• L1 Adaptive Control in Managed Pressure Drilling 

      Pedersen, Torbjørn (Master thesis, 2009)
      The control solution is a crucial part of Managed Pressure Drilling. Existing solutions are often based on Proportional plus Integral (PI) control and have several drawbacks, mainly poor performance for some common drilling ...
    • L1 Adaptive Control of the Inner Control Loops of an F-16 Aircraft 

      Holhjem, Øystein Hov (Master thesis, 2012)
      This report is written as a master s thesis given at NTNU, and in collaboration with Kongsberg Defence System. This text investigates the use of L1 adaptive control for multi-variable systems with unknown nonlinear unmatched ...
    • L1 Adaptive Control of UUVs 

      Skaar, Alise (Master thesis, 2024)
      Havet dekker omtrent 70 prosent av jordens overflate, men kun 5 prosent er utforsket på grunn av det harde og utilgjengelige undervannsmiljøet. Ubemannede undervannsfarkoster (UUV-er) har blitt stadig mer brukt for å ...
    • L1 Adaptive Speed Control of a Small Wind Energy Conversion System for Maximum Power Point Tracking 

      Zhao, Haoran; Wu, Qiuwei; Rasmussen, Claus Nygaard; Blanke, Mogens (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      This paper presents the design of an L1 adaptive controller for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of a small variable speed wind energy conversion system (WECS). The proposed controller generates the optimal torque command ...
    • L1 contraction for bounded (nonintegrable) solutions of degenerate parabolic equations 

      Endal, Jørgen; Jakobsen, Espen Robstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-12-11)
      We obtain new L1 contraction results for bounded entropy solutions of Cauchy problems for degenerate parabolic equations. The equations we consider have possibly strongly degenerate local or nonlocal diffusion terms. As ...
    • L1 semigroup generation for Fokker-Planck operators associated with general Levy driven SDEs 

      Chen, Linghua; Jakobsen, Espen Robstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We prove a new generation result in L 1 for a large class of non-local operators with non-degenerate local terms. This class contains the operators appearing in Fokker-Planck or Kolmogorov forward equations associated ...
    • De la TSD à la TAD. Un témoignage 

      Strømskag, Heidi; Chevallard, Yves (Journal article, 2021)
      L’intérêt actuel pour la théorie anthropologique du didactique (TAD) suscite, dans un grand nombre de pays du monde, un effort d’enseignement et d’apprentissage de la TAD. Tel est le fait cardinal qui fonde le projet de ...
    • Lab Setup and Testing of Lithium-Ion Batteries with Focus on Dynamic and Aging Modeling 

      Molund, Eirik (Master thesis, 2013)
      This report presents the work on making a lab setup for testing of different types of batteries in the energy storage lab at NTNU/SINTEF. A complete lab setup has been made and two different LiFePO4 chemistry cells of size ...
    • Lab-oppsett for proteseforskning 

      Linnerud, Ådne Solhaug (Master thesis, 2012)
      Institutt for Teknisk Kybernetikk(ITK) ved NTNU har et programvarebibliotek for styring av proteser. Dette biblioteket består av et mønstergjenkjenningssystem som kan brukes til å styre en robothånd. Mønstergjenkjenning ...
    • Labelling clusters in an anomaly based IDS by means of clustering quality indexes 

      Storløkken, Roger (Master thesis, 2007)
      NORSK: Innbruddsdeteksjonssystemer har i de siste årene blitt en viktig komponent i løsninger for nettverkssikkerhet. Disse systemene bruker enten signaturbaserte eller anormalitetsbaserte teknikker for å detektere ...
    • Laboratory Demonstration of Frequency Support Provision from VSC-HVDC-connected Full Converter Wind Turbines 

      Ødegård, Jon Nerbø (Master thesis, 2015)
      The state of the art in wind power technology is offshore VSC-HVDC-connected (Voltage Source Converter-High Voltage Direct Current) offshore wind farm of Full Converter Wind Turbines (FCWT). This latest generation of wind ...
    • Laboratory Demonstration of Provision of Primary Frequency Control Services from VSC-HVDC Connected Wind Farms 

      Støylen, Hanne (Master thesis, 2014)
      Frequency control is a particularly significant issue with high levels of rotating generating units interfaced with power electronics in the power system. Since the power electronic converter decouples the generating unit ...
    • Laboratory experiments on ultrasonic logging through casing for barrier integrity validation 

      Talberg, Andreas Sørbrøden; Johansen, Tonni Franke; Larsen, Idar (Chapter, 2017)
      Verification of annular barriers is essential for well integrity, with ultrasonic methods being central in well integrity testing for many decades. By doing ultrasonic pitch-catch measurements on a bench top laboratory ...
    • Laboratory test of Single Landmark registration method for ultrasound-based navigation in laparoscopy using an open-source platform 

      Perez de Frutos, Javier; Hofstad, Erlend Fagertun; Solberg, Ole Vegard; Tangen, Geir Arne; Lindseth, Frank; Langø, Thomas; Elle, Ole Jacob; Mårvik, Ronald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Purpose Test the feasibility of the novel Single Landmark image-to-patient registration method for use in the operating room for future clinical trials. The algorithm is implemented in the open-source platform CustusX, a ...
    • Laboratory Testing of Multi-terminal VSC-HVDC 

      Teearu, Kalle (Master thesis, 2013)
      This report documents laboratory testing of multi-terminal HVDC system in down-scaled model. First, analytical method for solving DC power flow is introduced and explained. Power flow equations are set up and implemented ...
    • Laboratory Testing of Virtual Inertia Provided by Converters in Weak Grids 

      Fjeldberg, Kjeld (Master thesis, 2021)
      Økende andel av uregelmessig fornybar energiproduksjon i nettet gir et økt behov for fleksibel energilagring for å sikre frekvensbalansen. Pumpekraftverk er den mest modne teknologien for å dekke dette behovet. Med variabel ...
    • Laboratory Verification of the Modular Converter for a 100 kV DC Transformerless Offshore Wind Turbine Solution 

      Gjerde, Sverre Skalleberg; Ljøkelsøy, Kjell; Undeland, Tore Marvin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      In this paper, an experimental verification of the control of a modular series connected voltage source converter suitable for an HVDC transformerless offshore wind turbine is presented. The test bench is built around a ...
    • Ladesystem for elbiler i et borettslag ved bruk av smart-lading og lokal solenergi 

      Maisenhølder, Magnus Christensen; Strætkvern, Knut Erland Austad; Solheim, Gustav Flatmo (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      I denne rapporten skal man undersøke hvilken rolle smart-lading og solcelleteknologi kan ha for et elbilladeanlegg. Rapporten skal belyse hvilke muligheter man har for å installere et ladeanlegg i et eksisterende bygg med ...
    • Lagermodul 

      Kulsveen, Bjørn Inge; Prøven, Andreas Maurud; Østli, Marius Dahlen (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      I store bedrifter er det vanlig °a ha firmabiler eller andre kjøretøy som benyttes av ansatte i forbindelse med arbeidsoppdrag. Electric Time Car AS har et eksisterende system med navn CarAdmin som brukes til °a administrere ...
    • Lagersystem for utstyr 

      Pasichnyk, Maksym (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Abstract will be available on 2023-06-20