• [Game-based Learning] The Knowledge Challenge Game 

      Olseng, Jonas; Nielsen, Jon Magnus (Master thesis, 2015)
      Denne masteroppgaven ser på hvilke løsninger som finnes for flerspiller mobilspill og fokuserer på en metode kalt "time-shifting". Vi vil presentere en "time-shifted" quiz-applikasjon som vi utviklet til Android for å teste ...
    • Gaze Interaction for Handheld Multi-touch Devices - An Explorative Study 

      Fjermeros, Lars Emil; Sun, Shimin (Master thesis, 2016)
      This thesis explores how promising gaze interaction can replace touch interaction on handheld multi-touch devices. A set of three modules have been developed that use gaze as interaction method. These modules are run through ...
    • Generering av en navnedatabase for kinesiske tegn i japanske navn med utgangspunkt i Wikipedia 

      Holdaas, Lars Alexander (Master thesis, 2016)
      Å finne den korrekte måten å uttale et japansk navn skrevet med kinesiske tegn er en utfordring for både de som studerer japansk såvel som de som har japansk som morsspråk. I japanske navn kan kinesiske tegn uttalles på ...
    • ICT-Based Exercise Concepts for Seniors to Support Fall Prevention - What Do Seniors Really Want? 

      Rogstad, Odd Fredrik Mørch; Thevarajah, Nitharshaan; Hamborg, Truls Bjørnar Steinseth (Master thesis, 2015)
      BACKGROUND: Seniors, in this case 67 plus years, are the fastest growing demographic group in Norway. The people in this group have a high risk for falling, where one out of three has at least one fall incident each year. ...
    • Inter-team Coordination in Large-scale Agile Software Development - An Exploratory Case Study 

      Andreassen, Espen (Master thesis, 2015)
      In later years agile development methodologies have seen a steady growth. Agile approaches were originally developed for small-scale contexts to cover the increasing need for flexibility and the urge to be first-to-market ...
    • Large Scale Privacy Architecture - Implemenation and Evaluateion 

      Reimer, Erik (Master thesis, 2016)
      Various enterprises store information and transaction data about people who have, or have had, customer or client relationships with them. In addition, many people today use numerous online services where they disclose ...
    • Location-Based Tower Defense - Designing an Outdoor Exergame 

      Brandt, Audun Johannes (Master thesis, 2016)
      Increasing problems of physical inactivity has led to a growing interest in the field of exergaming. Exergames aim to use video games ability to excite and engage, and combine it with elements of physical activity and ...
    • Lokasjonsbasert app for Litterære Trondheim 

      Gupta, Vikas; Holtnæs, Siri (Master thesis, 2016)
      "Aldri før har interessen for litterære arrangementer vært så stor i Trondheim som nå. Og aldri før har tilbudet vært større" (Trond Åm, prosjektleder for Litteraturhuset i Trondheim, LiT). Lokasjonsbaserte mobilapplikasjoner ...
    • Mitigation of Cheating Threats in Digital BYOD exams 

      Søgaard, Thea Marie (Master thesis, 2016)
      Digital exams are not the most common practice in Norwegian higher education, but it is being tested and used at several institutions. Exams are normally conducted on pen and paper with limited access to resources, and it ...
    • Online Game Elements, Players and the Bond Between Them 

      Schweizer, Sandra (Master thesis, 2017)
      The results are guidelines for game developers to improve their game design. Through using the guidelines of the paper, developers know how to implement appealing online game elements which appeal to the player and draw ...
    • Pecora: Presentation of Free Range Sheep Information 

      Kirkhus, Julie Johnsen (Master thesis, 2016)
      The main goal of this research is to help sheep farmers find and track their sheep, especially at the end of the grazing season, when the sheep must return to the farms. This research aims at delivering the presentation ...
    • Pokémon GO: Success Factors and Health Effects 

      Skjervold, Audun (Master thesis, 2017)
      Niantic launched Pokémon GO during the summer of 2016, and the game spread like wildfire, and streets and parks were filled by players of all ages. While there had been similar games before, none of them had ever been this ...
    • Populating a prototype with external data 

      Jerre, Magnus (Master thesis, 2015)
      Creating user interface (UI) prototypes is an important step when developing new software. Many applications, especially data intensive applications, end up displaying some form of data. A UI prototype for such an application ...
    • Prototyping a digital support tool for an agile implementation of STPA 

      Ludvigsen, Niklas (Master thesis, 2018)
      Systems Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) is a powerful new hazard analysis method for safety engineering. This method aims to support a world where systems are more complex as a result of software. But this method might ...
    • Recommending activities for refugees in Norway 

      Kopstad, Henriette Vanvik (Master thesis, 2017)
      The influx of asylum seekers and refugees, especially in recent times, has caused a bottleneck in Utlendingsdirektoratet (UDI)'s application process, leading to long waiting periods for their work and residency permits. ...
    • Rullator for synshemmede - Brukbarhetstest av en løsning med ultralyd avstandssensorer 

      Bekkevold, Marthe Frogner (Master thesis, 2015)
      I denne studien har det blitt sett på en løsning for synshemmede rullatorbrukere og implementert en prototype for testing og evaluering. I starten ble det gjort en litteraturstudie for å få en oversikt over hvilke ...
    • SeaRhythm - A Rhythm Game with the ROLI Seaboard - Innovation in Game Controllers 

      Bjørlo, Tore (Master thesis, 2018)
      More than 60 years ago, the first video games started appearing, and game controllers followed. Since then, the video and computer games market has become one of the largest entertainment industries in the world. Millions ...
    • SignSight - Aiming for a new standard: Teaching sign language with the use of virtual reality and complex gesture recognition 

      Elvestad, Endre Olsvik (Master thesis, 2017)
      The initial aim of this master thesis was to assess alternative ways of teaching sign language to the hearing by using a virtual reality based learning system with gesture recognition. These four objectives were identified: 1. ...
    • Sikkerhet i Industrielle netverk 

      Henninen, Bjørn Ingemann (Master thesis, 2015)
      This thesis is about Industrial Control Systems (ICS) security and standards and regulations which can contribute to improve this. The thesis tries to answer which research is done on how standards would have impacted ...
    • Social Game-based Classroom Applications 

      Hoang, Tintin Trong (Master thesis, 2015)
      The goal of this research was to explore how game modes that are based on reaction and completeness affect players enjoyment, learning, engagement, concentration, motivation, emotional involvement and social experience. ...