• Ancient DNA suggests modern wolves trace their origin to a Late Pleistocene expansion from Beringia 

      Loog, Liisa; Thalmann, Olaf; Sinding, Mikkel Holger Strander; Schuenemann, Verena J.; Perri, Angela; Germonpré, Mietje; Bocherens, Herve; Witt, Kelsey E.; Samaniego Castruita, José Alfredo; Velasco, Marcela Sandoval; Lundstrøm, Inge K.C.; Wales, Nathan; Sonet, Gontran; Frantz, Laurent; Schroeder, Hannes; Budd, Jane; Jimenez, Elodie-Laure; Fedorov, Sergey; Gasparyan, Boris; Kandel, Andrew W.; Lázničková-Galetová, Martina; Napierala, Hannes; Uerpmann, Hans-Peter; Nikolskiy, Pavel A.; Pavlova, Elena Y.; Pitulko, Vladimir V.; Herzig, Karl-Heinz; Malhi, Ripan S.; Willerslev, Eske; Hansen, Anders J.; Dobney, Keith; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Krause, Johannes; Larson, Greger; Eriksson, Anders; Manica, Andrea (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Grey wolves (Canis lupus) are one of the few large terrestrial carnivores that have maintained a wide geographical distribution across the Northern Hemisphere throughout the Pleistocene and Holocene. Recent genetic studies ...
    • Assessing the genetic composition of cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) before sweeping anthropogenic impact 

      Rasmussen, Linett; Fontsere, Claudia; Soto-Calderón, Iván D.; Guillen, Rosamira; Savage, Anne; Hansen, Anders Johannes; Hvilsom, Christina; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      During the last century, the critically endangered cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) has been threatened by multiple anthropogenic factors that drastically affected their habitat and population size. As the genetic ...
    • Beyond DNA barcoding: The unrealized potential of genome skim data in sample identification 

      Bohmann, Kristine; Mirarab, Siavash; Bafna, Vineet; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Genetic tools are increasingly used to identify and discriminate between species. One key transition in this process was the recognition of the potential of the ca 658bp fragment of the organelle cytochrome c oxidase I ...
    • Does urbanisation lead to parallel demographic shifts across the world in a cosmopolitan plant? 

      Caizergues, Aude E.; Santangelo, James S.; Falahati-Anbaran, Mohsen; Fellowes, Mark D. E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Urbanisation is occurring globally, leading to dramatic environmental changes that are altering the ecology and evolution of species. In particular, the expansion of human infrastructure and the loss and fragmentation of ...
    • Genomic analyses show extremely perilous conservation status of African and Asiatic cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) 

      Prost, Stefan; Machado, Ana Paula; Zumbroich, Julia; Preier, Lisa; Mahtani-Williams, Sarita; Meissner, Rene; Guschanski, Katerina; Brealey, Jaelle; Rodríguez Fernandes, Carlos; Vercammen, Paul; Hunter, Luke T. B.; Abramov, Alexei V.; Plasil, Martin; Horin, Petr; Godsall-Bottriell, Lena; Bottriell, Paul; Dalton, Desire Lee; Kotze, Antoinette; Burger, Pamela Anna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We live in a world characterized by biodiversity loss and global environmental change. The extinction of large carnivores can have ramifying effects on ecosystems like an uncontrolled increase in wild herbivores, which in ...
    • Historical population declines prompted significant genomic erosion in the northern and southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) 

      Sánchez-Barreiro, Fátima; Gopalakrishnan, Shyam; Ramos-Madrigal, Jazmín; Westbury, Michael V.; de Manuel, Marc; Margaryan, Ashot; Ciucani, Marta M.; Vieira, Filipe G.; Patramanis, Yannis; Kalthoff, Daniela C.; Timmons, Zena; Sicheritz-Pontén, Thomas; Dalén, Love; Ryder, Oliver A.; Zhang, Guojie; Marquès-Bonet, Tomás; Moodley, Yoshan; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Large vertebrates are extremely sensitive to anthropogenic pressure, and their populations are declining fast. The white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) is a paradigmatic case: this African megaherbivore has suffered a ...
    • Historical population declines prompted significant genomic erosion in the northern and southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) 

      Sánchez-Barreiro, Fátima; Gopalakrishnan, Shyam; Ramos-Madrigal, Jazmín; Westbury, Michael V.; de Manuel, Marc; Margaryan, Ashot; Ciucani, Marta M.; Vieira, Filipe G.; Patramanis, Yannis; Kalthoff, Daniela C.; Timmons, Zena; Sicheritz-Pontén, Thomas; Dalén, Love; Ryder, Oliver A.; Zhang, Guojie; Marquès-Bonet, Tomás; Moodley, Yoshan; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Large vertebrates are extremely sensitive to anthropogenic pressure, and their populations are declining fast. The white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) is a paradigmatic case: this African megaherbivore has suffered a ...
    • Leech blood-meal invertebrate-derived DNA reveals differences in Bornean mammal diversity across habitats 

