Now showing items 1772-1791 of 3271

    • Management of chronic lower back pain through resistance training 

      Gjellan, Anders; Haaland, Torstein (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Bakgrunn: Korsryggsmerter er svært prevalent og er en stor byrde for samfunnet, ettersom de ofte fører til nedsatt funksjonsevne. En potensiell rehabiliteringsmetode er styrketrening på grunn av den sterke sammenhengen ...
    • Management of cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias in pregnancy and breastfeeding 

      Bjørk, Marte-Helene; Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Tronvik, Erling Andreas; Nordeng, Hedvig Marie Egeland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Many clinicians lack experience in managing trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) in pregnancy and lactation. In addition to cluster headache, TACs include hemicrania continua, paroxysmal hemicrania, and short-lasting ...
    • Mannskorsang som aktivitet – Ka’ handle det om? 

      Hagen, Per Ivar (Chapter, 2008)
    • Manual therapy, exercise therapy or combined treatment in the management of adult neck pain - A systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Fredin, Ken; Lorås, Håvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background Neck pain is a common and often disabling musculoskeletal condition. Two therapies frequently prescribed for its management are manual therapy (MT) and exercise therapy (ET), and combining these treatment ...
    • Manuell terapi eller treningsterapi som potensielt forebyggende behandlinger mot episodisk migrene – et litteratursøk. 

      Frandsen, Jorunn Juul (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Tittel: Manuell terapi eller treningsterapi som potensielt forebyggende behandlinger mot episodisk migrene – et litteratursøk. Problemstilling: er treningsbehandling eller manuell behandling effektiv i behandlingen av ...
    • Mapping of second order olfactory neurons and ventral-cord neurons; double-fluorescence labeling performed from the noctuid moth, Heliothis virescens 

      KC, Pramod (Master thesis, 2014)
      Detection of chemical stimuli from the external environment is performed by all living organisms. Of all senses, the chemical sense is the evolutionary oldest. Also, the neural system devoted to process chemosensory ...
    • Marital Histories and Associations With Later-Life Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment Risk in the HUNT4 70+ Study in Norway 

      Skirbekk, Vegard Fykse; Bowen, Catherine E; Håberg, Asta; Jugessur, Astanand; Engdahl, Bo Lars; Bratsberg, Bernt Magne; Zotcheva, Ekaterina; Selbæk, Geir; Kohler, Hans-Peter; Weiss, Jordan; Harris, Jennifer Ruth; Tom, Sarah; Krokstad, Steinar; Stern, Yaakov; Strand, Bjørn Heine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Objectives: Earlier studies suggest that being married in later life protects against dementia, and that being single in old age increases the risk of dementia. In this study, we examine midlife marital status trajectories ...
    • Marked effects of intracranial volume correction methods on sex differences in neuroanatomical structures: A HUNT MRI study 

      Pintzka, Carl Wolfgang Schøyen; Hansen, Tor Ivar; Evensmoen, Hallvard Røe; Håberg, Asta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      To date, there is no consensus whether sexual dimorphism in the size of neuroanatomical structures exists, or if such differences are caused by choice of intracranial volume (ICV) correction method. When investigating ...
    • Massasje som restitusjonstiltak - En kartlegging av praksis blant norske toppidrettsutøvere 

      Stuan, Ida Helgestad (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Bakgrunn: Massasje er et vanlig restitusjonstiltak i toppidretten, og internasjonale studier rapporterer omfattende bruk av tiltaket hos utenlandske toppidrettsutøvere. Det finnes ingen forskningsbasert kunnskap om ...
    • Matching instruction with modality-specific learning style: Effects on immediate recall and working memory performance 

      Aslaksen, Karoline; Lorås, Håvard Wuttudal (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      A well-known hypothesis in education and amongst the general public is that matching instructional method with an individual’s modality-specific learning style improves learning and cognitive performance. Several critical ...
    • Maternal recall of breastfeeding duration twenty years after delivery 

      Natland, Siv Tone; Andersen, Lene Frost; Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund; Forsmo, Siri; Jacobsen, Geir Wenberg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Background Studies on the health benefits from breastfeeding often rely on maternal recall of breastfeeding. Although short-term maternal recall has been found to be quite accurate, less is known about long-term accuracy. ...
    • Mathematical modelling of the oxygen uptake kinetics during whole-body endurance exercise and recovery 

      Moxnes, John Fredrik; Sandbakk, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In this study, we elucidate four different mathematical models of the kinetics of oxygen uptake during whole-body endurance exercise at different intensities and throughout the subsequent recovery periods. We employ the ...
    • Maximal Strength Trainings Effect on Pulmonary Function, Physical Performance, and Quality of Life in COPD Patients 

      Aune, Andreas Ingebrigtsen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Sammendrag Bakgrunn Kronisk Obstruktiv Lungesykdom (KOLS) er den tredje ledende årsaken til dødsfall i verden, og bidrar til et stadig økende økonomisk press på det globale helsevesenet. KOLS karakteriseres av gradvis ...
    • Meaningful everyday life projects and activities in breast cancer survivors. 

