• Professional carers’ experiences of working with reablement 

      Liaaen, Janne M. A. (Master thesis, 2016-01-14)
      Purpose. The purpose of this study was to provide knowledge about professional carers’ experiences of working with everyday activities within the framework of reablement. Method. In this explorative study focus group ...
    • Prognostic ability of STarT Back Screening Tool combined with work-related factors in patients with low back pain in primary care: a prospective study 

      Unsgaard-Tøndel, Monica; Vasseljen, Ottar; Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund; Myhre, Gard; Robinson, Hilde Stendal; Meisingset, Ingebrigt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Objective Primary care screening tools for patients with low back pain may improve outcome by identifying modifiable obstacles for recovery. The STarT Back Screening Tool (SBST) consists of nine biological and psychological ...
    • Prognostic Factors for Persistent Leg-Pain in Patients Hospitalized with Acute Sciatica 

      Fjeld, Olaf Randall; Grotle, Margreth; Siewers, Vibeke; Pedersen, Linda Margareth; Nilsen, Kristian Bernhard; Zwart, John-Anker (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Study Design. Prospective cohort study. Objective. To identify potential prognostic factors for persistent leg-pain at 12 months among patients hospitalized with acute severe sciatica. Summary of Background Data. The ...
    • The prognostic importance of traumatic axonal injury on early MRI: the Trondheim TAI-MRI grading and quantitative models 

      Moen, Kent Gøran; Flusund, Anne-Mari Holte; Moe, Hans Kristian; Andelic, Nada; Skandsen, Toril; Håberg, Asta; Kvistad, Kjell Arne; Olsen, Øystein E.; Saksvoll, Elin Hildrum; Abel-Grüner, Sebastian; Anke, Audny Gabriele Wagner; Follestad, Turid; Vik, Anne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Objectives We analysed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings after traumatic brain injury (TBI) aiming to improve the grading of traumatic axonal injury (TAI) to better reflect the outcome. Methods Four-hundred ...
    • Prognostic indicators of cardiac-related events and the effect of exercise in Norwegian post-myocardial infarction participants 

      Lynghaug, Sofie Johnsen (Master thesis, 2022)
      Hensikt: Å studere forskjellene mellom VE/VCO2 slope og VO2peak som prognostisk indikator blant norske studiedeltakere som har gjennomgått hjerteinfarkt, og å studere effekten av åtte måneder veiledet trening på prognostisk ...
    • A prognostic model for failure and worsening after lumbar microdiscectomy: a multicenter study from the Norwegian Registry for Spine Surgery 

      Werner, David Andreas Thomas; Grotle, Margreth; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Gulati, Sasha; Nygaard, Øystein Petter; Salvesen, Øyvind; Ingebrigtsen, Tor; Solberg, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Methods This multicenter cohort study included 11,081 patients operated with lumbar microdiscectomy, registered at the Norwegian Registry for Spine Surgery. Follow-up was 1 year. Uni- and multivariate logistic regression ...
    • Prognostic Models for Global Functional Outcome and Post-Concussion Symptoms Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) Study 

