• Participatory monitoring drives biodiversity knowledge in global protected areas 

      Mandeville, Caitlin Marie; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Herfindal, Ivar; Finstad, Anders Gravbrøt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Protected areas are central in strategies to conserve biodiversity. Effective area-based conservation relies on biodiversity data, but the current biodiversity knowledge base is insufficient and limited by geographic and ...
    • Peatland restoration in Norway – evaluation of ongoing monitoring and identification of plant indicators of restoration success 

      Kyrkjeeide, Magni Olsen; Jokerud, Mari; Mehlhoop, Anne Catriona; Lunde, Linn Marie Foldnes; Fandrem, Marte; Lyngstad, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Norway launched a national action plan on wetland restoration in 2016. So far, 90% of the restoration effort has been on peatland restoration, with about 140 mires restored so far. There are three main restoration goals ...
    • Pentaneurella katterjokki Fittkau & Murray (Chironomidae, Tanypodinae): redescription and phylogenetic position 

      Stur, Elisabeth; da Silva, Fabio Laurindo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The monotypic genus Pentaneurella Fittkau & Murray was originally described based on larvae, pupal exuviae and pharate males. The latter prevented the observation of key features, such as wing dimensions, abdominal coloration ...
    • Perigrapha superveniens (Nyl.) Hafellner, a lichenicolous fungus new to Fennoscandia from Norway. 

      Holien, Håkon; Frisch, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • Pervasive admixture and the spread of a large-lipped form in a cichlid fish radiation 

      Sowersby, Will; Cerca, José; Wong, Bob B. M.; Lehtonen, Topi K.; Chapple, David G.; Leal-Cardín, Mariana; Barluenga, Marta; Ravinet, Mark (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Adaptive radiations have proven important for understanding the mechanisms and processes underlying biological diversity. The convergence of form and function, as well as admixture and adaptive introgression, are common ...
    • Pervasive moose browsing in boreal forests alters successional trajectories by severely suppressing keystone species 

      Kolstad, Anders Lorentzen; Austrheim, Gunnar; Solberg, Erling Johan; De Vriendt, Laurent; Speed, James David Mervyn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Large herbivores can shape young forest stands and determine the successional trajectory of forested ecosystems by selectively browsing palatable species at the sapling stage. Moose (Alces alces) is the dominant vertebrate ...
    • PESI - a taxonomic backbone for Europe 

