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dc.contributor.authorAustrheim, Gunnar
dc.contributor.authorSpeed, James David Mervyn
dc.contributor.authorEvju, Marianne
dc.contributor.authorHester, Alison
dc.contributor.authorHoland, Øystein
dc.contributor.authorLoe, Leif Egil
dc.contributor.authorMartinsen, Vegard
dc.contributor.authorMobæk, Ragnhild
dc.contributor.authorMulder, Jan
dc.contributor.authorSteen, Harald
dc.contributor.authorThompson, Des B.A.
dc.contributor.authorMysterud, Atle
dc.identifier.citationBasic and Applied Ecology 2016nb_NO
dc.description.abstractDomestic livestock drives ecosystem changes in many of the world’s mountain regions, and can be the dominant influenceon soil, habitat and wildlife dynamics. Grazing impacts on ecosystem services (ES) vary according to densities of sheep, butan ES framework accounting for these is lacking. We devised an experiment to evaluate synergies and trade-offs of ESs andcomponents of biodiversity affected by sheep density at the alpine landscape scale in southern Norway. We examined the effectsof increased (80 per km2), decreased (0 per km2) and maintained sheep densities (25 per km2) on ‘supporting’, ‘regulating’and ‘provisioning’ services and biodiversity (plants, invertebrates and birds). Overall, ESs and biodiversity were highest atmaintained sheep density. Regulating services, including carbon storage and habitat openness, were particularly favoured bymaintained densities of sheep. There was no overall decline in ESs from maintained to increased sheep densities, but severalservices, such as runoff water quality, plant productivity and carbon storage, declined when grazing increased. Our study providesexperimental evidence for a positive effect of grazing on ES, but only at maintained low sheep densities. By identifying ESand biodiversity components that are traded-off at decreased and increased grazing, our study also demonstrates some of thenegative impacts on ecosystems that can occur in mountain regions if management does not regulate herbivore densities. Herbivory; Ecosystem services; Livestock; Management; Optimal stocking levels; Overgrazing; Thresholdnb_NO
dc.titleSynergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services in analpine ecosystem grazed by sheep – An experimental approachnb_NO
dc.typeJournal articlenb_NO
dc.typePeer reviewednb_NO
dc.source.journalBasic and Applied Ecologynb_NO
dc.relation.projectNorges forskningsråd: 212897nb_NO
dc.description.localcodeAuthor postprintnb_NO

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