• Reporting Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in Major Incidents: A Delphi Study 

      Fattah, Sabina; Johnsen, Anne Siri; Sollid, Stephen J. M.; Wisborg, Torben; Rehn, Marius; Sóti, Ákos; Truhlář, Anatolij; Krüger, Andreas; Gunnarsson, Björn; Gryth, Dan; Ohlén, David; Fevang, Espen; Sunde, Geir Arne; Breitenmoser, Ivo; Kurola, Jouni; Nurmi, Jouni; Fredriksen, Knut; Rognås, Leif; Temesvari, Peter; Mikkelsen, Søren; Magnússon, Vidar; Voelckel, Wolfgang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Objective: Research on helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) in major incidents is predominately based on case descriptions reported in a heterogeneous fashion. Uniform data reported with a consensus-based template ...
    • Reporting of Hazardous Events in Aquaculture Operations - The Significance of Safety Climate 

      Kongsvik, Trond; Thorvaldsen, Trine; Holmen, Ingunn Marie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Objectives: In Norwegian aquaculture, safer technology and better safety management systems have been developed during the last decade. Safety commitment and safe behavior are still vital to ensure a safe working environment. ...
    • Reporting radiographers in Norway – A qualitative interview study 

      Berntsen, Astrid; Myklebust, Aud Mette; Kjelle, Elin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Introduction: A number of Norwegian radiographers have attended an advanced programme of educa- tion and training in musculoskeletal reporting, some in the UK and some in Norway. The aim of this study was to examine how ...
    • Reporting Schemes 

      Fet, Annik Magerholm; Sparrevik, Lars Magnus (Chapter, 2023)
      This chapter gives an overview of different reporting schemes which can be used by companies to communicate their environmental, as well as their sustainability, performance. Connections between different reporting schemes, ...
    • Reports from Twin Earth: Both Deep Structure and Appearance Determine the Reference of Natural Kind Terms 

      Haukioja, Jussi; Nyquist, Mons Andreas; Jylkka, Jussi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Following the influential thought experiments by Hilary Putnam and others, philosophers of language have for the most part adopted semantic externalism concerning natural kind terms. In this article, we present results ...
    • Reports of the workshops held at the 2019 aaai conference on artificial intelligence 

      Barash, Guy; Castillo-Effen, Mauricio; Chhaya, Niyati; Clark, Peter; Espinoza, Huáscar; Farchi, Eitan; Geib, Christopher; Gundersen, Odd Erik; hÉigeartaigh, Seán Ó.; Hernández-Orallo, José; Hori, Chiori; Huang, Xiaowei; Jaidka, Kokil; Kapanipathi, Pavan; Keren, Sarah; Kim, Seokhwan; Lanctot, Marc; Lange, Danny; Martinez, David; Mattar, Marwan; Mausam, Mausam; Mcauley, Julian; Michalowski, Martin; Mirsky, Reuth; Mottaghi, Roozbeh; Osborn, Joseph C.; Pérolat, Julien; Schmid, Martin; Shaban-Nejad, Arash; Shehory, Onn; Srivastava, Biplav; Streilein, William; Talamadupula, Kartik; Togelius, Julian; Yoshino, Koichiro; Zhang, Quanshi; Zitouni, Imed (Journal article, 2019)
    • Repositioning Craft and Design in the Anthropocene: Applying a More-Than-Human approach to textiles 

      Tarcan, Berilsu; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Edwards, Ferne Leigh (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      As a part of industrial mass production, the field of design has been deeply involved in the exploitation of natural resources. In design, better ways to approach the nonhuman-human relation are needed. In this article, ...
    • Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol 

      Taddei, Cristina; Zhou, Bin; Bixby, Honor; Carrillo-Larco, Rodrigo M.; Danaei, Goodarz; Jackson, Rod T.; Ahmed, Soheir H; Andersen, Lars Bo; Anderssen, Sigmund Alfred; Ariansen, Inger Kristine Holtermann; Bjertness, Espen; Bjertness, Marius Bergsmark; Graff-Iversen, Sidsel; Haugsgjerd, Teresa Risan; Janszky, Imre; Krokstad, Steinar; Laugsand, Lars Erik; Madar, Ahmed Ali; Mathiesen, Ellisiv B.; Meyer, Haakon E; Sen, Abhijit; Tell, Grete S.; Vatten, Lars Johan; Wilsgaard, Tom; Farzadfar, Farshad; Sophiea, Marisa K.; Di Cesare, Mariachiara; Iurilli, Maria L. C.; Martinez, Andrea Rodriguez; Asghari, Golaleh; Dhana, Klodian; Gulayin, Pablo; Kakarmath, Sujay; Santero, Marilina; Voortman, Trudy; Riley, Leanne M.; Cowan, Melanie J.; Savin, Stefan; Bennett, James E.; Stevens, Gretchen A.; Paciorek, Christopher J.; Aekplakorn, Wichai; Cifkova, Renata; Giampaoli, Simona; Kengne, Andre Pascal; Khang, Young-Ho; Kuulasmaa, Kari; Laxmaiah, Avula; Margozzini, Paula; Mathur, Prashant (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      High blood cholesterol is typically considered a feature of wealthy western countries1,2. However, dietary and behavioural determinants of blood cholesterol are changing rapidly throughout the world3 and countries are using ...
    • Repowering Smøla wind-power plant - An assessment of avian conflicts 

