Now showing items 14932-14951 of 15027

    • YKL-40 (Chitinase-3-Like Protein 1) Serum Levels in Aortic Stenosis 

      Arain, Fizza Kanwal; Abraityte, Judita Aurelija; Bogdanova, Mariia; Solberg, Ole Geir; Michelsen, Annika; Lekva, Tove; Aakhus, Svend; Holm, Sverre; Halvorsen, Bente; Finsen, Alexandra; Vinge, Leif Erik; Nymo, Ståle Haugset; Espeland, Torvald; Ranheim, Trine; Aukrust, Pål; Vaage, Ingvar Jarle; Auensen, Andreas; Gullestad, Lars; Ueland, Thor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      BACKGROUND: Identification of novel biomarkers could provide prognostic information and improve risk stratification in patients with aortic stenosis (AS). YKL-40 (chitinase-3-like protein 1), a protein involved in ...
    • Yngre og eldre brukere i hjemmetjenesten – ulike behov eller forskjellsbehandling. Flerfaglig praksis i et interaksjonsteoretisk perspektiv. 

      Hamran, Torunn; Moe, Siri (Senter for omsorgsforskning, rapportserie;3/2012, Research report, 2012)
      Bakgrunn for dette prosjektet er den store veksten i yngre brukere av kommunale pleie- og omsorgstjenester og at eldre brukere, selv om de er flest, får en stadig mindre andel av ressursene. Ulikheter i tjenestetilbudet til ...
    • Yngre personers opplevelse av å diagnostiseres med demens 

      Skaaheim, Aurora Haukedal (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Sykdommer som medfører demens har lenge vært knyttet til alderdom og eldre mennesker. Det har vært lite oppmerksomhet rettet mot demens blant yngre personer, og forsknings- og kunnskapsgrunnlaget er derfor mangelfullt. ...
    • Yoga som stressmestring for sykepleiere 

      Nysether, Martine Haug (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Bakgrunn: Sykepleiere har høyt sykefravær, og trolig vil stress og utbrenthet blant sykepleiere resultere i negative konsekvenser for sykepleieren, pasientbehandlingen og yrkesutøvelsen. Hensikten med denne systematiske ...
    • ‘You are inferior!’ Revisiting the expressivist argument 

      Hofmann, Bjørn (Journal article, 2017)
      According to the expressivist argument the choice to use biotechnologies to prevent the birth of individuals with specific disabilities is an expression of disvalue for existing people with this disability. The argument ...
    • Young blood rejuvenates old bodies: a call for reflection when moving from mice to men 

      Hofmann, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Connecting the circulatory system of old and young mice (parabiosis) is documented to have rejuvenating effects on cells, tissues, organs, and functions. A wide range of benefits are envisioned. Blood-based rejuvenation ...
    • Young children treated because of ODD/CD: conduct problems and social competencies in day-care and school settings 

      Drugli, May Britt (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:8, Doctoral thesis, 2007)
      The main aim of the present thesis was to study conduct and social problems in day-care and school settings in children treated with “The Incredible Years” parent training (PT) or parent training combined with child therapy ...
    • Young Onset Dementia in Central Norway 

      Kvello-Alme, Marte (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:378, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      Background and objective Dementia is one of the most frequent causes of illness and death in the world, and has social and economic impact on people and communities worldwide. Alzheimer’s disease is the leading cause of ...
    • Youngs's modulus of tumour tissue from an in vivo breast cancer model - effect of treatment with guluronate oligosaccharides 

      Rao, Shalini Vasudev; Draget, Kurt Ingar; Nordgård, Catherine Taylor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Increased tissue stiffness is a classic characteristic of solid tumours, and breast tumours are often first identified as a palpable lump. Increased tissue stiffness in tumours is more than just a typical, and often easily ...
    • Your best day: An interactive app to translate how time reallocations within a 24-hour day are associated with health measures 

      Dumuid, Dorothea; Olds, Timothy; Wake, Melissa; Rasmussen, Charlotte Lund; Pedišić, Željko; Hughes, Jim H.; Foster, David J.R.; Walmsley, Rosemary; Atkin, Andrew J.; Straker, Leon; Fraysse, Francois; Smith, Ross T.; Neumann, Frank; Kenett, Ron S.; Mork, Paul Jarle; Bennett, Derrick; Doherty, Aiden; Stanford, Ty (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Reallocations of time between daily activities such as sleep, sedentary behavior and physical activity are differentially associated with markers of physical, mental and social health. An individual’s most desirable ...
    • Youth at risk: Childhood adversity, psychopathology, and quality of life among adolescents in residential youth care 

