• Gamifying Schools: Utilising Game Concepts to Enhance Learning 

      Sverdvik, Severin; Hvidsten, Nicolay H (Master thesis, 2013)
      Engaging elementary school students in various school subjects has always been a difficult task for teachers. In recent years, research on using computer games for educational purposes has shown that situated learning can ...
    • Gamifying TDT4100 

      Bolstad, Syver (Master thesis, 2018)
      There have been major advancements in information technology lately, and therefore an ever growing need for good programmers. This leads to more programming students, and an increasing pressure on the educators. The course ...
    • Gamifying the MITRE ATT&CK for Cyber Security Training using the COFELET Framework 

      Amro, Lama (Master thesis, 2022)
      Cyberangrep blir mer sofistikerte og endrer seg raskt. Godt trente cybersikkerhetsansatte er nødvendig for å holde styr på disse angrepene, og dette begynner med en godt utdannet og godt trent kandidat. Mens cybersikkerh ...
    • Gamut Mapping in RGB Colour Spaces with the Iterative Ratios Diffusion Algorithm 

      Gatta, Carlo; Farup, Ivar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      ifferent reproduction devices can have different sets of re-producible colours. These sets are called gamuts. The processof transforming colours from one device (or image) gamut to an-other is called gamut mapping. Gamut ...
    • GaN-based, High-frequency Converter for Use in Auxiliary Power Supplies for MVDC Converters 

      Gagnat, Lars (Master thesis, 2024)
      De siste årene har galliumnitrid (GaN) teknologien hatt betydelig fremskritt og etablert seg som en viktig brikke i utviklingen av høyfrekvens omformere. GaNs overlegne elektronmobilitet og evne til høy gjennomslagsspenning ...
    • GaN/AlGaN nanocolumn ultraviolet light-emitting diode using double-Layer graphene as substrate and transparent electrode 

      Høiaas, Ida Marie; Liudi Mulyo, Andreas; Vullum, Per Erik; Kim, Dong Chul; Ahtapodov, Lyubomir; Fimland, Bjørn-Ove; Kishino, Katsumi; Weman, Helge (Journal article, 2019)
      The many outstanding properties of graphene have impressed and intrigued scientists for the last few decades. Its transparency to light of all wavelengths combined with a low sheet resistance makes it a promising electrode ...
    • Gangway docking assistant 

      Solberg, Thorbjørn; Pedersen, Birger Skogeng (Bachelor thesis, 2015)
      Gangways are a common facility to transport personnel in offshore operations. Docking the gangways is challenging, and system developers of Uptime International gangways, ICD Software, desires a system to assist the ...
    • GANs enabled super-resolution reconstruction of wind field 

      Tran, Duy Tan; Robinson, Haakon; Rasheed, Adil; San, Omer; Tabib, Mandar; Kvamsdal, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Atmospheric flows are governed by a broad variety of spatio-temporal scales, thus making real-time numerical modeling of such turbulent flows in complex terrain at high resolution computationally unmanageable. In this ...
    • GANs enabled super-resolution reconstruction of wind field 

      Tran, Duy Tan; Robinson, Haakon; Rasheed, Adil; San, Omer; Kvamsdal, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Atmospheric flows are governed by a broad variety of spatio-temporal scales, thus making real-time numerical modeling of such turbulent flows in complex terrain at high resolution computationally unmanageable. In this ...
    • Gap terminology and related combinatorial properties for AVL trees and Fibonacci-isomorphic trees 

      Amani, Mahdi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We introduce gaps that are edges or external pointers in AVL trees such that the height difference between the subtrees rooted at their two endpoints is equal to 2. Using gaps we prove the Basic-Theorem that illustrates ...
    • Gaps in Knowledge Relevant to the “Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric and Magnetic Fields (1 Hz–100 kHz)” 

