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dc.contributor.advisorGaitani, Niki
dc.contributor.advisorFinocchiano, Luca
dc.contributor.authorMenegat, Gabriela
dc.description.abstractThe project is a zero-emission industrial building located in Malvik, Trøndelag. The building consists in a 1975m2 space, divided in 1375m2 for industrial area and 600m2 for office area. The design concept is functionality and logistics in the site, flexibility of design and balance between emissions. The ambition level is a ZEB-OM, meaning that renewable energy should compensate for the emissions from the materials and operation of the building during a 60-year lifetime. The design was developed by comparing different shapes to achieve the goal. The life cycle assessment (LCA) of the building was done to balance the embodies emissions. The structure system is made in massive wood, glulam and CLT. Passive and active strategies were used to optimize the energy efficiency of the building. The renewable energy system design used photovoltaic panels to compensate for the emissions. In total 1808.4m2 of PV were installed in the roof and in the west, east and south fasade. The embodied emissions considered the product manufacturing (A1-A3) and the replacement during the lifecycle (B4), resulting in 7.91 kgCO2eq/m2.yr. The operation emissions are 11.45 kgCO2eq/m2.yr. The PVs procude energy enough to compensate for 17.39 kgCO2eq/m2.yr. The balance of emissions resulted in a plus of +1.97 kgCO2eq/m2.yr. The renewable energy produced on site was not enough to achieve a ZEB-OM target. However, the system is suitable to achieve a ZEB-O goal.
dc.titleThe Boxes: A Zero-emission Industrial Building
dc.typeMaster thesis

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