Experimental study of the performance of protected zone ventilation used for a reception space
The objective of this study was to examine the possibilities for the downward plane jet to separate two zones with different pollution concentration. This project work is based on technique called protected zone ventilation (PZV) which using plane jet, namely air curtain. The aim of the downward jet is to prevent transmission of indoor pollutions from target zone to protected zone and reduce exposure of occupant to infection risk. The measurements were carried out to test the performance of the protected zone ventilation for reception space under difference configuration of supply and exhaust airflow rate and supply and exhaust air velocity. In this study used the tracer gas, namely CO2 to simulate the reside of occupant and their breathing functions during which spreads the bacteria and virus of infectious diseases. During the measurement of CO2 concentration found that the plane jet is able to divide internal open space to subzones even when the internal velocity will be decrease to about 2.47 m/s (= 78m3/h) and the volume of exhaust air will be equal to 310 m3/h. However, the smoke test of supply air distribution shows that the downward plane jet with pollutants will be removed by exhaust system without mixing with ambient air if the exhaust airflow rate was increased to 1065 m3/h. The results shows that this performance of PZV may be used to reduce the exposure of an occupant to exhaled air from other occupants, nevertheless this kind of study should be still continue to get a better understanding of the performance of the PZV in dependence of conditions and place of applications. This report may be use to comparisons with future study or be starting point to design an efficient PZV system.