The project Kin explores our connection to other beings (sentient and otherwise) with the emphasis on the vibrance and agency of all matter. The objective of the project is to expand our perception of self by studying our entangled being-in-the-world using the poetic and artistic to collaborate with and expand on the scientific methods of biocrystallisation. The method is used to create crystallised images of a selection of bodies (cyanobacteria, lichen, moss, nettle, codfish and human blood) in an attempt to connect to and comprehend deep time and our evolutionary connections. A few of the chosen bodies are furthermore present in other shapes and forms in the wider project underlining our direct use or dependence of these species. Alongside these elements a collection of poems and poetic writings circulating the chosen bodies are presented. Besides the biocrystallisations themselves, the project also includes a video of the growth of a biocrystallisation, various close-up photographs of the biocrystallisation and some of the bodies, a nettle braid robe alongside invited moss rocks and a moss- , lichen- tree stump. Additionally a written poetic timeline is running through the project weaving the elements of evolution, time and bodies together.