Now showing items 94-113 of 206

    • In-use conditions of air-tightening materials applied in the air gap of ventilated building envelope constructions: A parametric study for different European climates 

      Brozovsky, Johannes Georg; Nocente, Alessandro; Rüther, Petra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Materials used in the building envelope have to withstand a wide range of varying and harsh conditions over their life cycle. Particular relevance falls upon the materials used for tightening buildings, such as wind barriers ...
    • Influence of grain size, organic carbon and organic matter residue content on the sorption of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in aqueous film forming foam contaminated soils - Implications for remediation using soil washing 

      Hubert, Michel; Arp, Hans Peter Heinrich; Hansen, Mona Cecilie; Castro, Gabriela; Meyn, Thomas; Asimakopoulos, Alexandros; Hale, Sarah Elizabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      A soil that was historically contaminated with Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) was dry sieved into size fractions representative of those produced during soil washing. Batch sorption tests were then conducted to investigate ...
    • Influence of Polymer Charge on the Localization and Dark- and Photo-Induced Toxicity of a Potential Type I Photosensitizer in Cancer Cell Models 

      Lindgren, Mikael; Gederaas, Odrun Arna; Siksjø, Monica; Hansen, Tom Andre; Chen, Lena; Mettra, Bastien; Andraud, Chantal; Monnereau, Cyrille (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      A current trend within photo-dynamic therapy (PDT) is the development of molecular systems targeting hypoxic tumors. Thus, type I PDT sensitizers could here overcome traditional type II molecular systems that rely on the ...
    • Insomnia symptoms and subclinical myocardial injury: Data from the Nord-Trøndelag Health (HUNT) study 

      Sigurdardottir, Fjola Dogg; Sigurdardóttir, Fjóla Dögg; Lyngbakken, Magnus; Hveem, Kristian; Hrubos-Strøm, Harald; Røsjø, Helge; Redline, Susan; Omland, Torbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Insomnia symptoms are associated with increased risk of heart failure (HF) and cardiovascular (CV) mortality. We hypothesised that insomnia symptoms are cross-sectionally associated with increased cardiac troponin I (cTnI), ...
    • Intercalation of CO2 Selected by Type of Interlayer Cation in Dried Synthetic Hectorite 

      Hunvik, Kristoffer William Bø; Seljelid, Konstanse Kvalem; Wallacher, Dirk; Kirch, Alexsandro; Cavalcanti, Leide Passos; Loch, Patrick; Røren, Paul Monceyron; Michels-Brito, Paulo Henrique; Droppa-Jr, Roosevelt; Knudsen, Kenneth Dahl; Miranda, Caetano Rodrigues; Breu, Josef; Fossum, Jon Otto (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Clay minerals are abundant in caprock formations for anthropogenic storage sites for CO2, and they are potential capture materials for CO2 postcombustion sequestration. We investigate the response to CO2 exposure of dried ...
    • International Perspectives on the Dynamics of Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers’ Digital Competences 

      Madsen, Siri Sollied; O’Connor, Jane; Janeš, Aleksander; Klančar, Andreja; Brito, Rita; Demeshkant, Nataliia; Sami Konca, Ahmed; Krasin, Serhii; Saure, Heidi Iren; Gjesdal, Beate Eltarvåg; Ludgate, Shannon; Jwaifell, Mustafa; Almuhtadi, Reham; Thorvaldsen, Steinar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Researchers and society in general seem to be conflicted regarding the use of digital technology in early childhood education (ECE). Some are focusing on the positive aspects of using digital technology, while others are ...
    • Intraperitoneal administration of cabazitaxel-loaded nanoparticles in peritoneal metastasis models 

      Hyldbakk, Astrid; Fleten, Karianne Giller; Snipstad, Sofie; Åslund, Andreas; Davies, Catharina de Lange; Flatmark, Kjersti; Mørch, Ýrr Asbjørg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Colorectal and ovarian cancers frequently develop peritoneal metastases with few treatment options. Intraperitoneal chemotherapy has shown promising therapeutic effects, but is limited by rapid drug clearance and systemic ...
    • Investigating Managerial Qualities to Support Sustainable Intervention Effects in the Long Term 

      Saksvik, Per Øystein; Christensen, Marit; Fossum, Silje; Lysklett, Kristin; Karanika-Murray, Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      It is crucial to understand how interventions can be designed and implemented in order to support successful and sustainable effects in the long term. Intervention management can be important in this regard, but we have ...
    • Is self-rated health in adolescence a predictor of prescribed medication in adulthood? Findings from the Nord Trøndelag Health Study and the Norwegian Prescription Database 

      Vie, Tina Løkke; Hufthammer, Karl Ove; Holmen, Turid Lingaas; Meland, Eivind; Breidablik, Hans Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Self-rated health (SRH) is a commonly used health indicator predicting morbidity and mortality in a range of populations. However, the relationship between SRH and medication is not well established. The aim of this study ...
    • Konstantinovka. Dokumentasjon av den russiske gradmålingsstasjonen i Hornsund 

      Arlov, Thor Bjørn; Reymert, Per Kyrre (Research report, 2020)
      Prosjektet har foretatt en arkeologisk og historisk dokumentasjon av kulturminner knyttet til den russiske gradmålingsstasjonen ‘Konstantinovka’ i Hornsund (1899–1900). I Gåshamna på sørsiden av Hornsund ligger det en ...
    • Kulturarv som grunnlag for en nordvendt framtid - Sluttrapport 