      Marino, Carmela; Croft, Rodney; Feychting, Maria; Green, Adele C; Hirata, Akimasa; d'Inzeo, Guglielmo; Oftedal, Gunnhild; Okuno, Tsutomu; Röösli, Martin; Sienkiewicz, Zenon; van Rongen, Eric; Watanabe, Soichi; Lagroye, Isabelle; Karipidis, Ken; Mattsson, Mats-Olof; Woods, Andrew (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Sources of low-frequency fields are widely found in modern society. All wires or devices carrying or using electricity generate extremely low frequency (ELF) electric fields (EFs) and magnetic fields (MFs), but they decline ...
    • Gas flow through shallow sediments - A case study using passive and active seismic field data 

      Landrø, Martin; Wehner, Daniel; Vedvik, Noralf; Ringrose, Philip; Løhre, Nora Løw; Berteussen, Karl-Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Offshore Quaternary sediment sequences are generally weak and unconsolidated, and fluid flow through these rock formations is hard to predict or model. Surface flow observations, such as gas seeps, often appear random and ...
    • Gas Lift Optimization Using Python and Prosper Well Models 

      Hulløen, Bendik Netland (Master thesis, 2022)
      Arbeidet utført i denne masteroppgaven har hatt som mål å maksimere produksjon av olje innenfor begresninger på trykk, gassløftrate og andre prosessbegrensninger. Brønn-modellen, som beskriver oppførselen til en brønn når ...
    • Gasskraftverk Kårstø 

      Vestrum, Johan Inderberg (Master thesis, 2007)
      Denne diplomoppgaven er skrevet i samarbeid med Statnett. Naturkraft har under bygging et gasskraftverk på Kårstø i Rogaland. Dette er et såkalt combined-cycle-kraftverk (kombinert kraftverk), som består av en gassturbin ...
    • Gastrin activates autophagy and increases migration and survival of gastric adenocarcinoma cells 

      Rao, Shalini; Solum, Guri; Niederdorfer, Barbara; Nørsett, Kristin; Bjørkøy, Geir; Thommesen, Liv (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background: The peptide hormone gastrin exerts a growth-promoting effect in both normal and malignant gastrointestinal tissue. Gastrin mediates its effect via the cholecystokinin 2 receptor (CCKBR/CCK2R). Although a ...
    • Gate controlling MPCs as Part of a cascaded MPC Structure, used for harmonic Mitigation in a Ship Power System 

      Dahlen, Olav Hagen (Master thesis, 2018)
      This thesis studies the effect of controlling gate switches in an APF using FCS-MPC. This gave a cascaded MPC structure. Where internal states and a calculated reference from the first MPC is used by a second MPC. The ...
    • Gate driver design for normally-off SiC JFET: Silicon Carbide technology for PV inverters 

      Grigorjevs, Aleksejs (Master thesis, 2011)
      In this thesis a research on modern SiC semiconductor devices is made with a bias on the driving methods and requirements. A compact two-stage gate driver circuit for SiC VJFET is developed, the transistor is characterized ...
    • Gate driver, snubber and circuit design considerations for fast-switching series-connected SiC MOSFETs 

      Ubostad, Tobias Nieckula; Peftitsis, Dimosthenis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Series connection of Silicon Carbide (SiC) Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) is an interesting solution to design switches for voltages that are not yet commercially available or limited for ...
    • Gate-Drive Circuits for Adaptive Operation of SiC MOSFETs 

      Rødal, Gard Lyng; Peftitsis, Dimosthenis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      This paper presents two novel adaptive gate driving concepts for Silicon Carbide (SiC) metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). The first concept is based on the adaptive over-driving principle and ...
    • Gathering Open Source Threat Intelligence from Twitter: An Integrated Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Approach 

      Kristiansen, Linn-Mari (Master thesis, 2020)
      Etterretning fra åpne kilder kan samles inn for mange formål, og innsamling av presis trusseletterretning fra åpne kilder kan være avgjørende når det kommer til effektiv håndtering av et cyberangrep. Spesifikke sårbarheter, ...