Fatigue Life Prediction of Welded Joints for Industrial Applications - Overview on the regulations and extension to Fracture Mechanics
1) An overview on the fatigue assessment procedures for welds 31.1) Basic principles 31.2) Determining the stresses and the stress intensity factors 51.2.1) Nominal Stress approach 61.2.2) Structural Hot Spot Stress approach Thickness correction Structural Hot Spot Stress measuring from strain 161.2.3) Effective Notch Stress approach 172) The Notch Stress Intensity Factors 182.1) Scale Effect 202.2) N-SIFs computation through FEA analysis obtained stress field 212.3) Stress distribution in blunt notches 223) The Strain Energy Density 233.1) The energetic approach applied to the assessment of a component 283.2) Size Effect 303.3) Finite Elements Method in the computation of the Strain Energy Density 314) Averaged Stress Energy Density, refined and coarse mesh comparison 325) Fatigue life assessment for a welded joint with different criteria. 395.1) Nominal Stress approach 415.2) Structural Hot-Spot Stress approach 425.2.1) Linear Extrapolation with Fine Mesh of Linear Elements 435.2.2) Quadratic Extrapolation with Fine Mesh of Linear Elements 455.2.3) Linear Extrapolation with Coarse Mesh of Quadratic Elements 465.3) Averaged SED approach 476) A non-dimensional parameter for rapid NSIF computation 50