promoting economic and social development while protecting the environment is a hot topic nowadays. Sustainable developments to meet the requirements of the present without compromising the ability of the future to meet their needs has been discussed in many subjects. It is one of the major goals of RCM, a sustainable maintenance practice through a reduced cost method and reliability focused maintenance tasks.