NKJ-report: Maintenance of the cultural landscape as a resource for sustainable agricultural development
Norderhaug, Ann; Hermansen, John Eilif; Bergils, Lena; Kurppa, Sirpa; Thorhallsdottir, Anna; Rosef, Line
The Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural Research (NKJ) promotes and supports cooperation between the Nordic Research Councils. The main goal for NKJ is to support a sustainable agricultural development. In June 2005 NKJ therefore decided to establish a working-group to follow up the Aukureyri declaration. This declaration focuses on the future tasks for Nordic agriculture and on the cultural landscape as a resource especially with regard to rural development. The working-group has given an account of Nordic research regarding use of the cultural landscape as a resource for sustainable agricultural development. Based on this the working-group give attention to needs for research and give recommendations for future Nordic agricultural research. Furthermore the workinggroup has evaluated different kinds of research cooperation.