Dialogstyrt landskapsforvaltning?: Landskapsforvaltning og lokal medvirkning i verdensarv Røros Bergstad og Circumferensen
Master thesis
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- Institutt for geografi [1144]
Røros is a historic mining town and municipality in the mountain area of central Norway. Themines were established in 1646 and exploited until 1977. The mining town has been onUNESCO’s World Heritage List since 1980. In 2010 the World Heritage Committeeapproved an extension of the existing World Heritage Site to include the surroundingindustrial-rural cultural landscape, within the historical area of the mining privilegescompany’s, the Circumference. Professional expertise has valued this buffer zone as a keyinstrument for understanding the property. The intention is to place the former mining town ina wider historical and functional context.In this dissertation I examine how public participation is carried out in planning andmanagement processes related to Røros as a World Heritage Site. I also explore how peopleliving in Røros connect to and understand their cultural heritage and landscape.To seek answers to these questions I have chosen a qualitative research approach. The mainmethods in collecting data have been observations, document analysis and interviews. I havestudied international conventions, national legislation and documents from the Norwegiangovernment and the local municipal in regarding landscape management, as well as ”worldheritagedebate”in the local media, through a document analysis. Nineteen interviews ofplanners and local residents have been unertaken. These includes one representative fromRiksantikvaren (the Directorate for Cultural Heritage in Norway), four representatives ofRøros municipality, one representative from Rørosmuseet (the local historical museum), twohouseowners living in the local historical centre, one teacher/advisor at Røros Vgs (uppersecondary school), and ten students from Røros Vgs.The theoretical point of departure is mainly based on theories of landscape and landscapevalues, concepts of heritage as a cultural process and local participation in landscapemanagement. These provide the basis for a discussion on how international conventions areimplemented in a local context through national laws and guidelines, and how this in practiceinfluences local residents in their way of thinking of and living in a highly valued culturallandscape.I find that both amenity values and economic values are considered in municipal managementat Røros, but there is disagreement between the municipal administration and politiciansregarding how to balance these interests. I argue that the situation is even more problematiciisince Røros still, after 30 years as a World Heritage Site, seems to lack updated managementplans and strategies.I find that public participation as a tool in landscape planning and management of the WorldHeritage site is undertaken in accordance with legislation, but nonetheless does not seem tostimulate a “true landscape democracy” where a broad range of common people are included.Even though the authorities have given room for participation it has taken a form thatunderline existing power constellations in the local community.Nonetheless the process behind the“Regional plan for WHS Røros Mining Town andCircumference” has shown that central advocates in the local community have been heard intheir wish for a significant degree of local autonomy in the future management of the WorldHeritage Site.I find that my informants relate more to heritage in terms of local history than terms of worldheritage and universal values. Nonetheless people and the community are strongly influencedby the sWorld heritage and its consequences. The heritage industry is strongly represented inthe local area, and it is taking new and many forms. It appears that heritage, tourism and dailylifes occupy different spaces. In consequence inhabitants change their daily movements and Iargue that an incipient alienation in relation to the historical center is taking place.