      Greger, Hanne Klæboe (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:147, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      Ungdom i risiko: Overgrepserfaringer, psykopatologi og livskvalitet blant ungdom i barnevernsinstitusjoner: Overgrep og omsorgssvikt i barndommen er assosiert med en rekke fysiske og psykiske helseplager senere i ...
    • Yrkesaktive med hørselsutfordringer 

      Olaussen, Jorunn; Ringstad, Vilde (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Introduksjon Arbeid anses å være svært viktig for deltakelse og integrering i samfunnet. De som er i jobb, har i gjennomsnitt bedre helse enn de som står utenfor. Kommunikasjon er essensielt i de fleste yrker. For mennesker ...
    • Yrkesaktive med hørselsutfordringer 

      Olaussen, Jorunn; Ringstad, Vilde (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Introduksjon  Arbeid anses å være svært viktig for deltakelse og integrering i samfunnet. De som er i jobb, har i gjennomsnitt bedre helse enn de som står utenfor. Kommunikasjon er essensielt i de fleste yrker. For mennesker ...
    • Yrkesaktive med hørselsutfordringer og tilrettelegging i arbeidslivet 

      Kandidatnummer 10021 (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Bakgrunn Deltakelse i arbeidslivet for mennesker med hørselsutfordringer, er et tema som har fått økt fokus de seinere årene. Personer med redusert hørselsfunksjon har lavere yrkesdeltakelse enn normalbefolkningen og de ...
    • Yrkesfaglig praksis i bachelorutdanningen for yrkesfaglærere: En kartlegging av studentenes erfaringer 

      Rokkones, Klara; Stjern, Berit; Strand, Åse; Utvær, Britt Karin Støen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This study examines experiences of vocational teacher students in practice at work places. The aim is to develop and ensure that the practice is in accordance with the purpose of the Vocational Teacher Education programme ...
    • Yrkesrelatert stress hos sykepleiere i spesialisthelsetjenesten : en systematisk litteraturstudie 

      Jørgensen, Benedicte Gran; Lorgen, Sandra Østborg (Bachelor thesis, 2015)
      Hensikt: Hensikten med oppgaven er å undersøke hvordan sykepleiere i spesialisthelsetjenesten erfarer yrkesrelatert stress. Metode: Studien er en systematisk litteraturstudie som er basert på åtte forskningsartikler (tre ...
    • Ythdf2-mediated m6A mRNA clearance modulates neural development in mice 

      Li, Miaomiao; Zhao, Xu; Wang, Wei; Shi, Hailing; Pan, Qingfei; Lu, Zhike; Perez, Sonia Peña; Suganthan, Rajikala; He, Chuan; Bjørås, Magnar; Klungland, Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background N 6 -methyladenosine (m6A) modification in mRNAs was recently shown to be dynamically regulated, indicating a pivotal role in multiple developmental processes. Most recently, it was shown that the Mettl3-Mettl14 ...
    • Zebrafish dorsal habenula is required for updating learned behaviors 

      Palumbo, Fabrizio; Serneels, Bram; Pelgrims, Robbrecht; Yaksi, Emre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Operant learning requires multiple cognitive processes, such as learning, prediction of potential outcomes, and decision-making. It is less clear how interactions of these processes lead to the behavioral adaptations that ...
    • Zero Tolerance for Coercion? Historical, Cultural and Organisational Contexts for Effective Implementation of Coercion-Free Mental Health Services around the World 

      Whittington, Richard Charles; Aluh, Deborah Oyine; Caldas de Alemeida, Jose Miguel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Coercion of service users/patients when receiving care and treatment has been a serious dilemma for mental health services since at least the 18th century, and the debate about how best to minimise or even eradicate ...
    • Zinc deficiency in patients with arterial leg ulcers 

      Skjeggestad, Silje Langaas (Master thesis, 2012)
      Background and aim: Leg ulcers are quite common among elderly patients. Venous leg ulcers are the most frequent, followed by arterial leg ulcers, which usually are painful to the patients. The treatment of ulcers is expensive ...