Experimental Study of Fluid-Structure Interaction in a Simplified Geometry of the Human Upper Airways
Master thesis
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OSAS (Obstructive Sleep Apnoe Syndrome) is a sleep relatedbreathing disorder caused by repetitive collapses of the pharyngealwalls during sleep. The objective of this projectis to supply experimental data to validate CFD simulations offluid-structure Interaction (FSI), used in the prognosis of surgeriesfor OSAS.A testrig to investigate the FSI of flow over a rigid plate withan attached elastic plate was designed, built and tested. Velocityprofiles (derived from pitot tube pressure measurements)normal to the elastic plate and behind the elastic plate weremeasured as air flows by, and the motion of the elastic plate wasrecorded with a highspeed camera. Furthermore the recordingswere analyzed and the movement of the flexible plate was determined.The experiments were realized with pitot-tube measurementsand high-speed camera recordings.