Now showing items 822-832 of 832

    • Weaning preterm infants off CPAP – a single unit experience 

      Elden, Marianne Arstad; Hjort, Ingeborg Slørdahl (Master thesis, 2013)
      Aim: To investigate continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) weaning in preterm infants, and whether gestational age (GA) influenced the preferred weaning method or duration of weaning. Methods: A retrospective chart ...
    • Web-based vestibular rehabilitation in persistent postural-perceptual dizziness 

      Eldøen, Guttorm; Kvalheim, Stine E.; Thesen, Terje; Mygland, Åse; Ljøstad, Unn; Bakke, Siri; Holo, Marit Horsgaard; Løge, Ingard; Jonsbu, Egil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Objectives The aims of the study were to investigate the feasibility and preliminary outcome of a Norwegian web-based self-help application for vestibular rehabilitation (VR) among patients with high symptom burden of ...
    • What is Known About Students and Sleep: Systematic Review and Evidence Map 

      Bjørnnes, Ann Kristin; Torbjørnsen, Astrid; Valeberg, Berit Taraldsen; Sparboe-Nilsen, Bente; Sandbekken, Ida Hellum; Almendingen, Kari; Leegaard, Marit; Ravn, Ingrid Helen; Sæterstrand, Torill Margaret; Løyland, Borghild; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Holmberg Fagerlund, Bettina; Valla, Lisbeth; Misvær, Nina; Riiser, Kirsti; Utne, Inger; Rostad, Hanne Marie; Winger, Anette; Albertini Früh, Elena; Holmen, Heidi; Ribu, Lis; Helseth, Sølvi; Grov, Ellen Karine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Higher education students are considered to belong to a population susceptible to poor sleep health; however, there is a lack of broader evidence reviews. This systematic review aims to map out and categorize the existing ...
    • What Is the Ethical Distinction Between Continuous Deep Sedation and Euthanasia? 

      Hiller, Adrian Mikal (Master thesis, 2021)
      Denne oppgaven undersøker den etiske debatten om palliativ sedasjon og eutanasi. Det er snart 30 år siden klinikkere først introduserte begrepet "terminal sedasjon" til den akademiske litteraturen på tidlig 90-tallet. Selv ...
    • What is the significance of onconeural antibodies for psychiatric symptomatology? A systematic review 

      Sæther, Sverre Georg; Schou, Morten Brix; Kondziella, Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background:Patients with intracellular onconeural antibodies may present with neuro-psychiatric syndromes. Weaimed to evaluate the evidence for an association between well-characterized onconeural antibodies and ...
    • What Is the Value of a Global Health Research School for PhD Students? 

      Darj, Elisabeth; Hoem, Irene Bisasso; Dvergsdal, Elin Yli (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The aim of the study was to investigate previous PhD students’ views on the Norwegian Research School of Global Health and its activities. Of the research schools for PhD students, few focus on global health and even fewer ...
    • What makes women with food hypersensitivity do self-management work? 

      Jakobsen, Monika Dybdahl; Obstfelder, Aud; Braaten, Tonje; Abelsen, Birgit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Background:Managing a chronic condition takes work, and it is considered important that patients carry out thiswork. However, knowledge is lacking on what elements enhance self-management work.Persons with food hypersensitivity ...
    • When not too far gone: A pragmatic - reflexive approachto substance and crimeprevention in consumer societytowards indicated 16-18-yearold adolescents 

      Juberg, Anne (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:39, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      Når de ikke har kommet “for langt”: En pragmatisk- refleksiv tilnærming til rus og kriminalitetsforebygging i konsumentsamfunnet rettet mot utvalgte 16- 18- åringer Avhandlingen bygger på en fokusgruppestudie der 17 ...
    • Within-sibship genome-wide association analyses decrease bias in estimates of direct genetic effects 

      Howe, Laurence J.; Nivard, Michel G.; Morris, Tim T.; Hansen, Ailin Falkmo; Rasheed, Humaira; Cho, Yoonsu; Chittoor, Geetha; Ahlskog, Rafael; Lind, Penelope A.; Palviainen, Teemu; van der Zee, Matthijs D.; Cheesman, Rosa Catherine Gillespie; Mangino, Massimo; Wang, Yunzhang; Li, Shuai; Klaric, Lucija; Ratliff, Scott M.; Bielak, Lawrence F.; Nygaard, Marianne; Giannelis, Alexandros; Willoughby, Emily A.; Reynolds, Chandra A.; Balbona, Jared V.; Andreassen, Ole; Ask, Helga; Baras, Aris; Bauer, Christopher R.; Boomsma, Dorret I.; Campbell, Archie; Campbell, Harry; Chen, Zhengming; Christofidou, Paraskevi; Corfield, Elizabeth Claire; Dahm, Christina C.; Dokuru, Deepika R.; Evans, Luke M.; de Geus, Eco J. C.; Giddaluru, Sudheer; Gordon, Scott D.; Harden, K. Paige; Hill, W. David; Hughes, Amanda; Kerr, Shona M.; Kim, Yongkang; Kweon, Hyeokmoon; Latvala, Antti; Lawlor, Deborah A.; Li, Liming; Lin, Kuang; Magnus, Per Minor; Magnusson, Patrik K. E.; Mallard, Travis T.; Martikainen, Pekka; Mills, Melinda C.; Njølstad, Pål Rasmus; Overton, John D.; Pedersen, Nancy L.; Porteous, David J.; Reid, Jeffrey; Silventoinen, Karri; Southey, Melissa C.; Stoltenberg, Camilla; Tucker-Drob, Elliot M.; Wright, Margaret J.; Kweon, Hyeokmoon; Koellinger, Philipp D.; Benjamin, Daniel J.; Turley, Patrick; Howe, Laurence J.; Nivard, Michel G.; Morris, Tim T.; Plomin, Robert; Havdahl, Alexandra; Bartels, Meike; Martin, Nicholas G.; Oskarsson, Sven; Justice, Anne E.; Millwood, Iona Y.; Hveem, Kristian; Willer, Cristen J.; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav; Kaprio, Jaakko; Medland, Sarah E.; Walters, Robin G.; Evans, David M.; Smith, George Davey; Hayward, Caroline; Brumpton, Ben; Hemani, Gibran; Davies, Neil Martin; Hewitt, John K.; Keller, Matthew C.; Stallings, Michael C.; Lee, James J.; Christensen, Kaare; Kardia, Sharon L. R.; Peyser, Patricia A.; Smith, Jennifer A.; Wilson, James F.; Hopper, John L.; Hägg, Sara; Spector, Tim D.; Pingault, Jean-Baptiste; Næss, Øyvind Erik; Davey Smith, George; Brumpton, Ben Michael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Estimates from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of unrelated individuals capture effects of inherited variation (direct effects), demography (population stratification, assortative mating) and relatives (indirect ...
    • Å se mennesket. Kan innsikt i psykoterapi bidra til bedre møter hos fastlegen? 

      Kogstad, Kari Thori; Getz, Linn Okkenhaug (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Allmennmedisin er et generalistfag. I Norge er faget for det meste organisert som en fastlegeordning. Dette legger til rette for langvarige relasjoner mellom pasient og lege. Budskapet i denne artikkelen er at innsikt i ...
    • Økt spesialisering og differensiering i sykehjem 

      Tingvold, Laila; Magnussen, Siv (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Omsorgstjenestene er stadig i utvikling. Fra å være en tjeneste tuftet på eldreomsorg, har den de siste tiårene vokst og betjener nå en rekke flere funksjoner og brukergrupper. Mens denne utviklingen er kjent for ...