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dc.contributor.authorNorvoll, Hanna Henriksen
dc.description.abstractGeography is not an independent subject in the Norwegian junior high school. It is integrated with history and social studies in a joint subject. This means that all three subjects have to share the amount of time the joint subject is given in the Norwegian junior high school. Prior to the 1970s, geography was an independent subject in then what was called real school, for children between the age of thirteen and sixteen. There have been done studies that show that all the subjects don’t necessarily have the same importance in the joint subject. The purpose of this thesis has been to determine if this is correct, and if so, bring light on the plausible explanation. Interviews were conducted in this study, in order to find out more about the status of geography in the junior high school. I interviewed six teachers, all whom have knowledge about the focus of this thesis, and therefor provided personal responses as a background data and information to this thesis. The responses and information the teachers gave, were mainly related to geography and whether the two latter subjects – history and social studies, has downplayed the importance of geography in the joint subject. The interviews were also conducted to find whether or not education and background to the teachers, have any significance to the time the subjects are given in school. Apart from this; I looked into different curricula in geography and the joint subject. The study concludes that geography, compared to the two other subjects, does not have the most influential and stable position in the junior high school. One reason is that geography no longer is an individual subject, but a part of an integrated subject with history and social studies. The amount of credit hours allotted geography has been cut back through this process. The explanation can also be found in the qualifications of the teaching staff. The lagers size of the joint subject, compared to the amount of time the subject is given in the junior high school, is also a factor to consider. My opinion is that the universities, the political agenda and teachers in the junior high school, should be more aware an emphasize geography’s importance. Geography matters!nb_NO
dc.titleGeografi i ungdomsskolennb_NO
dc.title.alternativeGeography in the Norwegian junior high schoolnb_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisnb_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Social science: 200nb_NO

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