      Mikolić, Ana; Steyerberg, Ewout W.; Polinder, Suzanne; Wilson, Lindsay; Zeldovich, Marina; von Steinbueche, Nicole; Newcombe, Virginia F.J.; Menon, David K.; van der Naalt, Joukje; Lingsma, Hester F.; Maas, Andrew I.R.; van Klaveren, David; Åkerlund, Cecilia; Amrein, Krisztina; Andelic, Nada; Andreassen, Lasse; Anke, Audny Gabriele Wagner; Antoni, Anna; Audibert, Gérard; Azouvi, Philippe; Azzolini, Maria Luisa; Bartels, Ronald; Barzó, Pál; Beauvais, Romuald; Beer, Ronny; Bellander, Bo-Michael; Belli, Antonio; Benali, Habib; Berardino, Maurizio; Beretta, Luigi; Blaabjerg, Morten; Bragge, Peter; Brazinova, Alexandra; Brinck, Vibeke; Brooker, Joanne; Brorsson, Camilla; Buki, Andras; Bullinger, Monika; Cabeleira, Manuel; Caccioppola, Alessio; Calappi, Emiliana; Calvi, Maria Rosa; Cameron, Peter; Carbayo Lozano, Guillermo; Carbonara, Marco; Cavallo, Simona; Chevallard, Giorgio; Chieregato, Arturo; Citerio, Giuseppe; Clusmann, Hans; Coburn, Mark; Coles, Jonathan; Cooper, Jamie D.; Correia, Marta; Čović, Amra; Curry, Nicola; Czeiter, Endre; Czosnyka, Marek; Fizelier, Claire Dahyot; Dark, Paul; Dawes, Helen; De Keyser, Véronique; Degos, Vincent; Della Corte, Francesco; den Boogert, Hugo; Depreitere, Bart; Ðilvesi, Ðula; Dixit, Abhishek; Donoghue, Emma; Dreier, Jens; Dulière, Guy Loup; Ercole, Ari; Esser, Patrick; Ezer, Erzsébet; Fabricius, Martin; Feigin, Valery L.; Foks, Kelly; K Frisvold, Shirin; Furmanov, Alex; Gagliardo, Pablo; Galanaud, Damien; Gantner, Dashiell; Gao, Guoyi; George, Pradeep; Ghuysen, Alexandre; Giga, Lelde; Glocker, Ben; Golubovic, Jagoš; Gomez, Pedro A.; Gratz, Johannes; Gravesteijn, Benjamin; Grossi, Francesca; Gruen, Russell L.; Gupta, Deepak; Haagsma, Juanita A.; Haitsma, Iain; Helbok, Raimund; Helseth, Eirik; Horton, Lindsay; Huijben, Jilske; Hutchinson, Peter J.; Jacobs, Bram; Jankowski, Stefan; Jarrett, Mike; Jiang, Jiyao; Johnson, Faye; Jones, Kelly; Karan, Mladen; Kolias, Angelos G.; Kompanje, Erwin; Kondziella, Daniel; Kornaropoulos, Evgenios; Koskinen, Lars Owe; Kovács, Noémi; Kowark, Ana; Lagares, Alfonso; Lanyon, Linda; Laureys, Steven; Lecky, Fiona; Ledoux, Didier; Lefering, Rolf; Legrand, Valerie; Lejeune, Aurelie; Levi, Leon; Lightfoot, Roger; Lingsma, Hester; Castaño León, Ana M.; Maegele, Marc; Majdan, Marek; Manara, Alex; Manley, Geoffrey; Martino, Costanza; Maréchal, Hugues; Mattern, Julia; McMahon, Catherine; Melegh, Béla; Menon, David; Menovsky, Tomas; Mikolic, Ana; Misset, Benoit; Muraleedharan, Visakh; Murray, Lynnette; Negru, Ancuta; Nelson, David; Newcombe, Virginia; Nieboer, Daan; Nyirádi, József; Olubukola, Otesile; Oresic, Matej; Ortolano, Fabrizio; Palotie, Aarno; Parizel, Paul M.; Payen, Jean François; Perera, Natascha; Perlbarg, Vincent; Persona, Paolo; Peul, Wilco; Piippo-Karjalainen, Anna; Pirinen, Matti; Pisica, Dana; Ples, Horia; Polinder, Suzanne; Pomposo, Inigo; Posti, Jussi P.; Puybasset, Louis; Radoi, Andreea; Ragauskas, Arminas; Raj, Rahul; Rambadagalla, Malinka; Retel Helmrich, Isabel; Rhodes, Jonathan; Richardson, Sylvia; Richter, Sophie; Ripatti, Samuli; Rocka, Saulius; Røe, Cecilie; Røise, Olav; Rosand, Jonathan; Rosenfeld, Jeffrey V.; Rosenlund, Christina; Rosenthal, Guy; Rossaint, Rolf; Rossi, Sandra; Rueckert, Daniel; Rusnák, Martin; Sahuquillo, Juan; Sakowitz, Oliver; Sanchez Porras, Renan; Sandor, Janos; Schäfer, Nadine; Schmidt, Silke; Schoechl, Herbert; Schoonman, Guus; Schou, Rico Frederik; Schwendenwein, Elisabeth; Sewalt, Charlie; Skandsen, Toril; Smielewski, Peter; Sorinola, Abayomi; Stamatakis, Emmanuel; Stanworth, Simon; Stevens, Robert; Stewart, William; Stocchetti, Nino; Sundström, Nina; Takala, Riikka; Tamás, Viktória; Tamosuitis, Tomas; Taylor, Mark Steven; Te Ao, Braden; Tenovuo, Olli; Theadom, Alice; Thomas, Matt; Tibboel, Dick; Timmers, Marjolein; Tolias, Christos; Trapani, Tony; Tudora, Cristina Maria; Unterberg, Andreas; Vajkoczy, Peter; Vallance, Shirley; Valeinis, Egils; Vámos, Zoltán; van Der Jagt, Mathieu; Van Der Steen, Gregory; van Der Naalt, Joukje; van Dijck, Jeroen T.J.M.; van Essen, Thomas A.; Van Hecke, Wim; van Heugten, Caroline; Van Praag, Dominique; van Veen, Ernest; Vande Vyvere, Thijs; van Wijk, Roel P.J.; Vargiolu, Alessia; Vega, Emmanuel; Velt, Kimberley; Verheyden, Jan; Vespa, Paul M.; Vik, Anne; Vilcinis, Rimantas; Volovici, Victor; von Steinbüchel, Nicole; Voormolen, Daphne; Vulekovic, Petar; Wang, Kevin K.W.; Wiegers, Eveline; Williams, Guy; Wilson, Lindsay; Winzeck, Stefan; Wolf, Stefan; Yang, Zhihui; Ylén, Peter; Younsi, Alexander; Zeiler, Frederick A.; Zelinkova, Veronika; Ziverte, Agate; Zoerle, Tommaso (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      After mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), a substantial proportion of individuals do not fully recover on the Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended (GOSE) or experience persistent post-concussion symptoms (PPCS). We aimed to ...
    • Prognostic Validation of the NINDS Common Data Elements for the Radiologic Reporting of Acute Traumatic Brain Injuries: A CENTER-TBI Study 

