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dc.contributor.advisorRølvåg, Terje
dc.contributor.advisorHaugen, Bjørn
dc.contributor.authorLøfaldli, Henrik
dc.description.abstractThe combination of increased computational power, sophisticated sensors, and telecommunications enable monitoring by utilising digital twin concept. A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical asset, that runs a simulation based on real data that is affecting the said asset. Digital twins have many potential uses, one of which is structural health monitoring. This work concerns the exploration and development of a system for structural health monitoring for stadia structures. The dynamic load of a crowd on a structure is complex and hard to model correctly. The vibrations caused by such a load causes concern among attendants and officials alike. Such concerns could be validated or invalidated by the use of a monitoring system. The digital twin concept will utilise a simulation based on data from recorded events and gives free reign for the solver to generate loads to recreate the recorded behaviour on a digital twin. The monitoring system has three main components which are the edge, the core, and the consumption. The edge captures behaviour, whereas the core recreates the behaviour on the the digital twin, and the consumption visualizes the recreated events for an end user of the system over the web. All components of the system has successfully been investigated and is capable of providing an event based monitoring system from matches recorded. The system has not been automated and developed into a closed-loop, however, all parts are mature for further development into a more complete product by streamlining and automating the process.
dc.subjectIngeniørvitenskap og IKT, IKT, produktutvikling og materialer
dc.titleDigital Twin Solution for Structural Health Monitoring of Stadia Structures - Monitoring of Vibrations Caused by Dynamic Crowd Loads at Lerkendal Stadion
dc.typeMaster thesis

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