Fakultet for økonomi (ØK): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 6682
Pioneering the Use of Tracker Data to Evaluate Lean-Led Hospital Design
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Objective: This study aims to examine how we can effectively and affordably evaluate the impact of design concepts such as Lean-Led Hospital Design (LLHD) on the allocation of nurses’ time spent at different locations. ... -
Racial group differences and export market access challenges in agricultural value chains and supply networks of SMEs in South Africa
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Although previous studies provide an insightful and categorised nature of internal and external export barriers experienced by agricultural SMEs in general; there is little, if any, strategic insights on the racial nuances ... -
Seamanship in the Age of Automation: Reduced Practical Wisdom? Observations from Fieldwork on Automated Car Ferries in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This study contributes to the debate on the role of humans in highly automated maritime environments by exploring whether increased automation entails the extraction of seamanship from the maritime sector. Traditionally, ... -
Relasjonsbygging i nettbasert veilederutdanning: En kvalitativ studie av veilederes opplevelser
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Denne studien utforsker hvordan studenter opplever muligheten til å bygge relasjoner til medstudenter og undervisere i nettbasert veilederutdanning. Forskningskonteksten er et karriereveiledningsemne som ble nettbasert ... -
Community Engagement in Infrastructure Development Projects
(Master thesis, 2024)I denne oppgaven så undersøker det komplekse forholdet mellom lokale interessen ter og prosjektstyring i Bostons Big Dig-prosjekt, som ofte er omtalt som et av de mest ambisiøse urbane infrastrukturprosjektene i det siste ... -
Hvordan kan Statsbygg stimulere til økt innovasjon i BAE-næringen?
(Master thesis, 2024)Teknologisk utvikling åpner for betydelige forbedringer i effektivitet og produktivitet innen bygg-, anleggs- og eiendomsnæringen (BAE-næringen), som nå møter strenge bærekraftskrav og økonomiske utfordringer. I takt med ... -
Infant care transfers: simulating neonatal infant pathways and transfers across a neonatal network
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Neonatal care for preterm and sick babies is organised into local areas around the United Kingdom, called Operational Delivery Networks. These networks coordinate between providers to ensure babies have the required care, ... -
Do apologies promote the reintegration of former combatants? Lessons from a video experiment in Colombia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Transitional justice practices frequently involve public apologies where former combatants confess their wrongdoings and ask for forgiveness, with the underlying assumption that such displays facilitate the reintegration ... -
Klimatilpasning i Longyearbyen. Måling av klimatilpasningsinnsats med resiliensindikatorer
(SINTEF AS (ISBN starter med 978-82-14-), Research report, 2024) -
Future Trends in Angler Behavior Based on a Delphi Study in the Nordic Countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Recreational fisheries are dynamic social-ecological systems. Identification of anticipated future trends supports the design of policies and management to deliver outcomes for fisheries resources, users, and communities. ... -
Solving the Tactical Production Planning Problem in Salmon Farming - A Nested Decomposition Approach Using Column Generation and the L-shaped Method
(Master thesis, 2024)Verdens befolkning er ventet å stige med omlag 25% frem mot 2050, og nye, bærekraftige matkilder trengs for å fôre morgendagens verden. Akvakultur generelt, herunder Norsk lakseoppdrett, er i sterk vekst og kan bidra til ... -
A multi-objective decision-making framework for the choice between mutually exclusive alternatives under uncertainty: Assessing the competitiveness of offshore wind for a gas field electrification on the NCS
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Due to rising concerns about climate change and anticipated energy demand increase the Norwegian government advocates for floating offshore wind to decarbonize its oil and gas industry on the Norwegian continental shelf ... -
Stakeholder perceptions of the Norwegian salmon farming industry and its future challenges
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Aquaculture has emerged as the fastest growing sector in global food production, with salmon farming in the lead. Norway is responsible for over half of the world salmon production, but its industry faces significant ... -
The Resilient Organization: Navigating Challenges, Pursuing Opportunities and Thriving in Uncertain Times
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:439, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Traditionally, organizational resilience has been understood as the reactive ability to bounce back from crises, with a focus on survival and recovery after disruptions. However, greater competitive transience and accelerated ... -
Enhancing credit risk assessments of SMEs with non-financial information
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Forutseende sikkerhetsindikatorer i bygg- og anleggsbransjen
(Master thesis, 2024)Masteroppgaven har som formål å bidra til å utvikle nye verktøy for proaktiv måling av sikkerhet i bygg- og anleggsprosjekter. Oppgaven fokuserer på samhandlingsfasen og undersøker hvilke forhold i denne fasen som er ... -
Barrierer og tiltak i avfallsbransjen for å redusere antall branner og branntilløp
(Master thesis, 2024)Branner i avfallsanlegg er et stort problem og det har de siste årene vært et økt antall rapporterte brannhendelser ved norske avfallsanlegg. Batterier, og da i hovedsak litiumbatterier, blir ofte pekt på som årsak til ... -
Bridging the Gap Between Labour Unions and the Management Through Leadership Development Programs?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Innovation in Student Organisations - How Innovation Occurs in Non-Profit Organisations Managed and Run by Volunteer Students
(Master thesis, 2024)Formål - Det finnes mye innovasjonslitteratur, men hovedsakelig basert på kommersielle virksom- heter. Denne oppgaven utforsker innovasjon i studentorganisasjoner (SO-er) og ønsker å undersøke innovasjonsteoriers anvendbarhet ... -
Cointegration analysis between electricity prices for the UK, Germany, Nord pool and the Netherlands versus energy commodities prices for gas, oil and coal
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne artikelen undersøker langsiktige forhold mellom nærmeste måned futureskontrakt for elektrisistet i Storbritannia, Tyskland, Nord Pool og Nederland mot nærmeste måned futureskontrakter for gass, kull og brent olje. ...