Development of Seat for New Machine for Rehabilitation of Whiplash Patients
A large number of people are exposed to the whiplash mechanism each year. Some of these develop chronic problems. Firda fysikalsk-medisinsk senter (FFMS) is a rehabilitation center situated in Sandane, Western Norway. FFMS specializes in diagnosis and treatment of whiplash related symptoms. In this process, FFMS utilizes an apparatus called a Multi-Cervical Unit (MCU). The current MCU is not quite up to FFMS's standards, and they have therefore asked the Department of Engineering Design and Materials (IPM) at NTNU for help with developing a new machine.
This thesis is part of the development of this new machine, and focuses on developing a chair module to keep the user in the correct position. The thesis builds upon earlier work done by other master students at IPM. Some of the work has therefore consisted of getting familiarized with the problem and earlier results. Some own research and technology analysis has been conducted, but the main effort has been concentrated on problem decomposition and prototyping.
The process has resulted in two alternative classes of chair concepts, a seat-based system and a more open, modular system. The open, modular system emerged as a personal favourite, but it will be up to future students to decide on the route ahead.