      Vande Vyvere, Thijs; De La Rosa, Ezequiel; Wilms, Guido; Nieboer, Daan; Steyerberg, Ewout; Maas, Andrew I.R.; Verheyden, Jan; van den Hauwe, Luc; Parizel, Paul M.; Andelic, Nada; Andreassen, Lasse; Anke, Audny; Frisvold, Shirin; Helseth, Eirik; Røe, Cecilie; Røise, Olav; Skandsen, Toril; Vik, Anne; Åkerlund, Cecilia; Amrein, Krisztina; Antoni, Anna; Audibert, Gerard; Azouvi, Philippe; Azzolini, Maria Luisa; Bartels, Ronald; Barzo, Pal; Beauvais, Romuald; Beer, Ronny; Bellander, Bo-Michael; Belli, Antonio; Benali, Habib; Berardino, Maurizio; Beretta, Luigi; Blaabjerg, Morten; Bragge, Peter; Brazinova, Alexandra; Brinck, Vibeke; Brooker, Joanne; Brorsson, Camilla; Buki, Andras; Bullinger, Monika; Cabeleira, Manuel; Caccioppola, Alessio; Calappi, Emiliana; Calvi, Maria Rosa; Cameron, Peter; Lozano, Guillermo Carbayo; Carbonara, Marco; Chevallard, Giorgio; Chieregato, Arturo; Citerio, Giuseppe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The aim of this study is to investigate the prognostic value of using the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) standardized imaging-based pathoanatomic descriptors for the evaluation and reporting ...
    • Progression of Alzheimer's Disease: A Longitudinal Study in Norwegian Memory Clinics 

      Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug; Barca, Maria Lage; Persson, Karin; Knapskog, Anne-Brita; Kersten, Hege; Engedal, Knut; Selbæk, Geir; Brækhus, Anne; Skovlund, Eva; Saltvedt, Ingvild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background: The course of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) varies considerably between individuals. There is limited evidence on factors important for disease progression. Objective: The primary aim was to study the progression ...
    • Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in an immunocompetent patient? 

