Union membership and health - A multilevel analysis of 20 European countries
With this thesis I will have finalized a master’s degree in sociology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. I want to use this preface to introduce my interest for the subject of the thesis to my readers as well as thanking the people who have given me invaluable guidance and assistance through the course of my studies in Trondheim.
Sociological health research has always stood out to me as a particularly interesting area of sociology because of the potential it has for discovering and documenting phenomena and patterns in society that are beneficial or detrimental to desirable outcomes, which informs our collective priorities. I want to disclose that I have been an active member of a labor union while I have studied in Trondheim, and I strive to be as transparent as possible to eliminate individual bias. My interest in labor unions and health research inspired me to choose this topic for my thesis.
Firstly I want to thank my councilor, Terje Andreas Eikemo, for helping me plan and produce this thesis. Terje has given me both inspiration and peace of mind in our meetings in his office while I have been working on this project.
Secondly I want to thank my parents, Angunn Kvanli and John Magne Kvanli, as well as my siblings, Vebjørn and Therese. I have always been able to count on their support during my years at the university.
Finally I want to thank the community of students I have had the privilege of working with at NTNU. First and foremost, thank you to Sosiologisk Poliklinikk in Trondheim, where I have gained valuable experience in conducting research, and participated in captivating sociological and political discussions. Additionally I want to thank Studentersamfundet, Socius Extremus, the institute for sociology and political science, and the student council for giving me the opportunity to be involved with both professional and social activities over the years.