      de Jong, Yde; Kouwenberg, Juliana; Boumans, Louis; Hussey, Charles; Hyam, Roger; Nicholson, Nicola; Kirk, Paul; Paton, Alan J; Michel, Ellinor; Guiry, Michael D.; Boegh, Philip S.; Ærenlund Pedersen, Henrik; Enghoff, Henrik; von Raab-Straube, Eckhard; Güntsch, Anton; Geoffroy, Marc; Müller, Andreas; Kohlbecker, Andreas; Berendsohn, Walter G.; Appeltans, Ward; Arvanitidis, C.; Vanhoorne, Bart; Declerck, Joram; Vandepitte, Leen; Hernandez, Francisco; Nash, Roisin; Costello, Mark John; Ouvrard, David; Bezard-Falgas, Pascale; Bourgoin, Thierry; Wetzel, Florian Tobias; Glöckner, Falko; Korb, Günther; Ring, Caroline; Hagedorn, Gregor; Häuser, Christoph L.; Aktac, Nihat; Asan, Ahmet; Ardelean, Adorian; Borges, Paulo A.V.; Dhora, Dhimiter; Khachatryan, Hasmik; Malicky, Michael; Ibrahimov, Shaig; Tuzikov, Alexander; De Wever, Aaike; Moncheva, Snejana; Spassov, Nikolai; Chonot, Karel; Popov, Alexi; Borsic, Igor; Sfenthourakis, Spyros; Kõljalg, Urmas; Uotila, Pertti; Olivier, Gargominy; Dauvin, Jean-Claude; Tarkhnishvili, David; Chaladze, Giorgi; Tuerkay, Michael; Legakis, Anastasios; Peregovits, Laszlo; Gudmundsson, Gudmundur A.; Olafsson, Erling; Lysaght, Liam; Galil, Bella S.; Raimondo, Francesco M.; Domina, Gianniantonio; Stoch, Fabio; Minelli, Alessandro; Spungis, Voldermars; Budrys, Eduardas; Olenin, Sergej; Turpel, Armand; Walisch, Tania; Krpach, Vladimir; Gambin, Marie Therese; Ungureanu, Laurentia; Karaman, Gordan; Kleukers, Roy M.J.C.; Stur, Elisabeth; Aagaard, Kaare; Valland, Nils; Moen, Toril Loennechen; Bogdanowicz, Wieslaw; Tykarski, Piotr; Weslawski, Jan Marcin; Kedra, Monika; de Frias Martins, Antonio M.; Abreu, Antonio Domingos; Silva, Ricardo; Medvedev, Sergei; Ryss, Alexander; Simic, Smiljka; Marhold, Karol; Stloukal, Eduard; Tome, Davorin; Ramos, Marian A.; Valdes, Benito; Pina, Francisco; Kullander, Sven; Telenius, Anders; Gonseth, Yves; Tschudin, Pascal; Sergeyeva, Oleksandra; Vladymyrov, Volodymyr; Rizun, Volodymyr Bohdanovych; Raper, Chris; Lear, Dan; Stoev, Pavel; Penev, Lyubomir; Rubio, Ana Casino; Backeljau, Thierry; Saarenmaa, Hannu; Ulenberg, Sandrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      Reliable taxonomy underpins communication in all of biology, not least nature conservation and sustainable use of ecosystem resources. The flexibility of taxonomic interpretations, however, presents a serious challenge for ...
    • Phaeographis inusta new to Norway, with comments on Arthothelium macounii 

      Gaarder, Geir; Jordal, John Bjarne; Frisch, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    • Phases of microalgal succession in sea ice and the water column in the Baltic Sea from autumn to spring 

      Enberg, Sara; Majaneva, Markus; Autio, R; Blomster, Jaanika; Rintala, Janne‐Markus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The phytoplankton biomass in the Baltic Sea is low during the cold-water season (October to May) compared to the warm-water season (June to September). However, the sea ice is a habitat for diverse assemblages in polar and ...
    • Phenotypic and genetic variation within the Cricotopus sylvestris species-group (Diptera, Chironomidae), across a Nearctic - Palaearctic gradient 

      Gresens, Susan E.; Stur, Elisabeth; Ekrem, Torbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Intraspecific variation sometimes obscures species boundaries and makes identification of certain Chironomidae difficult. This is true for many species in the genus Cricotopus. We used DNA barcode data and multivariate ...
    • Phylogenetic Evidence of Long Distance Dispersal and Transmission of Piscine Reovirus (PRV) between Farmed and Wild Atlantic Salmon 

      Garseth, Åse Helen; Ekrem, Torbjørn; Biering, Eirik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The extent and effect of disease interaction and pathogen exchange between wild and farmed fish populations is an ongoing debate and an area of research that is difficult to explore. The objective of this study was to ...
    • Phylogenetic hypothesis of Sphaerodoridae Malmgren, 1867 (Annelida) and its position within Phyllodocida 

      Capa, Maria; Aguado, Maria Teresa; Bakken, Torkild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Sphaerodoridae is a small, morphologically well-defined group of annelids, with remarkable spherical tubercles covering their body surface. They have generally been considered as part of Phyllodocida, but there is no ...
    • Phylogenetic position of Synarthonia (lichenized Ascomycota, Arthoniaceae), with the description of six new species. 

      van den Broeck, Dries; Frisch, Andreas; RAZAFINDRAHAJA, Tahina; Van de Vijver, Bart; Ertz, Damien (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      Background and aims – The Arthoniaceae form a species-rich family of lichenized, lichenicolous and saprophytic fungi in the order Arthoniales. As part of taxonomic revisions of the African Arthoniaceae, a number of species ...
    • Phylogenetic Status of Arthonia phaeophysciae (Arthoniaceae, Ascomycota). Newly Found in Japan. 

