Entusiasme, engasjement og entreprenørskap: å skape en lokal festival
Master thesis
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- Institutt for geografi [1143]
The subject of this report is the relationship between social entrepreneurship, placeand identity. My focus was on two different festivals on the island Frøya, in themuncipal Sør-Trøndelag in Norway, where I interviewed some of the people workingwith the festivals. My aim was to find out what, if any, aspect of the concepts ”socialentrepreneurship”, ”place” and ”identity” was to be found among people who worksas volunteers on the given festivals.
I had an idea that there are special aspect in these concepts that will appeal to peoplewho like to work as volunteers, and use a big part of the year to create a festival in theplace they live. Out from this idea I developed two research questions;1: What is it that makes people volunteer in creating a local festival?2: What kind of relationship does these people have to the place where the festival isbeing arranged?
The research questions are related, but have different focus. The first question turnson what motives there are to be found in people´s involvement, what is the motivepower, and what is it they want to achieve? I assumed that I could find some theoriesaround these questions within theories of social entrepreneurship, so that is thetheoretical background on the first question. The second question concerns the placethe people live. Here I used theory concerning place, more specific place as”location”, place as ”locale” and ”sense of place”. In addition to this I´ve usedtheories concerning identity and place identity.
I used qualitative methods to collect the information I needed, for the most part I usedinterviewing, but I also used some document analysis.