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dc.contributor.advisorAspelund, Arild
dc.contributor.authorFaanes, Eva Høybakk
dc.description.abstractAlmost every company faces situations where they need to implement technology. Even if a company develops technology in-house, the technology needs to be implemented and used in other units within the firm. Implementation of technology has been and is still a challenge for organisations. In this master thesis I have looked at theories describing factors influencing technology implementation within an organisation. There exists little theory describing implementation of technologies, and researchers have been more interested in the early phases of an innovation. Based on theories for technology implementation, I have created a framework grouping and describing factors that influences implementation. Technology development and internal factors has been described. Empirical data are collected at Statoil to analyse and discuss what influences technology implementation within an organisation. Statoil has a history of being a technology focused company being in front of using new technologies. Within the oil and gas industry the easy barrels have already been produced, and the development of new and difficult fields requires use of innovations and new technology. The challenging conditions in the oil and gas industry emphasise even more the importance of Statoil creating new opportunities by being innovative, and using new technologies to increase the competitiveness. The findings imply that focus and commitment on technology implementation from top management is essential to succeed. Decision makers must be made accountable and understand the benefits of the technology to be able to take the right decision the first time. Communication between key roles is difficult, but important. Incentives for implementation must be developed across the company at several levels. A global work process will ensure one common way to develop and implement new technologies, and is seen as the foundation for implementation and technology management in Statoil. The increased focus on technology innovation and implementation is necessary to get a competitive advantage. It is easy to dismiss new technology based on the fact that it represents higher risk and entails more work, but the world would stand still if organisations aren’t willing to change old practises.nb_NO
dc.subjectProject Managementnb_NO
dc.titleEfficient technology implementation - A case study of factors influencing technology implementation in Statoilnb_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisnb_NO
dc.description.localcodeMasteroppgaven vil ikke bli åpen tilgjengelig.nb_NO

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