Browsing Institutt for sosialantropologi by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 324
A discussion of risk influencing factors for maritime accidents based on investigation reports
(Chapter, 2017)This paper reports findings from a review of investigation reports from maritime accidents. Based on a systematic analysis of 95 reports, we discuss a selection of typical causes and circumstances for serious maritime ... -
A Moral Economy of Academic Minority Inclusions
(Master thesis, 2019)Scholarly discussions on the value of minority inclusion within the university places emphasis on confrontational struggle between claims for regulative facilitation of student wellbeing and claims for individual academic ... -
A Multicultural Society in the Making: How Norwegian Muslims challenge a white nation
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:330, Doctoral thesis, 2012)This doctoral thesis explores the current process of Norway becoming a multicultural society, more specifically when Norwegian Muslims challenge ‘white’ perceptions of the nation. I apply Tariq Modood’s theory of political ... -
A review of scientific literature: pertaining the relationship between social media, political disinformation, and political polarization in the United States.
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven hevder at til tross for fremveksten av sosiale medier at politisk polarisering har økt jevnt siden 1960-tallet, men at sosiale medier legger til rette for ulike typer "perfekte miljøer" som intensivere ... -
A Spiritual Journey to the East: Experimentation in Alternative Living Among Western Travelers in a Spiritual Community in India
(Master thesis, 2013)What makes people from the West pursue happiness and inner self-fulfillment in a spiritual community in India? What triggers people to embark on a spiritual quest, and more importantly, what do they find? This thesis is ... -
A Touch of Alterity: A Study of a WWI/II Re-enactment Group in the West Country of the UK.
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven tilnærmer seg historisk “re-enactment” som gjennomføring av kulturell arv. Gjennom å gjøre re-enactment deltar folk i aktiviteter som hjelper dem å komme i kontakt med deres historie. Ved å leve, spise og ... -
Addressing Differences in Safety Influencing Factors—A Comparison of Offshore and Onshore Helicopter Operations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The accident levels in helicopter transportation vary between geographical regions and types of operations. In this paper, we develop some hypotheses regarding the factors that may explain this variation. The aim of this ... -
Aktivisering og terapi gjennom samhandling med dyr : en studie av dyreassisterte intervensjoner i Trøndelag
(Master thesis, 2015)Denne masteroppgaven omhandler bruken av dyreassisterte intervensjoner (DAI) i Trøndelag. Gjennom empiriske eksempler fra fire ulike steder som driver med DAI gir oppgaven et innblikk i ulike former for DAI, ideologien bak ... -
Alle veier fører til eiendom. Om «fornebuskatten» og omstridte eiendomsrelasjoner.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Fornebu er i dag Nordens største transformasjonsområde der byutviklingen foregår på privateid grunn. Dette gir godt grunnlag for å se nærmere på hva privat eierskap gjør for byuviklingen. Det empiriske materialet; striden ... -
Anthropology through Levinas: Knowing the Uniqueness of Ego and the Mystery of Otherness
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Arctic energy image: hydrocarbon aesthetics of progress and form
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Arne Martin Klausen: En bibliografi
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
"As if we have become used to it" – Time and practice amongst students in the economic crisis in Greece
(Master thesis, 2017)Greece has since the revelation of its public debt in 2009 experienced an economic crisis. Governments in Greece has since the emergence of the economic crisis implemented austerity measures, such as tax hikes and cuts in ... -
Avkolonisering av akademia: et ekko fra fortiden? Er det et behov for avkolonisering av antropologi?
(Bachelor thesis, 2023) -
Bakom sløret
(Bachelor thesis, 2023) -
Bananas and Bullets: Non-Governmental Governmentality in Sri Lanka
(Master thesis, 2012)The state and the civil society are often presented as two opposing forces in both popular and academic circles. The state is ascribed with vertical properties, while the civil society, and thereby NGOs, are “rooted” and ... -
Becoming a "Foreigner" in Norway: The Experience of Policy-Based Civic Integration
(Master thesis, 2020)Denne masteravhandlingen utforsker utviklingen av samfunnsintegrering som et politisk tiltak i Norge. Gjennom beretningene til informanter fra feltstedet, et ressurssenter for innvandrere, diskuteres konsekvensene av ...