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dc.contributor.advisorWishman, Marius Swane
dc.contributor.authorRingholm, Rebekka
dc.description.abstractStudents have often been perceived as important figures in protests for democratic rights, but there still exists little systematic knowledge about protests involving students, both when it comes to their choice of strategies and their effectiveness in reaching their goals. Although the link between education and democracy has been theorised on and empirically tested by many, little attention has been paid to the effect of education on participation in contentious politics. A growing literature on civil resistance suggests that protesters who take on nonviolent tactics and strategies have a greater probability of success. I argue that nonviolent student protests will have a democratising effect on the state where they take place due to their preferences for nonviolent tactics, and due to their capacity to carry out successful protests. I test whether students take on nonviolent methods by using data on student protests from the Nonviolent And Violent Campaigns and Outcomes (NAVCO) 3.0 dataset. The democratising effect is tested with a multiple regression analysis where the NAVCO 3.0 data aggregated up to the country-year level to see the effect on the combined Polity score of the country two years later, and control for e I find support for both the hypothesis of students taking on nonviolent methods, and of the number of student protests having an effect on the democracy level two years later. The paper concludes on nonviolent student protests having a democratising effect, but also highlights the need for more data on outcomes and the qualitative content of different education systems in future studies.  
dc.titleEducation and democracy: Students in nonviolent resistance
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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