      Arntzen, Johan Eilertsen; Nilsen, Gørill (Research report, 2023)
    • Large-scale external validation and comparison of prognostic models: An application to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 

      Guerra, Beniamino; Haile, Sarah R.; Lamprecht, Bernd; Ramírez, Ana S.; Martinez-Camblor, Pablo; Kaiser, Bernhard; Alfageme, Inmaculada; Almagro, Pere; Casanova, Ciro; Esteban-González, Cristóbal; Soler-Cataluña, Juan J.; de-Torres, Juan P.; Miravitlles, Marc; Celli, Bartolomé R.; Marin, Jose M.; ter Riet, Gerben; Sobradillo, Patricia; Lange, Peter; Garcia-Aymerich, Judith; Antó, Jósep Maria; Turner, Alice M.; Han, Meilan K.; Langhammer, Arnulf; Leivseth, Linda; Bakke, Per S.; Johannessen, Ane; Oga, Toru; Cosio, Borja; Ancochea-Bermúdez, Julio; Echazarreta, Andrés; Roche, Nicolas; Burgel, Pierre-Régis; Sin, Don D.; Soriano, Joan B.; Puhan, Milo A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background External validations and comparisons of prognostic models or scores are a prerequisite for their use in routine clinical care but are lacking in most medical fields including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ...
    • Latin American consensus on guidelines for chronic migraine treatment 

      Giacomozzi, Alex Rodrigo Espinoza; Vindas, Alexander Parajeles; da Silva, Ariovaldo Alberto; Bordini, Carlos Alberto; Buonanotte, Carlos Federico; Roesler, Célia Aparecida de Paula; Brito, Cláudio Manoel; Perez, Cristina; Carvalho, Deusvenir de Souza; de Macedo, Djacir Dantas Pereira; Piovesan, Elcio Juliato; Sarmento, Elder Machado; Melhado, Eliana Meire; Éckeli, Fabíola Dach; Kowacs, Fernando; Sobrino, Fidel; Rabello, Getúlio Daré; Rada, Grisel; de Souza, Jano Alves; Casanovas, Juana Rosa; Durán, Juan Carlos; Calia, Leandro Cotoni; Medina, Luis Roberto Partida; de Queiroz, Luiz Paulo; Ciciarelli, Marcelo Cedrinho; Valença, Marcelo Moraes; Cusicanqui, Maria; Jimenez, Maria Karina Velez; Goycochea, Maria Tereza; Peres, Mário Fernando Prieto; Sandoval, Mario Victor Fuentealba; Vincent, Maurice Borges; Gomes, Michel Volcy; Diez, Mónica; Aranaga, Nayeska; Barrientos, Nelson; Kowacs, Pedro André; Filho, Pedro Ferreira Moreira (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)
      Chronic migraine is a condition with significant prevalence all around the world and high socioeconomic impact, and its handling has been challenging neurologists. Developments for understanding its mechanisms and associated ...
    • Leadership, staffing and quality of care in nursing homes 

      Havig, Anders Kvale; Skogstad, Anders; Kjekshus, Lars Erik; Romøren, Tor Inge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Background Leadership and staffing are recognised as important factors for quality of care. This study examines the effects of ward leaders' task- and relationship-oriented leadership styles, staffing levels, ratio of ...
    • Leading transformation in an uncertain world: A case for strategic speculative design 

      Straand, Ingjerd Jevnaker; Jevnaker, Birgit Helene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Strategic speculative design is an uncertainty-oriented approach to perceptually bridge today with envisioned futures through knowledge-seeking design practices such as User experience design. As such, it may complement ...
    • Links between patient safety and fear of childbirth - A meta-study of qualitative research 

      Lyberg, Anne Marit; Dahl, Bente; Haruna, Megumi; Takegata, Mizuki; Severinsson, Ingeborg Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Abstract Aim: To conduct a meta‐study of qualitative empirical research to explore the links between patient safety and fear of childbirth in the maternity care context. The review questions were: How are patient safety ...
    • Long-term follow-up of a community sample of adolescents with frequent headaches 

      Larsson, Bo Sture; Sigurdson, Johannes Foss; Sund, Anne Mari (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background Several outcome studies have reported on the short- and long-term effects of migraine in selected clinical samples of children and adolescents. However, current knowledge of the course, incidence, and outcome ...
    • Læringsarena for tverrfaglig samarbeid - eksperter i team 

      Sortland, Bjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      Experts in Teamwork (EiT) is a compulsory course at 7.5 ECTS for all students at the second-degree level at the NTNU. Annually, approximately 2,000 students take the subject. The students are placed in interdisciplinary ...
    • Maps and geographical names as tokens of national interests - the Spitsbergen vs. Svalbard case 

      Arlov, Thor Bjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The treaty of 9 February 1920 granted Norway full sovereignty over the ‘Archipelago of Spitsbergen’, by which name this Arctic territory was known at the time. Assuming sovereignty five years later, Norway altered the ...
    • Marital status and gambling disorder: a longitudinal study based on national registry data 

      Syvertsen, Andre; Leino, Tony Mathias; Pallesen, Ståle; Smith, Otto Robert Frans; Sivertsen, Børge; Griffiths, Mark D.; Mentzoni, Rune Aune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Marital status is a robust correlate of disordered gambling, but few studies have examined the direction of this association. Methods The present study used a case–control design by including all adults ...