Background: Pneumonia is an acute infection with less than twenty one days duration and is characterized by inflammation of bacteria, viruses or fungi in the lungs parenchyma leading to cough or difficult breathing. These may be enhanced by malnutrition, indoor and outdoor air pollution and leaves the children fighting for breath. Their lungs become inflamed and the tiny air sacs, or alveoli inside the lungs becomes filled up with fluid and air. These are usually serious situations that can lead to death if not properly handled. As of 1902, one of the founders of Johns Hopkins Hospital and a pioneer medical teacher called William Osler gave pneumonia a name (Captain of the Men of Death). According to the publish report, Africa has the highest burden of global child mortality. According to the publish report by WHO 2016, 16% of the 5.9 million deaths recorded pneumonia deaths in 2015 were among children under five years of age.
Design and method: A qualitative study design with in-depth interviews and focus group discussions were used to explore nurses and pediatricians perception on impediments and resolution in fighting pneumonia among children under five years of age in Nigeria.
Findings: Our analyses yielded eleven subcategories which were merged into four main categories. All categories influence in various ways, prevention and the combat against fatal pneumonia among children less than five years old in Nigeria
Conclusion: The result from this study highlights a number of contextual issues playing a major role in pneumonia among children under five years of age death rate in Nigeria, which will also need a contextual approach in order to address them