Browsing Institutt for sirkulasjon og bildediagnostikk by Document Types "Doctoral thesis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 247
2D and 3D echocardiography during inotropic alterations and after recent myocardial infarction
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:378, Doctoral thesis, 2012)Vurdering av venstre ventrikkels størrelse og funksjon er helt sentral ved enhver ekkokardiografisk undersøkelse og den vanligste kliniske indikasjon for å utføre ultralyd av hjertet. I dette prosjektet ble hjertefunksjonen ... -
3-D Doppler imaging in cardiac applications using high frame-rate sequences
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:60, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Several decades after the establishment of Doppler ultrasound, quantification and imaging of blood flow using Doppler-based techniques continue to face multiple challenges. Out-of-plane flow, transit-time broadening and ... -
3D ultrasound and navigation – Applications in laparoscopic surgery
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:52, Doctoral thesis, 2011)The use of intraoperative navigation during surgery is becoming a valuable tool in several clinical applications. Often only preoperative images are used during navigation and changes that occur during surgery are hence ... -
3D Ultrasound for Quantitative Echocardiography
(Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2009:135, Doctoral thesis, 2009)Medical ultrasound imaging is widely used to diagnose cardiacdiseases. The recent availability of real time 3D ultrasound posesseveral interesting challenges and opportunities, and the work of thisthesis is devoted to both ... -
4D ultrasound vector flow imaging for intraventricular flow assessment
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:38, Doctoral thesis, 2019)4D ultralyd vector flow avbildning for evaluering av blodstrøm i hjertet Ultralyd er den mest utbredte modaliteten for evaluering av hjertefunksjon grunnet tilgjengelighet, lav kostnad og sanntidsvisning. Ekkokardiografi ... -
A FAST ultrasound simulator
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:110, Doctoral thesis, 2012)En ultralydsimulator for FAST Ultralyd brukes for å avbilde kroppens indre. Avbildningen gjøres av en ultralydprobe som plasseres på utsiden av pasienten og føres over den delen av kroppen man vil studere. Det er ... -
A Physiological Approach to a New Decompression Algorithm Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:321, Doctoral thesis, 2011)Diving involves breathing of pressurized inert gas, which accumulates in body tissues during the dive. When the diver ascends towards the surface, the pressure is relieved and gas bubbles may form. These bubbles are the ... -
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair: Factors influencing early and late mortality
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:125, Doctoral thesis, 2017)English summary Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a common disease that particularly affects elderly individuals (> 60 years). Open surgical repair has for several decades been regarded as the standard treatment modality ... -
Accelerating adaptive ultrasound imaging algorithms by means of general-purpose computing on graphics processing units
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2014:268, Doctoral thesis, 2014)A rapid development in computer game technology and accompanying programming languages have recently provided researchers with small personal supercomputers, comprised in a single graphics processing unit (GPU). This ... -
Acute cardiac effects of exercise in the healthy and diseased
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:344, Doctoral thesis, 2023)A growing trend in modern society is a polarization of the population into two distinct health groups. On the one hand, we see a steady increase in people who are health conscious and interested in exercise, while on the ... -
Adaptive beamformers for ultrasound imaging of acoustically hard tissues
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:363, Doctoral thesis, 2012)The imaging of bone structures is usually done using X-ray based modalities. However, the application of these modalities can be limited due to unwanted ionizing radiation exposure, scanning cost, and lack of portability. ... -
Aerobic Capacity and Cardiorespiratory Reference Data in Healthy Adults: Cross-sectional descriptions, associations and predictive equations for key physiological variables
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:293, Doctoral thesis, 2016)SAMMENDRAG Hovedmålene i denne avhandlingen var å etablere et referanse materiale på fysiologiske nøkkelvariabler for friske voksne, og å utvikle modeller for å predikere peak oksygen opptak (VO2peak). Dette er det største ... -
Aerobic Exercise and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Overweight and Obese Adolescents and Adults
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2008:234, Doctoral thesis, 2008)Kondisjonstrening og kardiovaskulære risikofaktorer blant overvektige og fete ungdommer og voksne Kondisjonstrening er vist å bedre hjerte- og blodårefunksjon hos pasienter med etablert hjerte- og karsykdom, blant de med ... -
Aerobic exercise in coronary heart disease
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2010:25, Doctoral thesis, 2010)Physical inactivity is recognised as a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD). Healthy subjects who exercise have lower all-cause and CHD mortality compared to inactive. Also in subjects with already established CHD, ... -
Aerobic high intensity interval training is an effective treatment for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2009:194, Doctoral thesis, 2009)Aerobic high intensity interval cycling at 85-95% of peak heart rate improves peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) and performance in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients (COPD). One leg cycling demonstrates greater ... -
ALTERED CIRCULATORY RESPONSES TO EARLY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AFTER ON-PUMP CORONARY ARTERY SURGERY - A clinical study of cardiac function, peripheral vascular responses, and muscle metabolism
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:314, Doctoral thesis, 2019) -
Analysis of Manganese Enhanced MRI of the Normal and Injured Rat Central Nervous System
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2010:40, Doctoral thesis, 2010)Injury or disease in the central nervous system (CNS) such as stroke or Alzheimer's disease is often irreversible, thus patients su_ering from such injuries or diseases have poor prognosis. Important factors in CNS injury ... -
Application of machine learning in tissue characterization
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:119, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Bruk av maskinlæring i karakterisering av vev Karakterisering av vev handler om å skille ulike vevstyper basert på en eller annen egenskap som vevet innehar. Innen medisin har ofte sykt og friskt vev ulike fysiske egenskaper. ... -
Arm venous compliance and maximal oxygen uptake: adding age, cardiovascular disease, exercise and total blood volume to the discussion.
(Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2015:285, Doctoral thesis, 2015)Age and heart failure is associated with impaired arm venous function, indicating a negative effect of both age and heart failure on arm venous compliance. Positive associations have been found between cardiopulmonary ... -
Assessing Codeine Treatment to Patients with Chronic Non-malignant Pain:: Neuropsychological Functioning, Driving Ability and Weaning
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:71, Doctoral thesis, 2011)