Browsing Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse by Document Types "Master thesis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 1476
17 Ways To Kill Ideas:: An Empirical Study of Termination Strategies and Their Impact on Key Organizational Outcome Variables
(Master thesis, 2013)This thesis investigates 17 termination strategies for terminating ideas and project initiatives, building on Daly, Saetre, and Brun?s (2012) prior research. By surveying decision-makers and proponents in both Norwegian ... -
5G and its Economic Aspects - Literature Review and Selection of a Connection Portfolio Under Risk
(Master thesis, 2017)In this master s thesis we explain how 5G is currently defined, identify the most important economic aspects of 5G, and formulate an optimization planning problem for a mobile network operator operating in the 5G context, ... -
A bit risky? A comparison between Bitcoin and other assets using an intraday Value at Risk approach
(Master thesis, 2014)The promising cryptocurrency Bitcoin has attracted a lot of attention recently, but the high volatility of the Bitcoin price has so far been a barrier to widespread adoption. Given the way Bitcoin transactions work, users ... -
A Call for Change: Aiming towards more relevant and sustainable impact from aid projects
(Master thesis, 2020)Å gjennomføre oppgaver som prosjekter er en økende trend og har blitt en integrert del av samfunnet. Målrettede og midlertidige tiltak, som opphører når den planlagte oppgaven er utført, har i stor grad blitt standarden ... -
A case of circular economy in the Norwegian aquaculture sector
(Master thesis, 2023)Oppdrettsnæringen har blitt en betydelig faktor i å møte verdens protein- etterspørsel, og dermed vokst til å bli en av Norges største næringer. Klimakrisen, sammen mutviklingshastigheten i Norsk oppdrettsnæring fører til ... -
A case study of the merger between DnB and Gjensidige NOR.
(Master thesis, 2012)M&A is a widespread growth strategy that has continually developed through the years. In it’s current phase, industry consolidation seems to be the primary driver behind the M&As. Banks need to consolidate to be able to ... -
A case study on user involvement in an early-stage MedTech startup
(Master thesis, 2021)De siste årene har det vært et pragmatisk skifte innen entreprenøriell teori og helseinnovasjon som innebærer økt fokus på brukermedvirkning (Lehoux et al. 2018; Schultz et al. 2016; Trigo et al. 2016). Skiftet er et ... -
A Case Study: action based Entrepreneurship Education
(Master thesis, 2011)This paper contributes by providing suggestions on how to analyze business ideas forexploitation in an entrepreneurial education context, and how the institution can provide support activities to enhance the chance of ... -
A Column Generation Heuristic for the Dynamic Rebalancing Problem in Bike Sharing Systems
(Master thesis, 2018)This thesis examines the dynamic rebalancing of a bike sharing system (BSS). A BSS is a service where bicycles are made available to users on a short-term basis. However, imbalanced systems is a significant challenge and ... -
A Combined Ferry Service Network Design and Dial-a-Ride System for the Kiel Fjord
(Master thesis, 2020)Utviklingen av autonom teknologi åpner for nye løsninger og kan revolusjonere dagens infrastruktur for offentlig transport ved å tilby hyppigere avganger, kortere omveier samt on-demand tjenester. Denne masteroppgaven ... -
A Combined Optimization-Simulation Framework for a Maritime Inventory Routing Problem Under Uncertainty
(Master thesis, 2019)Denne masteroppgaven presenterer et rammeverk som kombinerer optimering og simulering for å løse et maritimt ruteplanleggings- og lagerstyringsproblem (MIRP) under usikkerhet for en global aluminiumsprodusent. Hensikten ... -
A Combined Optimization-Simulation Framework for Airline Crew Scheduling Under Uncertainty
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven presenterer et optimerings-simuleringsrammeverk for å løse det generelle besetningsplanleggingsproblemet for flyselskaper under usikkerhet. Hensikten er å konstruere en besetningsplan som presterer ... -
A Comparative Analysis of Price Drivers of Day-Ahead Electricity Prices in EPEX and Nord Pool
(Master thesis, 2016)European energy markets have undergone, and will continue to undergo, large changes in coming years, as the share of renewable energy power production increases and markets become more interconnected. We analyze the ... -
A Comparison of Selected Real Options Valuation Approaches to the Net Present Value Method for an Investment Opportunity in Onshore Wind: An analysis of the specific case of Stokkfjellet Wind Farm, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
(Master thesis, 2014)The industry standard among renewable energy companies is to value projects using the traditional discounted cash flow method. Unfortunately, discounted cash flows do not incorporate the value of flexibility. This makes ... -
A decomposition solution approach to the troops-to-tasks assignment in military peacekeeping operations
(Master thesis, 2018)Military peacekeeping operations are becoming increasingly complex, while at the same time facing stricter budgetary restrictions. It is therefore imperative, now more than ever, to have good operation plans that utilize ... -
A Decomposition-Based Matheuristic for the Two-Echelon Multi-Product Maritime Inventory Routing Problem
(Master thesis, 2022)Sjøfart som transportmetode har lenge vært ryggraden i verdensøkonomien, og transporterer i dag omtrent 80% av den globale handelen per volum. Ettersom dette er en langsom transportsmetode, er det nødvendig med omfattende ... -
A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Stock Trading
(Master thesis, 2019)Dette studiet undersøker hvorvidt Dyp Forsterkende Læring (eng: Deep Reinforcement Learning) kan brukes til å kjøpe og selge aksjer. Vi implementerer en Dyp Deterministisk Policy Gradient (DDPG)-algoritme (eng: Deep ... -
A Distributed Algorithm for Large-scale Stochastic Optimization Problems
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis presents a parallel algorithm for non-convex large-scale stochastic optimization problems, specifically scenario-based two-stage stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems. The method is called the ... -
A Dynamic ARMA-GARCH Model: Forecasting Returns and Trading at the Oslo Stock Exchange
(Master thesis, 2018)This study aims to contribute to the existing literature in three ways. Firstly, we try to highlight the dynamic forecasting model behaviour, by investigating the values of the forecasting model's input parameters - the ... -
A Heuristic Approach to Creating an Annual Delivery Program for an LNG Producer with Transshipment
(Master thesis, 2018)In this thesis, an Annual Delivery Program (ADP) planning problem is studied. The objective of the ADP planning problem is to create a cost-efficient delivery schedule for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) producer, who has a ...