Normaldata for bevegelse og bevegelseskontroll i nakken hos nakkefriske personer
Objectives: To establish norm data for a sample of tests assessing movement and motion control
in the neck in neck healthy subjects, and to assess the effect of age and gender.
Background: Assessment of movement and movement patterns is a common and important part
of the clinical examination of patients with neck pain. Having knowledge of the variation in
movement and movement patterns in neck healthy and to look at what characterize these are
important both as a reference in the clinic and future research.
Methods: A total of 96 neck healthy men and women aged 18 to 67 years, performed different
tests of neck movement and motor control: active cervical range of motion (CROM), joint
position error (JPE), trajectory task “figure of eight”, trajectory task “The fly” and a low-load and
high-load isometric holding test. A 3D- electromagnetic system, Liberty (Polhemus, Colchester,
VT, USA) with specially written software was used in collecting the data.
Results: For several tests, active CROM in all primary movements, joint position error, the
isometric holding and the movement smoothness for the two trajectory tasks, we found results
similar to other studies: active CROM decreased with age, age and gender had no effect on JPE,
the head motion velocity was higher among the young. For the conjunct motion we found
different tendencies than other; the conjunct motion increased with age. In addition we had had
variables for precision in the two trajectory tasks that is new.
Conclusions: Norm data for a sample of neck motion and motor control tests according to
differences in age and gender was established with the use of Liberty. The different in results
points out the need to establish norm data for the specific instrument and procedures used in a