      Frisch, Andreas; Tadome, Kensuke; Moon, Kwang Hee; Thor, Göran; Ohmura, Yoshihito (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The lichenicolous fungus Arthonia phaeophysciae Grube & Matzer (Arthoniaceae, Ascomycota), growing on Physciella melanchra and Phaeophyscia sp., is newly reported from Central Honshu in Japan. Additional localities are ...
    • Phylogenetic structure in the Sphagnum recurvum complex (Bryophyta: Sphagnaceae) relative to taxonomy and geography 

      Duffy, A; Aguero, Blanka; Stenøien, Hans K.; Flatberg, Kjell Ivar; Ignatov, MS; Hassel, Kristian; Shaw, AJ (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Premise The Sphagnum recurvum complex comprises a group of closely related peat mosses that are dominant components of many northern wetland ecosystems. Taxonomic hypotheses for the group range from interpreting the whole ...
    • A phylogenetic survey of the ascomycete genus Arthrorhaphis (Arthrorhaphidaceae, Lecanoromycetes) including new species in Arthrorhaphis citrinella sensu lato 

      Frisch, Andreas; Ohmura, Yoshihito; Holien, Håkon; Bendiksby, Mika (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The genus Arthrorhaphis is a group of ascomycetes comprising lichenised and non-lichenised taxa from temperate to arctic-alpine regions in both hemispheres. Nine species and two infraspecific taxa are currently recognised. ...
    • Phylogenomic structure and speciation in an emerging model: the Sphagnum magellanicum complex (Bryophyta) 

      Shaw, A. Jonathan; Piatkowski, Bryan; Duffy, Aaron M.; Aguero, Blanka; Imwattana, Karn; Nieto-Lugilde, Marta; Healey, Adam; Weston, David J.; Patel, Megan N.; Schmutz, Jeremy; Grimwood, Jane; Yavitt, Joseph B.; Hassel, Kristian; Stenøien, Hans K.; Flatberg, Kjell Ivar; Bickford, Christopher P.; Hicks, Karen A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Sphagnum magellanicum is one of two Sphagnum species for which a reference-quality genome exists to facilitate research in ecological genomics. Phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses were conducted based on ...
    • Phylogenomics and species delimitation for effective conservation of manta and devil rays 

      Hosegood, Jane; Humble, Emily; Ogden, Rob; de Bruyn, Mark; Creer, Simon; Stevens, Guy; Abudaya, Mohammed; Bassos-Hull, Kim; Bonfil, Ramon; Fernando, Daniel; Foote, Andrew; Hipperson, Helen; Jabado, Rima; Kaden, Jennifer; Moazzam, Muhammad; Peel, Lauren; Pollett, Stephen; Ponzo, Alessandro; Poortvliet, Marloes; Salah, Jehad; Senn, Helen; Stewart, Joshua; Witner, Sabine; Wintner, Sabine; Carvalho, Gary (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Practical biodiversity conservation relies on delineation of biologically meaningful units. Manta and devil rays (Mobulidae) are threatened worldwide, yet morphological similarities and a succession of recent taxonomic ...
    • Phylogeny of the asexual lineage Murrayidae (Macrobiotoidea, Eutardigrada) with the description of Paramurrayon gen. nov. and Paramurrayon meieri sp. nov. 

      Guidetti, Roberto; Giovannini, Ilaria; Del Papa, Valeria; Ekrem, Torbjørn; Nelson, Diane R.; Rebecchi, Lorena; Cesari, Michele (Journal article, 2022)
      The peculiar family Murrayidae, comprising the genera Murrayon, Dactylobiotus and Macroversum, contains relatively rare species living in hydrophilic and freshwater habitats on all continents, and contains two of the six ...
    • Phyto- og zooplanktonundersøkelser i Granavatn, Nord-Trøndelag 1988 

      Haug, Arne (NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Zoologisk Serie, 0802-0833; 1989:1, Research report, 1989)