      Drinkwater, Rosie; Jucker, Tommaso; Potter, Joshua H. T.; Swinfield, Tom; Coomes, D; Slade, Eleanor M.; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Lewis, Owen T.; Bernard, Henry; Struebig, Matthew J.; Clare, Elizabeth; Rossiter, Stephen J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The application of metabarcoding to environmental and invertebrate‐derived DNA (eDNA and iDNA) is a new and increasingly applied method for monitoring biodiversity across a diverse range of habitats. This approach is ...
    • Multiple paths toward repeated phenotypic evolution in the spiny-leg adaptive radiation (Tetragnatha; Hawai'i) 

      Cerca, José; Cotoras, Darko; Santander, Cindy G.; Bieker, Vanessa Carina; Hutchins, Leke; Morin-Lagos, Jaime; Prada, Carlos; Kennedy, Susan M.; Krehenwinkel, Henrik; Rominger, Andrew J.; Meier, Joana Isabel; Dimitrov, Dimitar; Struck, Torsten H; Gillespie, Rosemary G (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The repeated evolution of phenotypes provides clear evidence for the role of natural selection in driving evolutionary change. However, the evolutionary origin of repeated phenotypes can be difficult to disentangle as it ...
    • A paleogenomic investigation of overharvest implications in an endemic wild reindeer subspecies 

      Kellner, Fabian Laszlo; Le Moullec, Mathilde; Ellegaard, Martin Rene; Rosvold, Jørgen; Peeters, Bart; Burnett, Hamish Andrew; Pedersen, Åshild Ønvik; Brealey, Jaelle C.; Dussex, Nicolas; Bieker, Vanessa Carina; Hansen, Brage Bremset; Martin, Michael David (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Overharvest can severely reduce the abundance and distribution of a species and thereby impact its genetic diversity and threaten its future viability. Overharvest remains an ongoing issue for Arctic mammals, which due to ...
    • Pervasive admixture and the spread of a large-lipped form in a cichlid fish radiation 

      Sowersby, Will; Cerca, José; Wong, Bob B. M.; Lehtonen, Topi K.; Chapple, David G.; Leal-Cardín, Mariana; Barluenga, Marta; Ravinet, Mark (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Adaptive radiations have proven important for understanding the mechanisms and processes underlying biological diversity. The convergence of form and function, as well as admixture and adaptive introgression, are common ...
    • Phylogenomics and species delimitation for effective conservation of manta and devil rays 

      Hosegood, Jane; Humble, Emily; Ogden, Rob; de Bruyn, Mark; Creer, Simon; Stevens, Guy; Abudaya, Mohammed; Bassos-Hull, Kim; Bonfil, Ramon; Fernando, Daniel; Foote, Andrew; Hipperson, Helen; Jabado, Rima; Kaden, Jennifer; Moazzam, Muhammad; Peel, Lauren; Pollett, Stephen; Ponzo, Alessandro; Poortvliet, Marloes; Salah, Jehad; Senn, Helen; Stewart, Joshua; Witner, Sabine; Wintner, Sabine; Carvalho, Gary (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Practical biodiversity conservation relies on delineation of biologically meaningful units. Manta and devil rays (Mobulidae) are threatened worldwide, yet morphological similarities and a succession of recent taxonomic ...
    • Population genomic evidence for plant glacial survival in Scandinavia 

      Westergaard, Kristine Bakke; Zemp, Niklaus; Bruederle, Leo P.; Stenøien, Hans K.; Widmer, Alex; Fior, Simone (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Quaternary glaciations have played a major role in shaping the genetic diversity and distribution of plant species. Strong palaeoecological and genetic evidence supports a postglacial recolonization of most plant species ...
    • Reconstructing the invasion history of Heracleum persicum (Apiaceae) into Europe 

      Rijal, Dilli Prasad; Alm, Torbjørn; Jahodová, Šárka; Stenøien, Hans K.; Alsos, Inger Greve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-11-06)
      Sparse, incomplete and inappropriate historical records of invasive species often hamper invasive species management interventions. Population genetic analyses of invaders might provide a suitable context for the identification ...
    • Runs of homozygosity in killer whale genomes provide a global record of demographic histories 

      Foote, Andrew; Hooper, Rebecca; Alexander, Alana; Baird, Robin; Baker, Scott; Ballance, Lisa; Barlow, Jay; Brownlow, Andrew; Collins, Tim; Constantine, Rochelle; Rosa, Luciano Dalla; Davison, Nicholas J.; Durban, John; Esteban, Ruth; Excoffier, Laurent; Forney, Karin A.; Gerrodette, Tim; Gilbert, Marcus Thomas Pius; Guinet, Christophe; Hanson, M. Bradley; Li, Songhai; Martin, Sarah; Martin, Michael David; Robertson, Kelly M.; Samarra, Filipa I.P.; de Stephanis, Renaud; Tavares, Sara B.; Tixier, Paul; Totterdell, John A.; Wade, Paul; Wolf, Jochen B.W.; Fan, Guangyi; Zhang, Yaolei; Morin, Phillip A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Runs of homozygosity (ROH) occur when offspring inherit haplotypes that are identical by descent from each parent. Length distributions of ROH are informative about population history; specifically, the probability of ...