      Dahl, Espen Lie; May, Roelof Frans; Nygård, Torgeir; Åström, Jens; Diserud, Ola Håvard (NINA Rapport;1135, Research report, 2015)
      Gjennom pågående og tidligere forskning på effekter av vindkraft på fugl i Smøla vindpark, er havørn identifisert som den mest sårbare arten. Smøla vindpark påvirker havørn både gjennom økt dødelighet som følge av kollisjoner ...
    • Representability of the local motivic Brouwer degree 

      Quick, Gereon; Strand, Therese; Wilson, Glen Matthew (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We study which quadratic forms are representable as the local degree of a map f : An → An with an isolated zero at 0, following the work of Kass and Wickelgren who established the connection to the quadratic form of Eisenbud, ...
    • Representasjoner i lærebøker 

      Jensen, Mari Solberg (Master thesis, 2021)
      Denne studien har undersøkt representasjoner i lærebøker på 5. trinn. Hensikten har vært har vært å få innsikt i hvordan oppgaver og eksempler i lærebøkene ivaretar de ulike aspektene ved representasjonskompetansen. En ...
    • Representation of 3-h Offshore Short-Crested Wave Field in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF 

      Wang, Weizhi; Pakozdi, Csaba; Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Stochastic wave properties are crucial for the design of offshore structures. Short-crested seas are commonly seen at the sites of offshore structures, especially during storm events. A long time duration is required in ...
    • A Representation of Artificial Spin Ice for Evolutionary Search 

      Penty, Arthur George; Tufte, Gunnar (Chapter, 2021)
      Arrangements of nanomagnets known as artificial spin ices show great potential for use in unconventional computation. The majority of exploratory work done in this area considers just a small handful of well studied ...
    • Representation of Breaking Wave Kinematics in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF 

      Pakozdi, Csaba; Kamath, Arun; Wang, Weizhi; Bihs, Hans (Chapter, 2020)
      Robust simulations over three-hours are essential to represent a stationary sea state and derive wave statistics and structural response of marine structures in a reliable manner. This means that the numerical model used ...
    • Representation of geometric borders in the developing rat 

      Bjerknes, Tale Litlere; Moser, Edvard Ingjald; Moser, May-Britt (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Local space is represented by a number of functionally specific cell types, including place cells in the hippocampus and grid cells, head direction cells, and border cells in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC). These cells ...
    • Representation of Image Formation—Observation in Optics in Ethiopian Textbooks: Student Learning Difficulties as an Analytical Tool 

      Belayneh, Ehtegebreal Aregehagn; Lykknes, Annette; Getahun, Dawit Asrat; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Studies have reported that students find geometric optics topics difficult partly because of representations in textbooks. In Ethiopia, textbooks are the main source of content in schools. Therefore, a study of how textbooks ...
    • Representation of pheromones, interspecific signals, and plant odors in higher olfactory centers; mapping physiologically identified antennal-lobe projection neurons in the male heliothine moth 

      Zhao, Xin-Cheng; Kvello, Pål; Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye; Lillevoll, Siri Corneliussen; Mustaparta, Hanna; Berg, Bente Gunnveig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The arrangement of anatomically separated systems for information about general and pheromone odorants is well documented at the initial levels of the olfactory pathway both in vertebrates and insects. In the primary ...
    • Representation of uncertainty in market models for operational planning and forecasting in renewable power systems: a review 

      Haugen, Mari; Farahmand, Hossein; Jaehnert, Stefan; Fleten, Stein-Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      As the power system is becoming more weather-dependent and integrated to meet decarbonization targets, the level and severity of uncertainty increase and inevitably introduce higher risk of demand rationing or economic ...
    • Representation Theory of Geigle-Lenzing Complete Intersections 

      Herschend, Martin; Iyama, Osamu; Minamoto, Hiroyuki; Oppermann, Steffen (Journal article, 2023)