• Adaptive Data-driven Predictor of Ship Maneuvering Motion Under Varying Ocean Environments 

      Wang, Tongtong; Skulstad, Robert; Kanazawa, Motoyasu; Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Li, Guoyuan; Zhang, Houxiang (Chapter, 2022)
      Modern marine vessels operate increasingly autonomously, enabled by the strong interaction between data acquisition and analysis. The data-driven technology has been widely applied and significantly benefits maritime ...
    • Co-simulation-based Pre-training of a Ship Trajectory Predictor 

      Kanazawa, Motoyasu; Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Li, Guoyuan; Zhang, Houxiang (Chapter, 2022)
      A ship trajectory predictor plays a key role in the predictive decision making of intelligent marine transportation. For better prediction performance, the biggest technical challenge is how we incorporate prior knowledge, ...
    • Effect of Ship Propulsion Retrofit on Maneuverability Research Based on Co-simulation 

      Wang, Tongtong; Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Kanazawa, Motoyasu; Li, Guoyuan; Zhang, Houxiang (Chapter, 2022)
      Shipping has been dominating the transportation industry in worldwide trade. During the service life of a vessel, conversions in mid-life often occur for economic or technical purposes. By replacing expired components or ...
    • A multiple-output hybrid ship trajectory predictor with consideration for future command assumption 

      Kanazawa, Motoyasu; Skulstad, Robert; Li, Guoyuan; Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Zhang, Houxiang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Onboard sensors contribute to data-driven understanding of complex and nonlinear ship dynamics in real time. By using sensors, precise ship trajectory prediction plays a key role in intelligent collision avoidance. A hybrid ...
    • A Physics-Data Co-Operative Ship Dynamic Model for a Docking Operation 

      Kanazawa, Motoyasu; Skulstad, Robert; Wang, Tongtong; Li, Guoyuan; Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Zhang, Houxiang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The development of onboard sensors is bringing us to the next level of ship digitalization. Its ultimate goal is to ensure safe & efficient marine operation by ship intelligence. In particular, during a docking operation, ...