Browsing NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet (uspesifisert) by Title
Now showing items 11-30 of 122
Bird song activity in relation to breeding cycle, spring weather and environmental phenology - statistical data
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Zoologisk Serie, 0802-0833; 1977:12, Research report, 1977) -
Botaniske registreringer i Storbekken, Lierne kommune, Nord-Trøndelag
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk Serie, 0802-2992; 1995:8, Research report, 1995) -
Botaniske undersøkelser i forbindelse med generalplanarbeidet i Frøya kommune, Sør-Trøndelag
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk Serie, 0802-2992; 1981:8, Research report, 1981) -
Botaniske undersøkelser i Rien-Hyllingen-området, Røros, Sør-Trøndelag
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk Serie, 0802-2992; 1978:2, Research report, 1978) -
Botaniske verneverdier i Røros, Sør-Trøndelag
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk Serie, 0802-2992; 1979:6, Research report, 1979) -
Bronsealderristningane på Bogge i Romsdal
(Gunneria, 0332-8554; 57, Research report, 1987) -
Capacity building for Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Final report 2014: Indo- Norwegian pilot project on capacity building in biodiversity informatics for enhanced decision making, improved nature conservation and sustainable development
(NINA rapport;1079, Research report, 2014)Prosjektet har samarbeidet med Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) og har implementert flere av deres kapasitetsbyggende verktøy, standarder og tjenester. I tillegg er WII og Naturhistorisk Museum nasjonale ... -
Capacity building for Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Progress report 2011: Indo- Norwegian pilot project on capacity building in biodiversity informatics for enhanced decision making, improved nature conservation and sustainable development
(NINA rapport;801, Research report, 2012)This report describes the activities and achievements in 2011 of the Indo- Norwegian pilot project on capacity building in biodiversity informatics for enhanced decision making, improved conservation and sustainable ... -
Catalogue of the J.E. Gunnerus herbarium
(Gunneria, 0332-8554; 52, Research report, 1985) -
Changing diet in a changing world
(Chapter, 2023) -
Conservation implications of elucidating the Korean wolf taxonomic ambiguity through whole-genome sequencing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The taxonomic status of the now likely extirpated Korean Peninsula wolf has been extensively debated, with some arguing it represents an independent wolf lineage, Canis coreanus. To investigate the Korean wolf's genetic ... -
A dated volcano-tectonic deformation event in Jan Mayen causing landlocking of Arctic charr
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We provide the first documentation of tectonic deformation resulting from a volcanic eruption on the island of Jan Mayen. Vertical displacement of about 14 m southwest of the stratovolcano Beerenberg is associated with an ... -
Dendrochronological analysis of 19 Norwegian grain chests
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Nineteen Norwegian grain chests made of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were analyzed by measuring tree-ring widths on photographs and scanned pictures. Seventeen of the chests were successfully dated by dendrochronology. ... -
Earthworms, Darwin and prehistoric agriculture-Chernozem genesis reconsidered
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Chernozems are among the most fertile agricultural soils on Earth and are important terrestrial carbon reservoirs. Since the Miocene-advent of grassland-ecosystems, they develop on fine-grained calcareous parent materials, ... -
Ecological studies in Hopavågen, a landlocked bay at Agdenes, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
(Gunneria, 0332-8554; 71, Research report, 1996)The results of a study on the physical and biological conditions in Hopavågen and Straumen are presented. The data were collected during the period 1983-1994. The hydrographic data show that the deep water of Hopavågen ... -
Ecology Of Echinoderms In Borgenfjorden, North-Trøndelag, Norway
(Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Museet, Miscellanea / senere endret navn til Gunneria; 8, Research report, 1973) -
EDB-basert framstilling av botaniske utbredelseskart
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk Serie, 0802-2992; 1989:1, Research report, 1989) -
Elgens genetiske struktur i Norge
(NINA Rapport;467, Research report, 2009)Elgen er en viktig naturressurs i Norge med stor økonomisk og rekreasjonsmessig betydning. Til tross for dette vet vi lite om elgens genetiske variasjon, og således evnen den norske elgen har til å takle forandringer i ... -
En høvdings gård - en høvdings grav. En vikingtids båtgrav på Egge i Steinkjer, Nord-Trøndelag
(Gunneria, 0332-8554; 72, Research report, 1997) -
En plantesosiologisk undersøkelse av vann- og sumpvegetasjon i Møre og Romsdal
(Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Museet, Miscellanea / senere endret navn til Gunneria; 22, Research report, 1975)