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dc.contributor.advisorHaskins, Cecilia
dc.contributor.authorSnørteland, Marthe Oline
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis applications of KBE to shipbuilding projects, particularly knowledge documentation, has been investigated. Due to the increasing complexity of knowledge and shipbuilding projects in general, the need for supporting technology was present. Ulstein International AS has developed and implemented a sales configurator aimed to Fast Track Concept Design Analysis (FTCDA), which reuses knowledge, enables concept development, and allows for quick response to the customer, in a low-cost way. However, for this to continue adding value, naval architect knowledge needs to be collected and stored in such a way that it is easily reused and allows for organizational learning. The FTCDA is already implemented and showing great results for concept design development, but it aims for continuous development. Thus presented was the need to effectively document knowledge in a way that allowed for future designers to build on that knowledge and "feed" the system with their own new knowledge. Based on an investigation into documentation methods (particularly those incorporating visual representations), KBE, design automation, and the shipbuilding industry, the thesis has laid the foundation for the development of a knowledge database (KD). Its benefits include internal cooperation (as designers can visually observe what coworkers are working on), inter-company learning (as the system should enable feedback), innovation (as knowledge is shared and open for comments and development from other experts), and support of the FTCDA.en
dc.subjectIngeniørvitenskap og IKT, IKT og produksjonsledelseen
dc.titleApplications of KBE to Shipbuilding Projects in Ulstein International ASen
dc.typeMaster thesisen
dc.contributor.departmentNorges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Fakultet for ingeniørvitenskap,Institutt for maskinteknikk og produksjonnb_NO

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