      Johansen, Krisztina; Torp, Sverre Helge; Rydland, Jana; Aasly, Jan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)
      Background: Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a rapidly progressive, potentially fatal, demyelinating disease affecting immunosuppressed patients. PML is rarely reported in cases with no underlying disease ...
    • Projections of calbindin expressing neurons in layer II of the entorhinal cortex 

      Gianatti, Michele (Master thesis, 2015)
      The hippocampal formation and the parahippocampal region have been implicated in memory and spatial processes. In the parahippocampal region, the entorhinal cortex (EC) is considered to mediate input to and output from the ...
    • Projections of the orbitofrontal cortex to the parietal cortex in the rat 

      Sakshaug, Teri (Master thesis, 2015)
      The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) has been shown to play a role in decision making and goal oriented behaviors. The parietal cortex has also been shown to contribute to goal oriented behaviors and movements. Though cell ...
    • Projections of the posterior parietal cortex to the orbitofrontal cortex in the rat 

      Hovde, Karoline (Master thesis, 2015)
      The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in the rat is a multimodal association area, implicated in spatial processing, decision-making, working memory and directed attention. PPC is commonly divided into a medial (mPPC), a ...
    • Prolonged double poling in cross-country skiing: How does it affect performance and performance-determining variables? 

      Veltun, Sindre Brekke (Master thesis, 2021)
      Prestasjons-bestemmende variable blir normalt målt fra utvilt tilstand, noe som kan avvike fra utmattet tilstand, som på slutten av en konkurranse i langløp på ski. Hensikt: Å undersøke hvordan prestasjonen reduseres under ...
    • Prolonged migraine aura: New insights from a prospective diary-aided study 

      Viana, Michele; Sances, Grazia; Linde, Mattias; Nappi, Giuseppe; Khaliq, Farihah; Goadsby, Peter J.; Tassorelli, Cristina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background: There is limited literature on prolonged aura (PA - defined as an aura including at least one symptom for > 1 h and < 7d), and there are no prospective studies. The aim of this study is to characterize prospectively ...
    • Promoting good policy for leadership and governance of health related rehabilitation: a realist synthesis 

      McVeigh, Joanne; MacLachlan, Malcolm; Gilmore, Brynne; McClean, Chiedza; Eide, Arne Henning; Mannan, Hasheem; Geiser, Priscille; Duttine, Antony; Mji, Gubela; McAuliffe, Eilish; Sprunt, Beth; Amin, Mutamad; Normand, Charles (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Background Good governance may result in strengthened performance of a health system. Coherent policies are essential for good health system governance. The overall aim of this research is to provide the best available ...
    • Promoting Participation in Daily Activities Through Reablement: A Qualitative Study 

      Magne, Trine A; Vik, Kjersti (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      A well-known prediction is that the growing elderly population will place a strain on our healthcare systems. At the same time, healthcare is becoming increasingly patient-centered and individualized, with the patient ...
    • Properties of layer 6 pyramidal neuron apical dendrites 

      Ledergerber, Debora; Larkum, Matthew Evan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
    • Prospective longitudinal MRI study of brain volumes and diffusion changes during the first year after moderate to severe traumatic brain injury 

      Brezova, Veronika; Moen, Kent Gøran; Skandsen, Toril; Vik, Anne; Brewer, James B.; Salvesen, Øyvind; Håberg, Asta (Journal article, 2014)
      The objectives of this prospective study in 62 moderate–severe TBI patients were to investigate volume change in cortical gray matter (GM), hippocampus, lenticular nucleus, lobar white matter (WM), brainstem and ventricles ...
    • Prospective MRI Volumetry and Diffusivity Changes During the First Year After Traumatic Brain Injury: Impact of Injury Related Variables, Significance for Outcome and Methodological Considerations 

      Brezova, Veronika (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      NORSK TITTEL: Prospektiv magnetisk resonans tomografi (MR) basert volumetri og diffusivitetsmålinger i løpet av første året etter traumatisk hjerneskade: betydning av skaderelaterte variabler, påvirkning på utkomme og ...