Now showing items 14948-14967 of 40063

    • A Framework for Spatial and Temporal Evaluation of Network Disaster Recovery 

      Gajic, Marija; Heegaard, Poul Einar; Furdek, Marija (Chapter, 2020)
      The support of vital societal functions requires a reliable communication network, especially in the presence of crises and disastrous events. Disasters caused by natural factors including earthquakes, fires, floods or ...
    • A framework for the assessment of marine litter impacts in life cycle impact assessment 

      Woods, John Sebastian; Verones, Francesca; Jolliet, Olivier; Vázquez-Rowe, Ian; Boulay, Anne-Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Purpose Marine litter, mostly plastics, is a growing environmental problem. Environmental decision makers are beginning to take actions and implement regulations that aim to reduce plastic use and waste mismanagement. ...
    • Framework for the documentation of nature-based solutions for stormwater management 

      Raspati, Gema Sakti; Bruaset, Stian; Azrague, Kamal; Ugarelli, Rita Maria; Muthanna, Tone Merete; Time, Berit; Sivertsen, Edvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Nature-based solutions (NBSs) are widely implemented for stormwater management; as such they have become important assets that require proper asset management at different stages of their service life. Hence, there is a ...
    • A framework for using humanoid robots in the school learning environment 

      Mishra, Deepti; Parish, Karen; Lugo, Ricardo Gregorio; Wang, Hao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      With predictions of robotics and efficient machine learning being the building blocks of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, countries need to adopt a long-term strategy to deal with potential challenges of automation and ...
    • A Framework of Faster CRNN and VGG16-Enhanced Region Proposal Network for Detection and Grade Classification of Knee RA 

      Srinivasan, Saravanan; Gunasekaran, Subathra; Mathivanan, Sandeep Kumar; Jayagopal, Prabhu; Khan, Muhammad Attique; Alasiry, Areej; Marzougui, Mehrez; Masood, Anum (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We developed a framework to detect and grade knee RA using digital X-radiation images and used it to demonstrate the ability of deep learning approaches to detect knee RA using a consensus-based decision (CBD) grading ...
    • A framework to explain the role of boundary objects in sustainability transitions 

      Franco-Torres, Manuel; Rogers, Briony; Ugarelli, Rita Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Our modern society is characterized by increasing diversity and complexity, leading to over-whelming challenges like climate change or environmental degradation. These problems areposing impracticable ethical dilemmas and ...
    • Frameworks for designing in-place graph algorithms 

      Chakraborty, Sankardeep; Mukherjee, Anish; Raman, Venkaetsh; Satti, Srinivasa Rao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Read-only memory (ROM) model is a classical model of computation to study time-space tradeoffs of algorithms. More recently, several graph algorithms have been studied under ROM model. In this paper, we study graph algorithms ...
    • Framing humanitarian action through design thinking: integrating vulnerable end-users into complex multi-stakeholder systems through 'Agenda Space mapping' 

      Nielsen, Brita Fladvad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This article explains how design thinking was applied as a research approach for the purpose of framing ‘Humanitarian Action’. Insights from an initial study demonstrated the challenging experience of designing for ...
    • Framing industrialization of the offshore wind value chain – a discourse approach to an event 

      Karlsen, Asbjørn (Journal article, 2017)
      The paper explores value chain governance through a discourse approach to an event which included an exhibition and a conference. This approach appears promising for investigating industries in their formative phase and ...
    • Framing Intelligent Transport Systems in the Arctic: Reindeer, Fish and the Engineered Road 

      Haugland, Bård Torvetjønn; Ryghaug, Marianne; Søraa, Roger Andre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The article explores the relationship between humans and other animals, technology, and engineering practices in a project testing Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in the arctic. Generally, roads are engineered to promote ...
    • Framing Outsidedness – Aspects of Housing Quality in Decentralized Reception Centres for Asylum Seekers in Norway 

      Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Støa, Eli; Denizou, Karine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In 2013, more than seventy per cent of Norwegian reception centres for asylum seekers were decentralized or partly decentralized, meaning that the residents lived in ordinary homes dispersed around the town or local area, ...
    • Framing Sustainable Exports in Theory and Practice 

      Engelseth, Per; Glavee-Geo, Richard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Increasingly exporters need to take into consideration sustainable exports. This paper is an academic exercise that seeks to develop an analytical framework to demonstrate sustainable exports as a market embedded ...
    • Framing Sustainable Healthcare Services 

      Engelseth, Per; Kozlowski, Remigiusz; Kamecka, Karolina; Gawinski, Lukasz; Glavee-Geo, Richard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This paper develops an analytical framework using process thinking to achieve sustainable healthcare services. Healthcare is characterised by low economic efficiency. At the same time, it is embedded in ethical concerns ...
    • Framing the Au Pair: Problems of Sex, Work and Motherhood in Norwegian Au Pair Documentaries 

      Stubberud, Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The Norwegian au pair documentaries Mammaranet (“The Mummy Robbery”) (2006) and Herskap og tenarar (“Masters and Servants”) (2013) tell the stories of two Filipina women who have left behind their children to become au ...
    • Framing the environment - Disputes and developments in the management of Norwegian salmon fjords 

      Aasetre, Jørund; Vik, Jostein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Fish farming is an important industry in Norway. However, it is perceived to have negative environmental impacts on the wild salmon through infections and genetically impacting wild salmon populations. These environmental ...
    • Framing the Eurozone Crisis in National Parliaments: Is the Economic Cleavage Really Declining? 

      Hurrelmann, Achim; Kerr, Stephanie; Gora, Anna; Eibl, Philipp (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      While it is undisputed that the Eurozone crisis has contributed to the politicization of European integration, existing research has not conclusively established which cleavages have structured the ensuing debates. To shed ...
    • Framom kroppslege stengsel. Refleksjonar over ei sjukepleieerfaring frå praksiskvardagen 

      Lid, Else Marie; Kvigne, Kari Johanne; Roghell, Per Kristian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In this essay we reflect on nurse Jenny`s narrative to draw attention to how different interpretations of patients bodily expressions may have impact for the help patients receives. The purpose of discussion is how nurses ...
    • Framstillinger av kvinner kledd for makt 

      Bolsø, Agnes; Mühleisen, Wencke (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Forfatterne undersøker og diskuterer klærnes evne til å fremme eller også hemme autoritet. Med fotografier av kvinnelige toppledere som eksempler, undersøkes kulturelle og symbolske betydningsstrukturer vedrørende klær, ...
    • Framsyn mot Bioøkonomisamfunnet 

      Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Borch, Kristian; Follo, Gro Irene; Hansen, Lillian; Logstein, Brit (Chapter, 2020)
      Bioøkonomi er lansert som et av svarene på de store samfunnsmessige utfordringene verden står over for, slik som framtidig knapphet på biologiske ressurser, forringelse av naturmiljøet og klimaendringer og de påfølgende ...
    • Framtidens brann- og redningsvesen 

      Fenstad, Jørn; Almklov, Petter; Ishol, Herbjørg; Storesund, Karolina; Albrechtsen, Eirik (Research report, 2013)
      Denne rapporten diskuterer noen scenarier for framtidig organisering av brann‐ og redningsvesenet i Norge. Nåsituasjonen i ulike kommuner og regioner, utviklingstrekk i utfordringer og rammebetingelser og fordeler og ulemper ...