• Analyse av startbetingelser og vannverdier for en stokastisk korttidsmodell 

      Hansen, Håvard (Master thesis, 2015)
      Denne oppgaven har forsøkt, ved hjelp av SINTEFs SHARM-modell, å finne betingelser hvor en stokastisk fremgangsmåte for produksjonsplanlegging av vannkraft vil gi målbare fordeler fremfor en deterministisk fremgangsmåte. En ...
    • Internal hydro- and wind portfolio optimisation in real-time market operations 

      Riddervold, Hans Ole; Aasgård, Ellen Krohn; Haukaas, Lisa; Korpås, Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In this paper aspects related to handling of intraday imbalances for hydro and wind power are addressed. The definition of imbalance cost is established and used to describe the potential benefits of shifting from ...
    • Opportunity-cost-pricing of reserves for a simple hydropower system 

      Aasgård, Ellen Krohn; Roti, Pål Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      This work investigates the cost of delivering different types of balancing reserves from a simple hydropower reservoir system. In addition to delivering energy, the fast ramping characteristics of hydropower units makes ...
    • Rolling Horizon Simulator for Evaluation of Bidding Strategies for Reservoir Hydro 

      Riddervold, Hans Ole; Aasgård, Ellen Krohn; Skjelbred, Hans Ivar; Naversen, Christian Øyn; Korpås, Magnus (Chapter, 2019)
      In this paper, a practical approach for benchmarking different bidding strategies towards the day-ahead market has been evaluated. A rolling horizon simulation framework is developed and closely integrated in the daily ...