      Magnus, Eva; Jakobsen, Klara Johanne; Reidunsdatter, Randi Johansen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The time-geographic diary, supplemented by interviews, is presented in this study as a useful method to demonstrate that desirable everyday life projects, with associated activities, may positively influence an individual’s ...
    • Measured and self-reported olfactory function in voluntary Norwegian adults 

      Heian, Ingrid Torvik; Helvik, Anne-Sofie; Hummel, Thomas; Øie, Marte Rystad; Nordgård, Ståle; Bratt, Mette; Thorstensen, Wenche Moe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Purpose: The lack of epidemiological data on the proportion of olfactory dysfunction (OD) using comprehensive olfactory assessment in healthy adults in Scandinavia motivated to the present study which aimed to explore the ...
    • Measurement and implications of the distance between the sphenopalatine ganglion and nasal mucosa: a neuroimaging study 

      Crespi, Joan Vidal; Bratbak, Daniel Fossum; Dodick, David W.; Matharu, Manjit; Jamtøy, Kent Are; Aschehoug, Irina; Tronvik, Erling Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background Historical reports describe the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) as positioned directly under the nasal mucosa. This is the basis for the topical intranasal administration of local anaesthetic (LA) towards the ...
    • Measurement and implications of the distance between the sphenopalatine ganglion and nasal mucosa: a neuroimaging study 

      Crespi, Joan Vidal; Bratbak, Daniel; Dodick, David; Matharu, Manjit; Jamtøy, Kent Are; Aschehoug, Irina; Tronvik, Erling (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background Historical reports describe the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) as positioned directly under the nasal mucosa. This is the basis for the topical intranasal administration of local anaesthetic (LA) towards the ...
    • Measurement invariance of six language versions of the post-traumatic stress disorder checklist for DSM-5 in civilians after traumatic brain injury 

