• Comparison of Energy Efficiency Measures and Generation Options 

      Bautovic, Tina (Master thesis, 2014)
      Security of energy supply is a key to social and economic development of society. Liberalization of power market has brought changes in the process of decision making regarding new investments in power system and certain ...
    • DC micro-grids 

      Mia, Gredelj (Master thesis, 2014)
      The conventional electrical system in place today sees our electrical devices powered by AC mains. But as renewable technologies such as solar photovoltaic and wind power become more prevalent at a household level, DC ...
    • Economic Benefit of New Capacity in the Central Grid 

      Dalen, Ingar (Master thesis, 2009)
      Norway and the EU have in recent years established ambitious goals to increase the share of renewable energy in their consumption. On account of these goals, a large-scale wind power development can be expected in northern ...
    • Eksempel på nettplanlegging i område med småskala kraftproduksjon i Namsskogan. 

      Brasøy, Espen (Master thesis, 2010)
      I løpet av de siste årene har det vært økt aktivitet rundt tilkobling av småkraftverk til distribusjonsnettet i Nord-Trøndelag. I Namsskogan eksisterer det planer for tilkobling av flere småkraftverk. mellom 1-10 MW. Mange ...
    • Future Norwegian Power Surplus and the Effect of Interconnections to the Continent 

      Langehaug, Mari (Master thesis, 2011)
      AbstractEU goals and policies have significant consequences for Norway affiliated through the EEA-agreement. Through the EU Climate Package, EU aims to reduce total GHG emissions in all EU member states 20% and increase ...
    • Improvement of power supply reliability: Case Study: Zambia 

      Tambatamba, Terence (Master thesis, 2009)
      This thesis studied reliability of power supply in Zambia following two major power blackouts that affected the whole country. The case study focussed on the generation and transmission network owned by Zambia s biggest ...
    • Insentiv for samfunnsansvarleg disponering av vasskraftmagasin 

      Skrede, Terje (Master thesis, 2012)
      Vassverdiar blir brukt til å optimalisere disponering av vasskraftmagasin. Eit vassmagasin har den unike eigenskapen at det kan lagre energi i form av vatn. Vassmagasinet lagrar energi i ein periode, for så å seinare bruke ...
    • International trade with electric power 

      Årdal, Frode (Master thesis, 2009)
      In 2003 the European Commission introduced the Directive 2003/54/EC and Regulation 1228/2003/EC which increased the focus on the liberalization of the European electricity market. The international electricity trade has ...
    • Masteroppgave i vassdragsteknikk: Sammenlikning av små elvekraftverk og kraftverk med magasin 

      Lofthus, Sigrid Jacobsen (Master thesis, 2012)
      Det siste tiåret har småkraftutbygginger økt kraftig. Små kraftverk har generelt blitt oppfattet som mindre kontroversielt enn større magasinkraftverk, men lite er gjort for å sammenligne disse to kraftverkstypene når det ...
    • Norway as Swing Producer 

      Moen Slotsvik, Adele (Master thesis, 2011)
      This paper looks closer at using Norwegian hydropower for swing production towards Continental Europe. On-going discussions suggest that Norwegian resources could be utilised to a larger extent, and thereby enable further ...
    • Reversible hydro power plants 

      Primozic, Marko (Master thesis, 2013)
      Bearing in mind the future development of the electric power system regarding the penetration of large amounts of intermittent and non-dispatchable renewable sources, energy storage is a key issue. Even though reversible ...
    • Smart Building Networks 

      Knezovic, Katarina (Master thesis, 2013)
      This paper gives insight into the paradigm of Smart Grid with focus on the smart building as its fundamental part. After a theoretical description of a current grid?s evolution to smart form as well as basic features and ...
    • Smart energy city critical infrastructures 

      Lara, Topol (Master thesis, 2014)
      Smart energy cities have a potential to lead the transition from fossil age into the age of renewables. After a theoretical background is presented, of why the transition is necessary and what steps need to be taken in ...
    • Smarte nett med smarte målere: evaluering og analyse av muligheter 

      Arvidsen, Nina Kristine Sogn (Master thesis, 2009)
      De siste årene har fokuset på klimaendringene økt. Klimaspørsmålet blir antagelig den viktigste drivkraften i energi- og miljøpolitikken framover. Det er også den viktigste drivkraften for å innføre Avanserte Måle- og ...
    • Småskala vannkraftprosjekt 

      Lundestad, Ole Vegard (Master thesis, 2007)
      Energisituasjonen i Norge i dag gjør at det er behov for større kraftproduksjon. I og med at tiden for de store vannkraftutbyggingene i Norge er over, har det blitt en større bevisstgjøring rundt alternativ kraftproduksjon, ...
    • Svært anstrengte kraftsituasjoner 

      Wethelund, Tord (Master thesis, 2007)
      Formålet med denne oppgaven er å vise hvordan tiltak som skal sikre det norske kraftsystemet i en tørrårssituasjon, vil påvirke den normale disponeringen av vannmagasinene. Den høye vannkraftandelen i det norske ...
    • The Impact of dividing Sweden into four Bidding Areas 

      Stavseth, Ellen Charlotte (Master thesis, 2011)
      In February 2010 extreme power prices occurred in the Nordic power market. The main reason was low availability at Swedish nuclear power plants, high loads due to low temperatures and large reductions in available transmission ...