      Bockhop, Fabian; Zeldovich, Marina; Cunitz, Katrin; Van Praag, Dominique; van der Vlegel, Marjolein; Beissbarth, Tim; Hagmayer, York; von Steinbuechel, Nicole; Åkerlund, Cecilia; Amrein, Krisztina; Andelic, Nada; Andreassen, Lasse; Anke, Audny Gabriele Wagner; Antoni, Anna; Audibert, Gérard; Azouvi, Philippe; Azzolini, Maria Luisa; Bartels, Ronald; Barzó, Pál; Beauvais, Romuald; Beer, Ronny; Bellander, Bo-Michael; Belli, Antonio; Benali, Habib; Berardino, Maurizio; Beretta, Luigi; Blaabjerg, Morten; Bragge, Peter; Brazinova, Alexandra; Brinck, Vibeke; Brooker, Joanne; Brorsson, Camilla; Buki, Andras; Bullinger, Monika; Cabeleira, Manuel; Caccioppola, Alessio; Calappi, Emiliana; Calvi, Maria Rosa; Cameron, Peter; Carbayo Lozano, Guillermo; Carbonara, Marco; Cavallo, Simona; Chevallard, Giorgio; Chieregato, Arturo; Citerio, Giuseppe; Clusmann, Hans; Coburn, Mark; Coles, Jonathan; Cooper, Jamie D.; Correia, Marta; Čović, Amra; Curry, Nicola; Czeiter, Endre; Czosnyka, Marek; Dahyot-Fizelier, Claire; Dark, Paul; Dawes, Helen; De Keyser, Véronique; Degos, Vincent; Della Corte, Francesco; den Boogert, Hugo; Depreitere, Bart; Đilvesi, Đula; Dixit, Abhishek; Donoghue, Emma; Dreier, Jens; Dulière, Guy-Loup; Ercole, Ari; Esser, Patrick; Ezer, Erzsébet; Fabricius, Martin; Feigin, Valery L.; Foks, Kelly; Frisvold, Shirin; Furmanov, Alex; Gagliardo, Pablo; Galanaud, Damien; Gantner, Dashiell; Gao, Guoyi; George, Pradeep; Ghuysen, Alexandre; Giga, Lelde; Glocker, Ben; Golubovic, Jagoš; Gomez, Pedro A.; Gratz, Johannes; Gravesteijn, Benjamin; Grossi, Francesca; L. Gruen, Russell; Gupta, Deepak; A. Haagsma, Juanita; Haitsma, Iain; Helbok, Raimund; Helseth, Eirik; Horton, Lindsay; Huijben, Jilske; Hutchinson, Peter J.; Jacobs, Bram; Jankowski, Stefan; Jarrett, Mike; Jiang, Ji-yao; Johnson, Faye; Jones, Kelly; Karan, Mladen; G. Kolias, Angelos; Kompanje, Erwin; Kondziella, Daniel; Kornaropoulos, Evgenios; Koskinen, Lars-Owe; Kovács, Noémi; Kowark, Ana; Lagares, Alfonso; Lanyon, Linda; Laureys, Steven; Lecky, Fiona; Ledoux, Didier; Lefering, Rolf; Legrand, Valerie; Lejeune, Aurelie; Levi, Leon; Lightfoot, Roger; Lingsma, Hester; I.R. Maas, Andrew; Castaño-León, Ana M.; Maegele, Marc; Majdan, Marek; Manara, Alex; Manley, Geoffrey; Martino, Costanza; Maréchal, Hugues; Mattern, Julia; McMahon, Catherine; Melegh, Béla; Menon, David; Menovsky, Tomas; Mikolic, Ana; Misset, Benoit; Muraleedharan, Visakh; Murray, Lynnette; Negru, Ancuta; Nelson, David; Newcombe, Virginia; Nieboer, Daan; Nyirádi, József; Olubukola, Otesile; Oresic, Matej; Ortolano, Fabrizio; Palotie, Aarno; Parizel, Paul M.; Payen, Jean-François; Perera, Natascha; Perlbarg, Vincent; Persona, Paolo; Peul, Wilco; Piippo-Karjalainen, Anna; Pirinen, Matti; Pisica, Dana; Ples, Horia; Polinder, Suzanne; Pomposo, Inigo; Posti, Jussi P.; Puybasset, Louis; Radoi, Andreea; Ragauskas, Arminas; Raj, Rahul; Rambadagalla, Malinka; Helmrich, Isabel Retel; Rhodes, Jonathan; Richardson, Sylvia; Richter, Sophie; Ripatti, Samuli; Rocka, Saulius; Røe, Cecilie; Røise, Olav; Rosand, Jonathan; Rosenfeld, Jeffrey V.; Rosenlund, Christina; Rosenthal, Guy; Rossaint, Rolf; Rossi, Sandra; RueckertMartin Rusnák, Daniel; Sahuquillo, Juan; Sakowitz, Oliver; Sanchez-Porras, Renan; Sandor, Janos; Schäfer, Nadine; Schmidt, Silke; Schoechl, Herbert; Schoonman, Guus; Schou, Rico Frederik; Schwendenwein, Elisabeth; Sewalt, Charlie; Singh, Ranjit D.; Skandsen, Toril; Smielewski, Peter; Sorinola, Abayomi; Stamatakis, Emmanuel; Stanworth, Simon; Stevens, Robert; Stewart, William; Steyerberg, Ewout W.; Stocchetti, Nino; Sundström, Nina; Takala, Riikka; Tamás, Viktória; Tamosuitis, Tomas; Steven Taylor, Mark; Te Ao, Braden; Tenovuo, Olli; Theadom, Alice; Thomas, Matt; Tibboel, Dick; Timmers, Marjolein; Tolias, Christos; Trapani, Tony; Maria Tudora, Cristina; Unterberg, Andreas; Vajkoczy, Peter; Vallance, Shirley; Valeinis, Egils; Vámos, Zoltán; van der Jagt, Mathieu; Van der Steen, Gregory; Naalt, Joukje van der; T.J.M. van Dijck, Jeroen; van Erp, Inge A. M.; van Essen, Thomas A.; Hecke, Wim Van; van Heugten, Caroline; Van Praag, Dominique; van Veen, Ernest; Vande Vyvere, Thijs; van Wijk, Roel P. J.; Vargiolu, Alessia; Vega, Emmanuel; Velt, Kimberley; Verheyden, Jan; Vespa, Paul M.; Vik, Anne; Vilcinis, Rimantas; Volovici, Victor; von Steinbüchel, Nicole; Voormolen, Daphne; Vulekovic, Petar; K.W. Wang, Kevin; Whitehouse, Daniel; Wiegers, Eveline; Williams, Guy; Wilson, Lindsay; Winzeck, Stefan; Wolf, Stefan; Yang, Zhihui; Ylén, Peter; Younsi, Alexander; Zeiler, Frederick A.; Zelinkova, Veronika; Ziverte, Agate; Zoerle, Tommaso (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is frequently associated with neuropsychiatric impairments such as symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can be screened using self-report instruments such as the Post-Traumatic ...
    • Measures of low back pain related disability: association between a clinical performance test, self-reported disability, and fear avoidance beliefs 

      Phuyal, Bijaya (Master thesis, 2022)
      Background: Patient’s self-report measures and clinician-measured performance tests are used to evaluate disability outcome in low back pain (LBP) patients. The level of agreement between self-report measure and clinical ...
    • Mechanical energetics and dynamics of uphill double-poling on roller-skis at different incline-speed combinations 

      Danielsen, Jørgen; Sandbakk, Øyvind; McGhie, David; Ettema, Gertjan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different incline-speed combinations, at equal external power outputs, on the mechanics and energetics of the double-poling (DP) technique in cross-country ...